Tired of waking up at 2am..Sonata

Posted by eliana5 @eliana5, Sep 26, 2018

Hi, I'm new here. I can't sleep. It's frustrating. I'm 56. I used to sleep 7 or 8 hours a night. Now, I'm lucky to get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I have no problem falling asleep, but every morning, without fail, I wake up at 2 or 3am and can't go back to sleep. I have mental health diagnosis. I am on 4mg Klonopin for severe anxiety and panic. Psychiatrist had me on Ambien, but after a few months it stopped working. I have BPD, put on 50mg of instant release Seroquel to be taken 31st bedtime. A very sedating medication. That does not help. I can't take herbs due to medication interactions. Remeron, also a sedating medication used to help, but stopped working. I have been on it since 2005. Busphar for anxiety does nothing to help me sleep. Psychiatrist just raised Seroquel dosage to 100mg from 50mg. Have not filled it yet. I don't know where to turn. I don't do anything stimulating before bed, computers, TV, eat, etc. Room is fairly dark. I don't know what to do, I'm exhausted all the time. It's wearing on me. Thinking about Melatonin? Psychiatrist will not prescribe sleeping pills..Sonata, Lunesta. Help..

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I too suffer from insomnia along with anxiety, bipolar and depression. I actually dread when it comes time to go to sleep, I start getting all anxious about it. Seems to just multiply until I'm a mess. Have you found anything that helps?


I too suffer from insomnia along with anxiety, bipolar and depression. I actually dread when it comes time to go to sleep, I start getting all anxious about it. Seems to just multiply until I'm a mess. Have you found anything that helps?

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Hi, @tuti, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Look forward to getting to know you and would like to get you connected.

Please meet @contentandwell @rachelanne @cathy514 @gaylea1 and @sandytoes14. Hoping they will have some ideas for you with the insomnia, and dreading and feeling anxious about going to sleep.

Here is some Mayo Clinic information on insomnia https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/insomnia/symptoms-causes/syc-20355167.

You may also want to check out our Depression & Anxiety group to see what discussions may interest you https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/depression-anxiety/.

What have you tried for your insomnia so far, @tuti?


Hi, @tuti, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Look forward to getting to know you and would like to get you connected.

Please meet @contentandwell @rachelanne @cathy514 @gaylea1 and @sandytoes14. Hoping they will have some ideas for you with the insomnia, and dreading and feeling anxious about going to sleep.

Here is some Mayo Clinic information on insomnia https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/insomnia/symptoms-causes/syc-20355167.

You may also want to check out our Depression & Anxiety group to see what discussions may interest you https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/depression-anxiety/.

What have you tried for your insomnia so far, @tuti?

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@lisalucier @tuti I am still having sleep problems myself. I can go weeks with no problem but when I am anxious about anything sleep eludes me. I have tried melatonin and it does help some, but not a lot. I have also tried taking half a table of Benadryl and that helps but I don't like to use it often, and I think the sleep with it is not as restful. I've tried lavender mists on my pillow and face and those really do not help me but I guess they do help some people. My doctor gives me a prescription for 10 Ativan a year so when I am really desperate, as in not having slept in two or three nights, I will take one of them. They are not supposed to be a sleeping pill, they are for anxiety, but it's anxiety that keeps me awake at times.


Thought I was the only one that could go to sleep without medication and two hours later, awake for the remainder of the night. For thirty years I took 2 generic benadryl at midnight when I would wake up. That process would work sometimes and sometimes not. It was not unusual for me to go to work at 2 or 3 am. Several times I tried to wean from the generic benadryl, without success. I followed all of the recommendations for a good nights sleep, exercise, dinner early, no alcohol or liquids at night, dark cool bedroom, no tv in bedroom, sound machine, regular routine without success. Six months ago, had a knee replacement and did not sleep for a second for two weeks, even with narcotics. Surgeon sent me to a sleep doctor, who had me do an in home sleep test. Results were 51 apneas per hour, and he said that any number over 30 per hour is considered severe. He prescribed CPAP and found out very quickly that the silicone mask caused open sores. Tried two other masks, same issue. My SleepMed therapist was no help. I started searching and found liners for ResMed P10 nasal pillows, which corrected the problem. But, the CPAP did not improve my sleeping, so back to the sleep doctor. He said I had two problems, Sleep Apnea and Insomnia and the only solution for the Insomnia was medication. Now, I take Melatonin when I go to bed and two hours later Clonazepam which works for another 3-4 hours. The Sleep Doctor said do not take the generic benadryl. Good Luck to everyone with a double whammy like me. BJ


