Mysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?

Posted by Gabe, Volunteer Mentor @gabrielm, May 31, 2018

I will try to make this as short as possible, but this has been going on for over 5 years, so it might be farily long. 

Beginning in summer of 2012, I began having shortness of breath (SOB) with no other symptoms. I felt a constant need to yawn, and every few breaths wouldn't satisfy the SOB. I would take a deep breath, and felt like it would get "stuck" before satisfying the air hunger feeling. About every 3-5 deep breaths would satisfy it, only for it to return a minute later. 

I got an endoscopy and other tests done, which revealed that I had some esophageal erosion due to acid reflux and a slight hiatal hernia and was diagnosed with GERD. I had always have bad heartburn, so I was prescribed with Prilosec, which I have been taking daily since them. I've tried stopping it a few times but the reflux always comes back a lot worse. 

Lung tests and x-rays were normal. Heart tests normal. Blood test revealed a slight anemia but otherwise pretty normal. 

I did some research reading forums where someone suggested taking vitamin B-12. Strangely, I took it and the SOB disappeared almost instantly. However, it only lasted a few days for it to return just as bad. I then started taking an iron supplement, which again made the SOB disappear quickly- same thing; symptom returned days later. 

After further research, I came across a breathing exercise method called the Buteyko method. Essentially you do a lot of breath holding to build up CO2 and reduce breathing as the theory is that I had chronic hyperventilation causing too much CO2 to exit my body. After applying the method and reducing my breathing, the SOB disappeared after only 2 days and I felt completely normal. I continued the method a few more days then no longer felt the need to pursue the exercises. I was normal for a whole year when the SOB once again returned with some chest tightness. I applied the method again and the symptom went away, this time with a little more effort; after about 3 weeks. I included physical exercise which also helped with my breathing. 

After that, I was normal for about 2 years. I mistakenly stopped or at least slowed down exercise and the SOB returned once again. I applied the method and began running for exercise but the SOB kept getting worse. It got so bad, I had multiple panic attacks and the feeling of completely empty lungs with the inability to satisfy it with deep breaths. I had to stop exercise altogether, apply the Buteyko method and do breathing exercises very carefully with very light and slow exercise. This helped, but it took many weeks for the SOB to improve. Then, it was almost normal when over a year ago as I was running, I couldn't get a deep breath to satisfy exercise-induced SOB. I have had SOB continuously since then (a year and a half). 

I once again started doing breathing exercises and slowly building up physical exercise, but I can't do any prolonged cardio activity because the SOB gets to a point where deep breathing will not satisfy it. While the breathing exercises have helped, they have had very little effect compared to previous efforts. It seems that every time the symptom returned, greater effort yields few results.

I suspect there is something, some underlying cause that is causing the SOB that has alluded me this entire time. 

So for the past few months to a year, the SOB is worse on some days, better on others, but never gone. There's no rhyme or reason or pattern for it. It's just there, sometimes affecting my sleep. I sometimes can't get a deep breath to satisfy it every now and then, but for the most part, a big gulp of air will satisfy it. But it returns seconds to minutes later. It's as though every breath doesn't deliver what it's supposed to, the SOB builds up, and then I have to take a big gulp of air to get rid of the feeling, pattern repeats. My breathing pattern is normal, however. I don't feel like anything physical is happening, but sometimes it feels like my airways and nostrils are slightly inflamed due to allergies, but when I don't feel inflammation the SOB is still there. 

Recent lung function tests show normal- I don't have asthma, or any other problems with my lungs. Heart tests are normal though I did have about a two week bout of heart palpitations which came and went. Haven't had any for a while- it just mysteriously started happening then stopped. Blood tests are normal, though tests always show a slight elevation of biliruben which my doc thinks is Gilbert's disease. 

I don't have sleep apnea (normal test), bloody oxygenation is normal, heart rate normal. 

I recently saw local naturopath (since mainstream docs aren't able to help) who immediately suspected a liver problem when I described my SOB, possibly liver inflammation. He used an electrodermal testing machine to test his theory which did seem to show a problem with my liver and gallbladder. He gave me digestive enzymes and a gallbladder formula to help clear a bile duct clog, thus reducing liver inflammation. He also determined with the machine that I have an egg sensitivity so I've been avoiding eggs. 

