How long do you wait to hear from Mayo?
Hi, I am new to this group. My husband has HOCM and five blockages. He has been told by his local cardiologist he need bypass and thickening removed. His doctor has reached out to a doctor at Mayo. He was called by someone from his doctors office that he would hear from a doctor from Mayo soon. That was Monday today is Thursday, no word. How long does it take for things to happen? We want this over the sooner the better.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Support Group.
Update, a week and half later we received a call from Mayo, today July 31 we are flying to Rochester. Surgery us scheduled for Friday August 1st.
I'm so glad to hear such great news, @ronitb!
I can only imagine how rushed you must be, but when you have a moment I'd sincerely encourage you to go through some of the conversations taking place in the Visiting Mayo Clinic group on Connect:
I'm certain you will find some valuable information from fellow members who've shared experiences about their visit, travel, accommodations, and so much more. I'm also tagging one of our Mentors of the HCM group, @cynaburst, with the hope she will return to share her insights as well.
I wish you and your husband all success, and sincerely look forward to getting more updates about his progress. @ronitb, I realize that this must be an anxious time for your family – we're here to help.
Thank you for your reply. It feels good knowing there are people out there who have gone thru the feelings one has. My husband seems calm however every so often the tention surfices. I can’t wait to be on our return journey home.
There are many others who have been through myectomy. There are some resources for people going through myectomy on my blog: for patients about myectomy.
I hope that he does great. Who is his surgeon?
Dr Schaff is doing the surgery, and Dr Nishimura is the doctor. Surgery is on Friday. I must say that the visit today for testing at Mayo was very good experience. They are the most efficient, Staff could not be any friendlier. We have some time tomorrow to look around, a staff member gave us recommendations to restaurants and a trolley ride around the area. Everything is spelled out before you get there, there are staff members all over to help you get around if you need. Can't say enough about impressed I was. Hoping St Mary's on Friday will be the same.
Hi @ronitb,
I've been thinking about you, and was wondering if your husband underwent surgery, and how he's progressing?
Thank you for asking. He had his surgery on Friday August 3rd with Dr Schaff. All went well, and arrived home last night, Saturday August 11th. My husband is 71 years old and had Septal Myectomy, and triple bypass. It was later discovered that during surgery one if the wires from his pace maker was disturbed and I think damaged so they went in on Wed. August 8th. And replaced the wire. He ended up in the hospital a little longer then we expected. He slso came home needing oxygen for a couple of weeks. None if this is simple, cut and dry. Each person responds differently, and may Have a different recovery time. I must say I appreciate all the blogs, it helps families see that what they are experiencing is normal. I must comment on the fabulous nursing staff that Mayo has. They bent over backwards to help their patients.
Question, my husbands surgery was on August 3rd, left Mayo on August 10. Approx two weeks later he started with a dry cough. His local cardiologist gave him some pills for the cough that help, but still bad. Wondering if anyone else had this?
I did have a little cough but mine stopped on it’s own. If in doubt call the surgeon and ask what they recommend.
My husband had septal myectomy on October 4 his sturgeon was Dr Schaff and cardiologist Dr Geske I have nothing but amazing things to say about our whole experience. We arrived from San Diego on September 29 and on October 1 started the tests everything flowed not one hiccup. Surgery went well on the 4th and my husband was discharged on the 4th day postop. We stayed in the hotel for 2 days and flew home on the 11 th Oct. the whole experience was awesome.