Pudendal Nerve Entrapment/Neuropathy/Damage

Posted by mandiPNE @mandee, Oct 5, 2018

Hello from a new member. Am wondering if anyone suffers from the monster Pudendal Nerve Entrapment/Neuropathy/Damage? I do. And I'm very alone in it. It is a very uncommon condition, and because of its personal nature, one that many people may not be comfortable opening up about. There seems to be a more vocal/visible presence of patients in the US, AUS and France. I hope, I need, I want - for it be made more aware of here in Canada. If there is any one who suffers from it, or who thinks they might, please feel free to open up about it. Please join me in advocating for ourselves in this horrible condition.

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I am fairly sure I have Pudendal Neuralgia. I have had this problem for over a year....extreme pain....have you found any medications that help?


I am fairly sure I have Pudendal Neuralgia. I have had this problem for over a year....extreme pain....have you found any medications that help?

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Hi kimp, I think I may have this too. So far I just take tramadol, use a TENS unit, and Biofreeze. Sometimes a heating pad. Are you in the States? I'm in Wi.


I think you are correct. It's legal in my state of NY and I'm legally certified to purchase through a dispensery. I feel its safer, better quality and guided use. CBD is for calmness/relaxation. THC is for pain.

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That sound great, I know years ago it sure helped with Anxiety & depression. When the DR’s at VA told me to try it they then tested me and canceled all my pain med’s cause I tested positive for THC. When I told the VA DR’s it didn’t help much with my pain he told me I wasn't doing enough. Honest I promise that is what the VA doctors told me. I hope the stuff works for you I really do and I wish it would work for me. I have been in constant pain since 1970 my first bad wreck. So I hope you can find relief cause I know how bad it is to live in chronic pain for years. Doctors have told me surgery would possibly put me in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. So I have been living with this and am so lucky that my family hasn’t given up on me and got rid of me.Cause I can’t stand myself most of the time. Sorry for dumping that I just have real bad day’s. I sure hope it help you and I know it would help me at least with the part where I am mean but if I use it then I don’t get any help with the constant pain, that won’t let me even sleep through the night. Thera-Gesic topical cream does help me at least get to sleep for a few hours. I know that topical cream is very hard to find but if you can it does knock the edge off long enough to do somethings. Try to find and give it a try. I found at Amazon.


As a male, diagnosed by PT with pudendal compression/entrapment. It was painful in legs, genitals, cold in feet. After 8 weeks of exercises and needling, I am 95% back to normal. I continue to the stretches and yoga, but have not fully returned to sexual activity, mostly due to reticence of that being too early. Hope this helps. But until I had a diagnosis and started to feel gradual results, I was a mental mess. It's very unsettling malady. Mine reportedly brought on by years of bad computer sitting.


I was positively diagnosed with PNE by Doctor Jordan in Santa Monica, CA, with a proprietary procedure in 2004; it was confirmed by specialists in Houston Texas in 2005. I agree, though, that pelvic floor disorders are notoriously complex; PNE did not explain all my symptoms, just most of them. I got PN bilateral nerve release surgery in mid-2005, with initial improvements, but within 6 months was doing poorly again. Then I changed my entire work lifestyle and did substantially better over time, eventually becoming nearly completely pain-free by 2010. I relapsed in 2012, but refused to change my life again until late 2013 when a specialist (Dr Weiss, San Francisco, highly recommended if he still practices) told me to take 3 months off work and stop sitting altogether during that time or I'd become a bedridden invalid. Shocked, but obedient, I did that. I returned to work thereafter 20 hours/week. Now in 2018 I can work 36 hours/week, sit up to 2 hours depending upon the surface and what I am doing, drive myself to store, and I'm down to just taking 30 mg Cymbalta a day (I was taking 3200 mg of Neurontin/day back in 2004!). Life is SO much better. Strongly suggest you look up pudendalhope ...excellent resources for PNE sufferer.

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Thank you for your Post!! I have had this for about eight years and the only thing that helped me was to stop sitting. It's a long story but it came back because I didnt leave well enough alone and now the pain is like it was at first. I'm going to stop sitting because that is what a Doctor in Minnesota told me to do years ago and that's what i did. So to see your post gives me new hope! I am at a place in my life where i am able to not sit for 3 months or more if need be. So I'm going to do that. Thank you.


Hi are you still on Mayo connect. You are not alone


Hi are you still on Mayo connect. You are not alone

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I don’t regularly participate, but I get alerts for a couple of discussions I’m in. What made you reach out?


Thank you for your Post!! I have had this for about eight years and the only thing that helped me was to stop sitting. It's a long story but it came back because I didnt leave well enough alone and now the pain is like it was at first. I'm going to stop sitting because that is what a Doctor in Minnesota told me to do years ago and that's what i did. So to see your post gives me new hope! I am at a place in my life where i am able to not sit for 3 months or more if need be. So I'm going to do that. Thank you.

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@angellagalante i have detailed posts about the stretching exercise and dietary supplements that significantly reduced my sitting pain. They are in this thread, pain in the butt thread and in the chronic pain thread. It is possible you have pelvic floor issues that can be reversed. There were numerous posts that might be helpful. Good luck.


I don’t regularly participate, but I get alerts for a couple of discussions I’m in. What made you reach out?

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I saw your post from maybe a year or two ago and you wondered if there was anyone else who suffered with the pudendal pain. I do and I have had it for years but it comes and goes. recently i went to PT (pelvic floor) and they did something that made it worse. Really bad again as I was at the point where pain was minimal and I could sit for short periods. Now I'm back to not sitting again. For me that has been the best thing to do. If possible just do not sit for about 3-4 months and the pain will subside. Nerves need to heal and regenerate and not be inflamed. But coming here to this thread I found I am not alone. I was on a different thread years ago and when I started feeling better I stopped. Well here I am.


@angellagalante I’m sorry your pain came back. Thank goodness you know what to do to relieve the pain. I’m glad you’re back on Mayo Connect. It’s a great support. I’m struggling with the side effects of Duloxetine which I take to help control my pain. It’s an antidepressant with a pain component. I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a result of my TKR in March 2019. I’m having tremors, my ligaments & tendons are in spasm, I’m foggy & I’m having difficulty focusing & concentrating. It took me an hour to type this reply. It’s exhausting.

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