Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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You should see another doctor—a competent gastroenterologist. A dosage of 80 mg of a PPI is very high. Did the 40 mg not help you? You should see a good GI doc before you experiment with “natural” remedies your own. Just because they are “natural” doesn’t mean they have no side effects.

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Hi I think because I had to take the 40 mg in one dose it made me sick to my stomach I have gotten some 20mg over the counter and will start with them I have to go though my GP to get a referral to go to GI doctor yes I do need to see what’s the problem.I have an appointment with GP for a checkup and I am going to insist that she refer me this has been going on since April.Thankyou


@carnet I had similar reaction like u when taking meds. Can I suggest you remove red meat from ur meal? . I stop eat before full. And doing lot's of meditation. I'm off meds now 😁


@carnet I had similar reaction like u when taking meds. Can I suggest you remove red meat from ur meal? . I stop eat before full. And doing lot's of meditation. I'm off meds now 😁

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Hi I am now back to 20mg of Omerprozole in the morning and will add 20mg back at night before dinner.I have always had a hard time getting used to any Med.Since taking the feeling of something in throat is getting better.I have changed so many things.When you say lots of meds how much were you taking?I do have red meat once in a while but you cut out.
Thank you


Hi I am now back to 20mg of Omerprozole in the morning and will add 20mg back at night before dinner.I have always had a hard time getting used to any Med.Since taking the feeling of something in throat is getting better.I have changed so many things.When you say lots of meds how much were you taking?I do have red meat once in a while but you cut out.
Thank you

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@sylviapat I have been on Omerprozole for quite a along time. Take it before breakfast and the 2nd on at bedtime. It has really helped me with no side effects. I hope this helps.


@carnet I had similar reaction like u when taking meds. Can I suggest you remove red meat from ur meal? . I stop eat before full. And doing lot's of meditation. I'm off meds now 😁

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Hi i started meditation a little while ago it helps some how long were you on meds before you got off of them?All our lives got so turned upside down with the virus. Thankyou


@sylviapat I have been on Omerprozole for quite a along time. Take it before breakfast and the 2nd on at bedtime. It has really helped me with no side effects. I hope this helps.

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Hi do you take over the counter Omerprozole?Are you taking for heartburn and acid reflux? Some one was telling me she had an issue with some brands.Thank you


I am trying to get off omeprazole because this is a bad drug according to research, I have had a headache every day for a week as I have taken it every other day, and heartburn! Help!


Hi @karjack. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am so sorry your are having headaches daily! I know your pain. As you will see I moved your comment to an ongoing discussion about getting off of Omeprazole so that you could connect with others who are going through the same process.
Besides heartburn and headache, have you had any other symptoms? Have you consulted with your doctor about tapering off of this medication?


I am sorry your going through this. I was omperzole for almost 25 years. I started to see a Naturpathic and she helped me get off them. I started taking licorice tabs and it helped with a diet change. I am now proud to say that I am pill free. I have never been so happy to not have to take pills for heartburn and indigestion or anything pertaining to this.
I hope you get the help you need. Good luck


@robinl If you are over 40 there are side effects of taking licorice for a long time... please look into it .. Licorice can reduce the amount of potassium in the body and can have some effects on the heart.. There are interactions of some medications with Licorice so when a new med is prescribed.. check interaction.. Its not like the candy we used to get for a penny... that was a long time ago.. Ken

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