Been taking this and avoiding eggs for a couple of months, but there has been no noticeable improvement. Everything else is normal. Emotionally I'm normal- no anxiety, depression, etc. The SOB seems to be the only symptom of something, but always comes back worse, until a year and half ago when it came back and has remained since. I feel like I shouldn't have to do breath holding exercises every day just to maintain my breathing well enough to do every day things. 

Does anyone have any idea of a possible underlying cause?

2021/2022 UPDATE:
Since my original post about 3-1/2 years ago, a lot has happened, so I’d like to update the post to share with others who come across this what I’ve done since then.

I have maintained a weekly Buteyko method breathing exercise regimen where I do a few of these breathing exercises 3-4 times a week in the morning. This, in combination with daily light to moderate exercise (specifically weight lifting, with 1 or 2 days a week of walking and light jogging), I feel has kept the air hunger symptoms tolerable and manageable. I have mostly good days with some not-so-good days, but doing a breathing exercise and knowing that it’ll get better again helps me get through those times.

I also have sinus inflammation which can exacerbate the symptoms, but I’ve also managed this, which in turn reduces the severity of the air hunger symptoms.

So, while I haven’t found a cure nor is the problem completely gone, I have been able to maintain normalcy in daily life and manage the symptoms through the strategies I described.

This discussion remains active, alive and well through the comments section where others who have similar symptoms have shared what has helped them as well as suggestions for possible solutions to explore.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Health Support Group.

@amm87- Welcome to Mayo Connect. Not being able to take an expected, decent breath of air can be very scary. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, which would lead to less oxygen being circulated through the body, which could lead to shortness of breath and other symptoms. He's already seen the effects of quitting so he knows that's what he should do. Has your husband ever tried to commit suicide? How do you handle it, or how do you respond to him? Has he ever been to a psychologist?
You might want to look at our suicide discussions under the mental heath group. People on there have probably very similar thoughts as your husband.


@amm87- Welcome to Mayo Connect. Not being able to take an expected, decent breath of air can be very scary. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, which would lead to less oxygen being circulated through the body, which could lead to shortness of breath and other symptoms. He's already seen the effects of quitting so he knows that's what he should do. Has your husband ever tried to commit suicide? How do you handle it, or how do you respond to him? Has he ever been to a psychologist?
You might want to look at our suicide discussions under the mental heath group. People on there have probably very similar thoughts as your husband.

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He has come close. I inform all family and let them know exactly what he's doing. I told him I will not let it go silent. The way I deal with it is I stay calm and talk to him. This works better than anything. His family loves and spoils him, but they get aggravated and short with him because he complains about it a lot and they just tell him he's crazy and joke around about it. Not knowing the answer makes people impatient with the person with the problem. But, it's not a joke and they don't understand how serious he really is about it. I have to also note that he is a clown and jokes around about everything, so people around him know him as this, and think he's just being goofy and dramatic when he's really not. I explain this to him and he understands what I mean.

He won't join any kind of group, I've suggested it a few times. He is very impossible. It's very hard to suggest something; as soon as the words come out, he shoots it down. He's grown very tired of it. He wants to be able to exercise, but he can't. He can walk about a quarter of a mile (but not everyday.) And it will sometimes make it worse.

It's very weird because his breathing will be satisfying, then it will cut off. Then it will come back, and go away again. But it's only satisfying 10% or less of the time. He says it is cut off at the top of his chest. It's not GERD. I was so convinced it was for a while, but it's not. He goes to a GI and he's took the different medicines. He knows that GERD is an issue with him, but he also knows the difference in what GERD does to his breathing as opposed to whatever this does to his breathing. I'm hoping this nicotine quitting will make it stop. It could have been a coincidence before. He may not have quit and it would have still gotten better. I'm going toward the culprit being nicotine because this is the only thing I know that's left.


