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DiscussionMysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?
Lung Health | Last Active: 18 hours ago | Replies (3471)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "@isnotanxiety I was wondering how you and @gabrielm, who started this thread, were doing. I started..."
@nla4625- I've done a bit of research into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Since I am not a scientist nor a doctor I have to break the science down in simpler terms than what I read. I google a lot! What I gather about MCAS is that it is mostly an allergic reaction to something or many things. (although this is currently being debated). The tests that you mention are urine tests to determining whether the symptoms occur in separate attacks and are typical symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction without a clear cause. Or if they are repeated reactions.
The problem with this syndrome is that after a positive diagnosis the results may not pinpoint the triggers that activate these cells to cause symptoms. There are thousands and thousands of allergies, many of which don't have a particular trigger or solution. Also, there is not a "one treatment fits all" for this.
MCAS is also a multi-system disease:
My shortness of breath is due to lung cancer and damage to and loss of lung tissue from cancer itself and treatments. I also feel SOB when I exert myself beyond what I should. But, hey, why not try? lol. I also love the deep cleansing breaths when they come!
It makes sense that SOB can be an allergic reaction, even to our own bodies. I think that since it's so hard to pinpoint causes for this means that not everyone responds to the same treatments. A lot of times, as we can see in this group, it's a trial by error.
MCAS is definitely much more complex than what I have described. A scientist might shake his head at my post and tell me to go back to gardening or painting. Does any of this make sense? Did I miss it completely?