Depression and Anxiety at an older age

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Sep 14, 2018

I am a 70 year old woman who has had depression and anxiety for a long time. It got worse 3 years ago when my husband lost one of his jobs. I panicked and my anxiety increased. I was afraid to do things. like driving. I have arthritis pretty bad and foot problems. I'm a Christian and my faith has helped me. My husband was a pastor and our church closed 3 months ago. We've had continual stress. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself during the day. I've gotten help from several doctors, including a psychiatrist. I also have IBS. I am better. I'm taking trazadone duloxetine, remeron and xanax. Also on osteo biflex, probiotic , bentyl and celebrex. I want to get on Sam e but it may interact with one of my meds. Thanks for listening.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.


Oh my goodness thank you so much. If I did one good thing today I am overjoyed. I am waiting to get a call yet from some mental health counselors, and hopefully that might come after the Labor Day weekend. If not, I will pursue it. I have been journaling off and on, and surprisingly, writing both the good and bad things that are going on, do help me. It is surprising to go back and read them, and sometimes I can't believe how I was feeling at that time. I would love to keep in touch, it does help to know we are not alone, right?

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Hello @jamsie,

I read your most recent post and while I realize that it was directed to @helenfrances, I noticed that you wrote about "journaling off and on." Mayo Connect has a great discussion group on the topic of journaling that you might enjoy also find helpful. The title of the discussion is "Journaling, the Write Stuff For You?" Here is the link to that discussion,

Journaling does help with the feeling of isolation, doesn't it? As you read the posts in this group, you will find members, just like yourself, who use journaling as a way to better understand how they are feeling and the progress they are making towards self-understanding.

Will you take a look at that discussion and let me know what you think?


I can’t answer your question but I to am older, at 76 and have a lifetime of depression and anxiety. I’ve tried many drugs but what finally broke the code for me was 4 mg of klonopin and a tremendous therapist. The klonopin got my anxiety down to where I could work with my therapist and get to the root cause of the problem. I was able to get off the klonopin very easily using a step down approach with my psychiatrist. Good luck.

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I take .5 mg. Of klonopi n four times daily. That's the highest amount my pyschiatrist will prescribe.My anxiety level has been high and depression worse. I've been prescribed Buspar 10 mg twice daily. It helps both problems but not as much as I would like. I also take Geodon, Effexor and Lamictal.


I take .5 mg. Of klonopi n four times daily. That's the highest amount my pyschiatrist will prescribe.My anxiety level has been high and depression worse. I've been prescribed Buspar 10 mg twice daily. It helps both problems but not as much as I would like. I also take Geodon, Effexor and Lamictal.

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I suffered seizures for 2 years from lamictal although a rare side effect. I disobeyed my psychiatrist and stopped taking it when I lost the ability to speak or read for a week. I also had to slither like a snake to get around. I thank God the damage was not permanently. And it all started with a rash he told me to go to the emergency room immediately if I started to get. I did and the doc pulled his cell phone out and said (no lie) looks like flesh eating disease to me. We’ll pump you with Benadryl and hope for the best. He never checked on me and the blisters slowly subsided from my feet to my head. Told that same psychiatrist and he said he didn’t think it was the lamictal. That was my warning sign I should have listened to


Hi there .... although our stories are not exactly the same, the results are. Just know .... there are many of us seniors out here that struggle with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and the various forms of Bipolar. We should have a senior forum for these problems because I do think they are somewhat different in us older folks than in younger folks. I'm 75 and moved to be closer to my daughters 5 years ago ... big mistake .... I was so comfortable in my own condo, church, friends, and I knew my town like the back of my hand ... I'd lived there for 30 years. Then at 70 years old, I was uprooted and moved to another state with entirely different roads, stores, living arrangements, churches ..... just everything. I take 6 psychotropics and see my Psychiatrist every 6 weeks. I am again driving to my former state to see my Psychologist about every month or two. You're not alone, just know that, and I fully understand how you're feeling. Take care of yourself.


I take .5 mg. Of klonopi n four times daily. That's the highest amount my pyschiatrist will prescribe.My anxiety level has been high and depression worse. I've been prescribed Buspar 10 mg twice daily. It helps both problems but not as much as I would like. I also take Geodon, Effexor and Lamictal.

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@lind2sey. I know your pain of anxiety and depression well. Generally I have 1 panic attack each day from about 8 am until noon-ish. I might get another one starting at 3 if my husband isn’t home. That attack lasts til I take enough melatonin to knock me out. After years of searching I finally find a doc that will prescribe a benzo for me but even they sometimes have no effect. No antidepressant or antiseizure med has helped my anxiety.


Thank you for your comments. I've taken Clonazapam for years with, thankfully, no memory loss. My issues came about when my doctor decided I shouldn't take it with my pain meds despite the fact I'd never had issues in the past. She made that decision without warning & I was forced to from 3 mg a day to nothing. Withdrawal was awful & I've been suffering since. Florida seems to be a CYA (cover your a__s state for doctors. Don't listen to me or think outside the box but, rather, prescribe, or don't prescribe, to make sure you (doctors) don't get in trouble. It's so frustrating and I'm at the end of my rope. Your response helped me a lot. I appreciate your kind words. Take care.

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I’ve had the same thing happen. Drs afraid to prescribe a benzo and a pain med. I do not abuse meds and living without both of these is a life not worth living. Give me a waiver to sign that absolves the doc of all responsibility. How do we stop this madness?


Hi, my name is Annie and I have anxiety and depression ans ocd and Im 43 yrs old and I might get a new job snd Im so scared if I take it My anxiety will take over ann Ill work in a school district. I take anti anxiety meds and I slso had my first panic attack and I need some advice. Im scared of everything


Hi there .... although our stories are not exactly the same, the results are. Just know .... there are many of us seniors out here that struggle with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and the various forms of Bipolar. We should have a senior forum for these problems because I do think they are somewhat different in us older folks than in younger folks. I'm 75 and moved to be closer to my daughters 5 years ago ... big mistake .... I was so comfortable in my own condo, church, friends, and I knew my town like the back of my hand ... I'd lived there for 30 years. Then at 70 years old, I was uprooted and moved to another state with entirely different roads, stores, living arrangements, churches ..... just everything. I take 6 psychotropics and see my Psychiatrist every 6 weeks. I am again driving to my former state to see my Psychologist about every month or two. You're not alone, just know that, and I fully understand how you're feeling. Take care of yourself.

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I am moving for the same my daughter has turned to be very depressed and sour and mean. I am scared but have no choice.


Hi, my name is Annie and I have anxiety and depression ans ocd and Im 43 yrs old and I might get a new job snd Im so scared if I take it My anxiety will take over ann Ill work in a school district. I take anti anxiety meds and I slso had my first panic attack and I need some advice. Im scared of everything

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I am 78 and have lived with anxiety and depression since at least 3rd grade panic attacks. The best thng I ever did in my life was to go and work in the school systerm with the kids. I bet it will really help you.


Hi, my name is Annie and I have anxiety and depression ans ocd and Im 43 yrs old and I might get a new job snd Im so scared if I take it My anxiety will take over ann Ill work in a school district. I take anti anxiety meds and I slso had my first panic attack and I need some advice. Im scared of everything

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Hi @annieb0188, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Fingers crossed that you get that job. Can you share with me what makes you scared to accept the job?

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