Thanks for the reply! I have explored the possibility of anxiety and stress, but I don't experience any of that, at least beyond the norm. I might have a stressed out day now and then, but I'm not a stressful person and am pretty easy-going. I don't have anxiety. The SOB is just always there. Always. Whether I'm at work, at home, stressed, not stressed, but stress for me is very uncommon. I have a low-stress job. So I'm not convinced it's that. So I still have no idea what it is; I'm looking into submitting my case to CrowdMed.

I'm doing alright, thank you for asking. I would say that over the past 6 months I have experienced periods of improvement from days to even weeks. Not 100%, but enough to where I didn't really notice it all day. Then I would have random bouts where it would get kind of bad, where I just can't get a deep breath, and when I do it doesn't last long before I'm desperately needing another. That would go on for a few days, and then it would get better again. So it's still up and down, and it's manageable but not normal at all. I still do exercise when I can, to an intensity that my breathing will allow- some weightlifting sessions allow me to lift a decent amount of weight with not as much rest in between, and other times I have to cut my sessions short after lifting light weights and having to rest for 5 minutes in between sets. So it all depends on the day I guess.

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Came across your post which just about describes what I've been having the past 7 weeks. Off and on at random, though mine will last days at a time. So e days with chest soreness but always feels like someone's pressing in me. Low stress job so I'm convinced its not anixety. Xrays/scans came out normal / puffers /inhalers not working. I'm just clueless what's going on. At first I think it was cancer or I was dying. Now it seems to be the norm every other day. Any luck yet? Does yours come and go for long periods of time?


Hey, y'all.

Like alot of other replies I've read, I came across this thread by way of a panicked Google search. I've been dealing with the air-hunger monster for about a week now. I can't get that satisfying deep breath without yawning. I also have a slight dry cough and tickle right at the back of my throat/top of my chest.
The only other time I remember dealing with this was back in 2012 when I was living in S.Korea and my husband was away for a week for work. I dealt with this feeling for the entire week. I decided at the time that it was just anxiety, because the feeling went away shortly after his return home.

I've read over the replies and let me tell you - I have had anxiety since I was about 12 (I'll be 30 next weekend), but never really been on medication except what I'd call rescue meds (0.25mg Xanax) on the rare occasion. I was diagnosed with GERD (hernia was ruled out) in 2013, but it was short lived as the second doctor I saw did not agree with the diagnosis, so I was never given a prescription for anything. I just take ranitidine otc, and occasionally drink an aloe juice to help with heartburn. I avoid spicy and super acidic foods. I deal with seasonal allergies (ragweed, cedar, etc,) and this year has been particularly bad. I take allegra-d for it and it seems to help the breathing issue just a tad, but it certainly hasn't gone away. I've even been staying indoors almost 24/7 (thanks, Covid-19 & pollen!) and the issue persists.

I do have an extensive medical history.. stroke induced by a migraine medication last year, I see an atlas orthogonal chiropractor weekly for C-1 instability that causes neurological issues for me, and I am pretty overweight (Working on it). I struggle with severe health anxiety after losing my first child to cervical incompetence, so anytime I get the slightest uncomfortable (health related) feeling, fear strikes up in me and I spiral.

I swear, I have gone through every bit of testing under the sun and am about to just give this struggle over to anxiety again. I don't know what else to do, or what else to try. I have noticed that if I dwell on the feeling instead of trying to distract myself, it gets much worse - to the point that I feel light headed and my extremities start to tingle. I know that this is a definite sign of panic, based on past experiences.

I found a PDF that I shared with my husband that actually made me feel a little bit better, believe it or not. It was a relief to think that maybe this issue is not being caused by some physical issue, but a psychological one instead. As a new member here, I'm not allowed to post links yet as they want to protect against possible unwanted spam, but a Google search of "yawning dyspnea" will bring up the PDF written by CK Maytum.

I don't really know where I was going with all that. I realize I have been rambling some. I am just stressed out over this feeling and want to go back to "normal", or at least close to it. Thanks for listening.

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Thanks for sharing that was a very interesting read.
I wonder how to get rid of it if that is the case for what I have.


