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Spotting on and off for more than a week

Women's Health | Last Active: Mar 3, 2023 | Replies (9)

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Hi, @lovingmy2boys - I wanted to join @lioness in welcoming you to Mayo Clinic Connect. I can imagine that seeing differences from what you are used to in your menstrual cycle might cause you to wonder about it. About 16 years ago, I had a really unusual experience for my cycle and bled a ton all over the seat in my car, with my normal changing the tampon, etc. I went to the ER and was checked out, and ultimately it could not be attributed to anything - I was more or less told it was an inexplicable anomaly. This never happened again.

Mayo Clinic has a helpful article on what's normal and not for periods, which I thought I'd share: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/in-depth/menstrual-cycle/art-20047186.

I'm hoping that @aoisakurachan and @travelgirl will return and offer some input on your cycle that was late, very heavy then thinned, lasting longer than normal with spotting over multiple days and then some further spotting 2 weeks out from your next cycle. @hopeful33250 may also have some thoughts.

I also think that contacting your doctor, a nurse line in your doctor's office or sending a message in a secure portal to your provider would help clarify and help you feel better. Have you gotten to get ahold of your doctor over the day today? Are you feeling okay?

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Replies to "Hi, @lovingmy2boys - I wanted to join @lioness in welcoming you to Mayo Clinic Connect. I..."

Hello @lovingmy2boys,

I'm glad you posted about this concern. I think that @lioness and @lisalucier are correct about the need to contact your doctor's office by phone or through the patient portal.

In the meantime, if you are comfortable sharing more, could you explain your comment, "history of unbalanced hormones causing my cycle to be a little off" How long ago was this diagnosed? How has it been treated?

You also do not mention your age, but sometimes as we reach into our 40's some pre-menopause symptoms can happen and they can make the monthly cycles different.

Perhaps this is a one time experience and will not happen again, but I would be sure and let your doctor know about it since it was not typical for you.