Bipolar and ideas of how to help ourselves beyond medication

Posted by healthytoday @healthytoday, Dec 10, 2018

Bipolar, I decided no matter what, I could study it, and get to know it. From there, I added vitamins (especially B and omega3. I felt better. Also, activity and funny movies helped. There are so many things I could do besides medication. I do have the milder form of it and have seem family members with a more severe illness. Meds are a life saver at certain times, and I was put on prozac back in the 1990's for 7 years that helped me get through my teaching career. At that time I needed "the big boys" to help with the heavy lifting, but being retired I rely on life style and not on any psy. agents. What a struggle. Anyone have simple ideas that help? Oh, I did find good coffee a boost against depression, but since my heart abif no more caffeine....: (...but dark chocolate is okay. I do miss coffee. I love beautiful music really can raise my mood. Once a therapist suggested a sad movie once a week to bring on a good cry. Tears release toxins. What else can we do for ourselves?

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I would love being on a farm. there is so much to experience. Watching the crops grow and animals much more. Living in the city is not the best way of feeling good and being creative. Smell the air and enjoy your companionship. The city is not the best place to be right now. It's like the ocean. It seems to never end.. Sleeping at night must be great. Start enjoying your surroundings. Do something that makes you happy. Tom

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Thanks, Tom. I do enjoy having quietude and open space. Ten years ago I wouldn't have used the word enjoy because depression had sucked enjoyment and pleasure out of me. The other day I put new tires and tubes on my bicycle so I can ride to the mailbox, about 3/4 of a mile from home to mailbox.

We are very happy to live where we do. Central Oregon is high desert and only has an annual precipitation of 14". We have a lot less trouble with allergies, and the winters are generally cold and sunny, today being a classic central Oregon winter day, with a blue sky and 35° at noon.

I haven't felt happy for 16 years, but I do feel less sadness than I did the first half of the years. Major depression in combination with anxiety disorder and PTSD squelches most emotions, but most notably happiness. I'm grateful that I can see improvement in my mood by now. I hope never to find myself in that dark hole of depression again.

Are you finding things that make you happy?



I'm finding things that make me happy. I love old movies and reading spirited books. I also like history channel, comedies etc. My sister and me watched Moonstruck and of course she cried. I love autobiographies. Patty Dukes book is excellent. She had a difficult road to follow, but she survived. Never let someone bring you down. Always stay positive. Barbara Steisand sings on a clear day you can see forever. I control my mind and what you put into the delicate organ will set your mood. Jim be happy it's OK. You deserve it and walk around the farm. Enjoy because life is short so why waste your time. I seen two birds on the fence and just watched them. They seem to sense that, but they made me happy. It's the little things that gives us happiness. Tom



I read my journals quite recently, around 15 years worth, mainly to make a record of when I started and stopped taking a long list of medications. It made for some interesting reading. I've told my wife to toss them when I die, without reading them.

I'm already mostly at home, especially in the summer, so being told to stay home is certainly nothing new. We have had to live the prepper lifestyle for quite a few years because it was a more than 2 hour drive to Wal-Mart and Costco, so our Suburban was usually full on the drive home. My wife grew up on a farm, so that's how she was raised. I was raised just the opposite, but I think that the hoarder gene was implanted at birth. So, our pantry and paper goods cupboard are always full. Sometimes it might be good to have a milk cow. But they have to be milked every day. We have ten acres, so we could put her on the pasture. But I'm trying to make our lives lower maintenance. So, probably no cow in our future unless a neighbor would want to share one. That is a thought. My in-laws had one during my wife's childhood. Hmm. I'd better not trouble my mind with that tonight, right at bedtime.


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I look in the mirror every morning and say you sure our ugly from the Color Purple. I look again and laugh. No one is ugly, not even the Elephant Man. I find beauty in everyone. Tom.


I look in the mirror every morning and say you sure our ugly from the Color Purple. I look again and laugh. No one is ugly, not even the Elephant Man. I find beauty in everyone. Tom.

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I'm not very kind to myself in the mirror.

I just took out some recycling and on the way looked at how the plants are doing. The mini daffodils have bloomed, the forsythia is about to bloom and I need to burn the big pile of prunings that has accumulated over the past year. But I need it to be a bit warmer so I can get hoses out to it, and mow a larger area around the pile. Last year the fire got away from me and burned a bit too close to my pickup.


Jim. Look in the mirror and look into your eyes. Your eyes will reveal your soul. I have deep brown eyes and if I look long enough I see my soul and I say your OK, then laugh. Tom


Jim. Look in the mirror and look into your eyes. Your eyes will reveal your soul. I have deep brown eyes and if I look long enough I see my soul and I say your OK, then laugh. Tom

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@tjprather I don't like looking in the mirror. I only do so when I'm drying my hair or to make sure my clothes are ok. My life has been on a rough patch of road for 20 years or so.



My sister is losing her hair from thyroid condition. I always compliment her. She bought a wig and she look's 15 years younger. I keep myself clean and I have to look in the mirror to shave. You don't to be bi-polar to feel that way. Many people don't like aging. I do because I know when my life ends I know where I'm going. Our bodies will be healed and we all will look good. I watch my mom a d dad age to me they were beautiful. I worked hard for my lines in my face and took on any adventure that came my way. You are handsome Jim and always be. will be. Don't let that mirror work against you. Tom.


Just my 2 cts. I'm not thrilled w. the idea your therapist suggested re seeing a sad movie once a week. Also if you have been diagnosed by a good psychiatrist/psychotherapist with bipolar disorder and they've suggested meds then you could try them. I'm bipolar -- for around 50 yrs. - and I do need my meds. I still have a horrible time getting up from bed -- and often don't.


Sometimes my successes were small steps like getting out of bed to bathroom. Then progressed to living room, etc. over months. I found it helpful to keep a diary of this as well as medication information, dosage and side effects which is helpful info for doctors especially psychiatrist.

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