Thought I was the only one that could go to sleep without medication and two hours later, awake for the remainder of the night. For thirty years I took 2 generic benadryl at midnight when I would wake up. That process would work sometimes and sometimes not. It was not unusual for me to go to work at 2 or 3 am. Several times I tried to wean from the generic benadryl, without success. I followed all of the recommendations for a good nights sleep, exercise, dinner early, no alcohol or liquids at night, dark cool bedroom, no tv in bedroom, sound machine, regular routine without success. Six months ago, had a knee replacement and did not sleep for a second for two weeks, even with narcotics. Surgeon sent me to a sleep doctor, who had me do an in home sleep test. Results were 51 apneas per hour, and he said that any number over 30 per hour is considered severe. He prescribed CPAP and found out very quickly that the silicone mask caused open sores. Tried two other masks, same issue. My SleepMed therapist was no help. I started searching and found liners for ResMed P10 nasal pillows, which corrected the problem. But, the CPAP did not improve my sleeping, so back to the sleep doctor. He said I had two problems, Sleep Apnea and Insomnia and the only solution for the Insomnia was medication. Now, I take Melatonin when I go to bed and two hours later Clonazepam which works for another 3-4 hours. The Sleep Doctor said do not take the generic benadryl. Good Luck to everyone with a double whammy like me. BJ

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@sleepy0 I am tired just reading your post! I have trouble getting back to sleep if I get up as morning is approaching (bathroom call, or to take medication) and I have trouble falling asleep if I have anything on my mind, or know I have a very busy day the next day. I take melatonin but frankly, I am not sure it helps. I do occasionally take 1/2 of a generic Benedryl tablet at bedtime, and that does help. I presume your doctor's suggestion to not take that was more to not take it on a regular basis, or are there other reasons also? Thankfully I do not have sleep apnea.
I hope you are getting enough sleep now. It really is difficult to not get enough sleep for numerous nights in a row.


@sleepy0 I am tired just reading your post! I have trouble getting back to sleep if I get up as morning is approaching (bathroom call, or to take medication) and I have trouble falling asleep if I have anything on my mind, or know I have a very busy day the next day. I take melatonin but frankly, I am not sure it helps. I do occasionally take 1/2 of a generic Benedryl tablet at bedtime, and that does help. I presume your doctor's suggestion to not take that was more to not take it on a regular basis, or are there other reasons also? Thankfully I do not have sleep apnea.
I hope you are getting enough sleep now. It really is difficult to not get enough sleep for numerous nights in a row.

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He was referring to benadryl on a daily basis and the reason that I was trying to wean myself, was the clinical studies that showed long term use of benadryl caused dementia. Best wishes. BJ


He was referring to benadryl on a daily basis and the reason that I was trying to wean myself, was the clinical studies that showed long term use of benadryl caused dementia. Best wishes. BJ

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@sleepy0 Thanks. Dementia? Now that's scary.


.5 mggDo you excercise? Vigorous exercise, during the day, might help. I had sleep problem for 3 years, then started Temazepam which worked great, but problem is need to increase dosage to get same result. Started at 7.5 mg. Then, opening a 15mg capsule, dumped out a bit, so I was taking approx. 10-13mg. When got accustomed to that had to use whole 15mg capsule. Now that is no longer adequate. So, I have used the Term for 3 years. Now pain doctor wants me off the Temazepam, so I will start tapering off and try combination of benadryl and THC (from marijuana or hemp). Try this:when you wake up at 2am take good hot shower, dry off quickly so you don't get chilled, then get into bed with blankets on. For me, after I do the quick dry [skin still has some water on it] I get into thick cotton terry robe. Then I get into bed. Sometimes this puts me right back to sleep. Good luck


He was referring to benadryl on a daily basis and the reason that I was trying to wean myself, was the clinical studies that showed long term use of benadryl caused dementia. Best wishes. BJ

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Thanks for info.


Hi there, jumping in late to this conversation but wanted to share what worked for me. I've had insomnia off and on for 15 years. Sometimes couldn't fall asleep, and for the last 6 years been waking up at 3am on the spot. Went to many doctors, blood work all normal. Tried benadryl for a couple of years but it's not real sleep and then report came out that benadryl and the like can eventually cause dementia. Years ago tried ambien, didn't work, and I'm glad because I wouldn't want to be on medication long term that doesn't address the actual cause (lots of experience watching my mom go down that slippery slope). I was desperate, my daily life was severely impacted by lack of sleep. My doctor told me there was "literally no other test to run" and I was at my wits end. Then, my chiropractor who also does functional medicine asked me about my hormones. I'm 43 now and not menopausal so I was surprised. A saliva test later and I had my answer! Estrogen was very high and progesterone was almost nonexistent! I couldn't stop smiling as we went over the results and felt so vindicated when he said "I don't know how you get out of bed every morning". I now take an herbal supplement to lower my estrogen and bioidentical progesterone. It's a moving target and fluctuates during the month so I still have some bad nights (like tonight) but overall I feel much better. So my recommendation is to ask for a hormone SALIVA test, as a blood test is only a snapshot and won't give you the whole picture. No matter what, be your own advocate for getting to the root cause of your issues. I hope you are feeling better and get answers soon!

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