Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


@Contantandwell Thats not bad if you can stick to 3

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@lioness truthfully, they are not that tasty, they just provide a vehicle for the peanut butter.


@hopeful33250 Its the cheapest place in Long Beach to live we also have a gym ,library,computer room big community room ,laundrey all we need is a store lol The bus and train are within walked ng distance also. Im glad I am here and 20 minutes from son,s family.

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@lioness sounds perfect! What more could you want?


@Contantandwell when in Pa I worked close to ski slopes we got all the accident,s

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@lioness I skied for four years at Killington in Vermont, and that's where I met my husband. The hospitals in ski areas tend to be expert at setting broken bones. I never broke anything skiing, nor did any of the people who were also in my ski lodge, but of course there were many who did.


@contentandwell I grew up in Goleta, about 10 miles north of Santa Barbara. A small ranching/farming town back then, going to Sta Barbara was our trip "to the big city". I much prefer small towns.

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@gingerw and here I live in southern NH, which is actually commutable to Boston if you don't mind a long drive, but I am a city person. If I could afford to live right in Boston I'd be there in a heartbeat.


@Contantandwell I know where Covina is I use to li ve in Montclair

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@lioness it was actually @gingerw who mentioned Covina, not me. I do not know where Covina is!


@lioness truthfully, they are not that tasty, they just provide a vehicle for the peanut butter.

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@Contantandwell Well just put it on celery


@lioness sounds perfect! What more could you want?

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@Contantandwell Nothing more since we now have a nice Manager


@lioness I skied for four years at Killington in Vermont, and that's where I met my husband. The hospitals in ski areas tend to be expert at setting broken bones. I never broke anything skiing, nor did any of the people who were also in my ski lodge, but of course there were many who did.

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@Contantandwell I couldn't ski very well but loved cross country skiing At home we had a nice park Id do cross country and take my son to ski lodge Id go swimming while he skied .


@lioness it was actually @gingerw who mentioned Covina, not me. I do not know where Covina is!

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@Contantandwell sorry @gingerw I know where Covina is use to live in Montclair


I thought it was you gals who were all enthralled with weddings, it’s a major decision if the guy even shows up.

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Now just hope he shows up, especially since he’s had time to come to his senses. lol Hope his fiancé isn’t reading this.

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