Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Today I am grateful to be here, reading posts from different ones friends from around this big cyber table.

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Cybertable - I love that word picture!


Debra - I also want to join your gratitude group. Last March I ended up having 2 surgeries in 3 days. One was for a bowel blockage, the other for a broken leg that happened when I fell off the front porch on my way to the doctor. My daughter was there and helped me get to the doctor anyway. We didn’t know my leg was broken at that time. Following the surgeries I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic I was taking for the bowel surgery. I had a heart attack and 2 grand mal seizures. I was in the hospital 2 months and because of the seizures was unable to drive for 6 months. I am very grateful not to have any lasting disabilities as a result of what happened and will be having an ostomy reversal in January. The support I received from my children and friends has been phenomenal. My dtr,who lives in the same town, has been my angel.
Bi know I am very fortunate to have survived and want to be part of your gratitude group. I believe gratitude is the key to living our best life.

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I know your post was directed to Debra, but I just wanted to welcome you to Mayo Connect and to our cybertable here where we are posting about gratitude. I can see that you are very grateful for the support you have received and I am glad that you have joined us!


My friend has been sick for six months and she and I are flying to Mayo tomorrow. I'm grateful that I've experienced the "Mayo Miracle" myself and that I can share that with my friend.
My health keeps me at home a lot so I shop online and that frequently means calling the "Help Line" at Amazon, etc. I try to make a point of using their name during our conversation, and asking how they're doing. It seems to reduce my stress and I hope it makes their tough job a little friendlier. I'm grateful to the nice person who suggested this technique.

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Hello @lucylee
Welcome to Mayo Connect. Your friend is so fortunate to have you going with her to Mayo. I'm sure you can be of great assistance to her in being an extra listener! I'm sure she is grateful for your support!


I know your post was directed to Debra, but I just wanted to welcome you to Mayo Connect and to our cybertable here where we are posting about gratitude. I can see that you are very grateful for the support you have received and I am glad that you have joined us!

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Thank you


For the goodness in all nature to champion life over demise

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@deaconrest - Welcome to Connect! So glad to have you in our little Gratitude Discussion Group. What a beautiful sentiment you shared with us this morning. It brightened my morning! I too am inspired by nature - especially walks in the morning by the water. Can you share what is most inspiring to you?


I am sorry, but I will have to drop out of this group. My mailbox is flooded with replies to all the postings and my old computer can't hadle it. I tried to unsubcribe but the messages keep coming. I hope that I can just go back to the regular Mayo site. Thank you.


I need to unsubscribe also and it isn't working. Any ideas?

In reply to @coffeebean "Thank you" + (show)

@coffeebean Welcome to our humble group. I love welcoming new people. Your story is heartbreaking and I am glad that there are no lasting affects.🙂


Today I am grateful for parents,second chances, and the love of this group. I love the conversations and the vulnerabilities of each one of us that makes us who we are.🎄


I am sorry, but I will have to drop out of this group. My mailbox is flooded with replies to all the postings and my old computer can't hadle it. I tried to unsubcribe but the messages keep coming. I hope that I can just go back to the regular Mayo site. Thank you.

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I am sorry to see you go trueblue18.Have a great X-mas!

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