Migraine: Did botox work for you?
I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.
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I know you said no side effects. Any medicine you cannot take with it. Where do you give yourself the injection? Does it really help with the Migranes?
I wasn't told of any medications I can't take with it. I take a lot of meds and haven't had any problems. It says to give the injections in the thigh or stomach. I've done both. The nurse gave me the second one in the stomach so would know how. Just grab a little fat and then inject it. I felt nothing. When I did it in the thigh it was a bit uncomfortable but not bad. I did the first injection the second week in April. I only had two migraines that month. Two weeks ago I did the second injection and have had two migraines since. They're not as intense.
Russy, Thanks! Will go that route next. No more Botox!
I had severe crippling cluster migraines for almost 7 years. The traditional Dr's tried out every new anti-seizure and migraine drug that came out. The last thing in their bag was the Botox. 25 shots in the head later and it did not help at all. they said when a new drug came out they would let me know.
I finally was referred by a friend to a local Naturopath. He worked thru diet and nutrition. In 6 weeks they were down to 1/2 and in 6 months they were totally gone. I've only had a couple in the last 10 years.
Everyone's issue and body are different. And at the time, insurance would not cover it, but it was worth every penny to be cured.
We called him the Voo Doo Dr. (He thought it was funny) because he used the a method called Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing).
Many people (esp traditional Dr's and me at first) said it was/is quackery - I completely disagree now.
Traditional western medicine ran about $200,000 worth of testing and drugs on me and came up with nothing.
He "cured" me in 6 months.
Our bodies are incredible and able to repair themselves IF we have not already become toxic in areas due to our western lives.
He actually said - my goal is to get your body back to a baseline where your own immune system can heal your body.
I was at the point where I would try ANYTHING, so what did I have to lose - my migraines I guess.
I am inclined to agree that the natural path is the best way to go...and that is the way I am targeting. However, I have tried some of their ways and have not received much relief. Acupuncture does not work for me but massages work. Pain medications don't work but a variety of massages work. Each person needs to map out what works and what does not work for them. I too have had thousands of dollars worth of tests and medications over many years. I now need to go through prior authorizations through my insurance company to get treatments and medications to keep me stable. I micromanage my care only because I am so fragile.
I am glad your VD Doc was able to help you. He has been able to help you gain your full self and it's worth every step of the way.
I am a 71 year old active female. I had a severe headache since the fall of 2013 and tried everything for relief. Most pain killers were out of the question due to GERD issues. Oxygen therapy worked for a while, but it became less and less effective. Last February I had a Botox treatment for migraines. My head felt better, but my face changed. My left eyebrow arched severely and looked very strange. It was so obvious that people asked what happened. I decided Botox was not for me. I wrote online to the doctor telling him about the result. He said that he could place the needles in different positions so that it would not be a problem again. May 2nd I decided to try it again. Unbelievably, I have not had a headache worse than level 1 (out of 10) since then. I feel like I got my life back again!
You're lucky with the Headaches. I did not have the eye droup, but I had the worse headaches of my Life for two weeks! There is another drug that I understand may be better than the Botox. My doctor offered no assistance with my headaches. Will not do another treatment.
I have come to the same conclusion on my own care! I had a visit with some old friends last week. One gentleman had 17 different drugs perscribed to him.
You have to finally say No! I have had body work done on me for 40 years. Have not had it recenly. I need to go back to it.
for the advice.
IF BOTOX doesn't work OR you as a patient do not want to go the route of injections in the forehead, neck, and shoulders, then perhaps the next option would be the newest drug called 'aimovig/ally' which the neurologist can provide information about for you. It is advertised on TV all of the time. This medicine is also a program that allows you to give the medicine to yourself. It's not a scary as the BOTOX and it has good results I am told. I may consider going this route now that I have relocated to a more sunnier location, have fewer migraines and have managed to control my overall health to make the jump. With a new physician that specializes in Migraines, this would be a good time to weigh the pros and cons. Remember, looking at all of the possible ways to control your day to day life and what options you can take to manage it with the best controls is the target here. Evaluating what brought on a migraine will allow you to seek out the cause and the eliminate it to the best of your abilities.
I am glad you were able to re-evaluate your options by talking with your doctor about the effects brought on by the Botox and seeking to change it. That is good communication both for you and for the doctor. Good Job and I know it will continue to help you.
Botox didn't work at all for my 8-12 migraines monthly. I tried Amovig and had severe nightmares. My neurogist indicated that he hadn't heard of that problem. The nightmares were very upsetting me. I would have to get out of bed or awhile until I got settled. on one of the cases I went back to bed only for the nightmare to come back. The nightmares were about people in my family getting killed. I have now tried Emgality for two months. I'm down to 3-4 migraines a month. I've had no side effects.