Bipolar and ideas of how to help ourselves beyond medication

Posted by healthytoday @healthytoday, Dec 10, 2018

Bipolar, I decided no matter what, I could study it, and get to know it. From there, I added vitamins (especially B and omega3. I felt better. Also, activity and funny movies helped. There are so many things I could do besides medication. I do have the milder form of it and have seem family members with a more severe illness. Meds are a life saver at certain times, and I was put on prozac back in the 1990's for 7 years that helped me get through my teaching career. At that time I needed "the big boys" to help with the heavy lifting, but being retired I rely on life style and not on any psy. agents. What a struggle. Anyone have simple ideas that help? Oh, I did find good coffee a boost against depression, but since my heart abif no more caffeine....: (...but dark chocolate is okay. I do miss coffee. I love beautiful music really can raise my mood. Once a therapist suggested a sad movie once a week to bring on a good cry. Tears release toxins. What else can we do for ourselves?

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@oprah - just wanted to check in and see how things are going?

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Things have calmed down a bit, still very depressed. Still want to move to someplace with great mental health care.

Thanks for responding!


Yes, I am bipolar and have tried lamotrigine. It had no effect on me whatsoever. I have never experienced symptoms such as you describe, however. Good luck.

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So during an elevated mood you have never gone shopping and spending too much $?


So during an elevated mood you have never gone shopping and spending too much $?

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No, I would rearrange the furniture. Build a wall with rock and bottles. The more physical the better. One time my daughter and husband went to the movies, and in the three hours they were gone, I removed the living room carpeting. They were amazed when they got home and had to admit the wooden floor did look better than the carpet.


Hi, @oprah - That sounds like a wise idea to look at moving to be nearer to great mental health care. Are you feeling pretty serious about this?

@catcatanzaro60 - you mentioned you were told you might have mild bipolar disorder. Were you put on any medications for it or other therapy, or was the diagnosis too indeterminate to do so?

@healthytoday - those sound like some pretty ambitious and industrious elevated moods, with rearranging the furniture and removing the living room carpeting. Have you been in moods like this lately, the opposite, or more in the middle?


My doctor for pregnancy told me I was Bipolar. He gave me Prozac to stop the crying spells. I was never diagnosed with it. I was so much better. I was not pregnant. I was never diagnosed with it except I did go to the Linden Center for Bipolar study. They thought I had it after the study.


Hi Lisa,
Yes, I am serious about moving, but it is complicated. I have a borderline personality disorder and atypical dementia plus the bipolar. I have been living in independent continued care for about 3 years. I do not like the facility at all. There is no concern or understanding for mental health here, and I would say it is close to discrimination. I feel trapped, but don't know where to start. Also paid $120,000 entry fee here and $2,700/ month which has turned out to be a ripoff. Wish I had had a reference point and lots more info before I made this big mistake.


Hi Lisa,
Yes, I am serious about moving, but it is complicated. I have a borderline personality disorder and atypical dementia plus the bipolar. I have been living in independent continued care for about 3 years. I do not like the facility at all. There is no concern or understanding for mental health here, and I would say it is close to discrimination. I feel trapped, but don't know where to start. Also paid $120,000 entry fee here and $2,700/ month which has turned out to be a ripoff. Wish I had had a reference point and lots more info before I made this big mistake.

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@oprah - that is indeed complicated with wanting to move to be nearer to better mental health care with your diagnoses of borderline personality disorder, atypical dementia plus the bipolar, yet having made the significant financial investment in the independent continued care you've been living in for the last three years. I imagine it's really hard that you've not ended up liking the facility and feel that there is no concern or understanding for mental health there. I can understand that you would feel trapped.

I'd like to call on some other Connect members who may have some input for you on navigating this situation, like @johnbishop @IndianaScott @kateia @julesa @gailb. @healthytoday may also have some thoughts. Do you know what your options are, given the commitment you made financially, etc., at this point for moving to another facility that might be stronger in mental health care, @oprah?


My doctor for pregnancy told me I was Bipolar. He gave me Prozac to stop the crying spells. I was never diagnosed with it. I was so much better. I was not pregnant. I was never diagnosed with it except I did go to the Linden Center for Bipolar study. They thought I had it after the study.

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@catcatanzaro60 - is the fluoxetine (Prozac) sufficing at this point to keep things pretty stable for you?


@oprah - that is indeed complicated with wanting to move to be nearer to better mental health care with your diagnoses of borderline personality disorder, atypical dementia plus the bipolar, yet having made the significant financial investment in the independent continued care you've been living in for the last three years. I imagine it's really hard that you've not ended up liking the facility and feel that there is no concern or understanding for mental health there. I can understand that you would feel trapped.

I'd like to call on some other Connect members who may have some input for you on navigating this situation, like @johnbishop @IndianaScott @kateia @julesa @gailb. @healthytoday may also have some thoughts. Do you know what your options are, given the commitment you made financially, etc., at this point for moving to another facility that might be stronger in mental health care, @oprah?

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Hi @oprah -- You might want to contact the NAMI HelpLine to see if they are able to offer some advice or suggestions. It's a great organization with support groups around the country.

North American Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) HelpLine


@catcatanzaro60 - is the fluoxetine (Prozac) sufficing at this point to keep things pretty stable for you?

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I had it up to 40 when I went off. However the 20 has helped so much. I still am stuck. I started to get off the Cymbalta. I am going back to counseling for the PTSD next week. It has to be this med. I did have a very rough year last year with my Dad dying. My jobs letting me go due to disabilities and such. I went thru 5 jobs last year. My doctor fears that more Prozac out this time may do more harm, however, 40 of Prozac helped much better. I have never been so afraid to drive or go outside. It is getting my Anxiety so much worse.

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