Came across your post which just about describes what I've been having the past 7 weeks. Off and on at random, though mine will last days at a time. So e days with chest soreness but always feels like someone's pressing in me. Low stress job so I'm convinced its not anixety. Xrays/scans came out normal / puffers /inhalers not working. I'm just clueless what's going on. At first I think it was cancer or I was dying. Now it seems to be the norm every other day. Any luck yet? Does yours come and go for long periods of time?

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Hi @shenhua. Lately, mine has been pretty stable, with bouts of air hunger that's a bit worse. But for the most part, my breathing exercises and regular exercise seems to keep it tolerable.


gabrielm, my husband has had the same trend of unexplainable "air hunger" as you.

It started like 10 years ago, and the trend happened like yours did.

It started out everyday he had shortness of breath, then for close to a year, it went away, then it came back. He was a snuff user. Of course nicotine will really mess with your heart; and your heart can really mess with your breathing. Everyone thinks smoking is what messes your breathing up, but you never hear anything about snuff.

When he quit snuff, it took an entire year before he could breath again. He was suicidal with the breathing issue. About 6 months after he got better from snuff quitting, he decided to start dipping again. Smart. And he never quit again until 7 months ago.

His breathing wouldn't stop getting worse so after going to every doctor we could think of and going down the list of diagnoses, he decided to see if quitting snuff would do the trick again. If it doesn't, I don't what's going to happen. He has become so hopeless over the years. All I hear is "if it's not better in a year, I'm out of this world." It doesn't matter what I say or do, or his family does, nothing will calm him down. He won't take anything to calm his nerves. If I mention the breathing exercise stuff you have mentioned quite a few times on this thread, he would laugh. Ever heard of an impossible person? Well I have one. Physical exercise doesn't really help him either.

I actually had the breathing situation that you guys have for 1 day a few years back. It was so odd that it only happened for 1 day. I wanted so much to understand more of what he was feeling; it's like my wish was granted. It's not anxiety; but it sure will cause anxiety. It's not GERD; he has GERD symptoms, but that's not what's causing it; it's not helping it, but it's not causing it. It could be adding to it. He had a heart cath done because the heart sonogram showed that his ejection fraction was off, so they did a heart cath. The heart cath showed nothing wrong. He has had numerous blood labs, mri's, ct scans, whatever, and it shows nothing. He had low B12, and it's the same story as yours. He's been to asthma doctors. He has asthma, but it's not bad. He takes an inhaler, and it really doesn't help. He's been to an ENT.

I have read that lung specialists can run a lot more tests than what they do.

He has stayed sick for months now from me bringing home sicknesses from school. I'm a teacher, so I'm in constant contact. He's still getting over a sickness as we speak. He can't stop wheezing and coughing. His ear has been driving him crazy and pressure in his neck. When he gets sick, he gets a lot sicker than anyone I know, and I'm thinking its due to his pre-existing lung problem.

Does yours get worse when you have a cold or anything like that? Does your sicknesses last longer than most peoples?

Do you use any form of nicotine?

I've been so long trying to find a solution that I feel like it's never going to be answered. The answer is out there, but what is it?

I will keep searching; I'll inform you of anything I find.

I'm sorry you have to live with this everyday. You do so much to manage it. It's amazing.

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Hi @amm87 Sorry that your husband is dealing with this. It's pretty terrible. But I hope he can get help and keep an open mind about possible treatments and trying different things. To answer your questions-

It does get worse when I have a cold because if my sinuses are inflamed or filled with congestion, it definitely makes a difference on my breathing. The air hunger comes on quicker, and it takes more breaths to satisfy the feeling than when I'm not sick.

I do not and have never used any nicotine.

I too have been trying to find an answer. My breathing exercises using Buteyko method and doing moderate exercise daily does help to at least keep it at bay and I can do most things just fine with no anxiety.


@mckaylah- Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I know that SOB can be very upsetting and difficult to deal with. GERD and a hiatal hernia will absolutely cause SOB. Most times now SOB is caused by being overweight and not getting exercise and diet. You are 19 years old? What were the recommendations from your doctor?

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My doctor is completely useless, all he does is try to put me on antidepressants swearing up and down it’s all in my head and from anxiety but I know that is not the case. I’m healthy for being 19 along with my height and weight, my doctor doesn’t seem to think that is the problem nor is my diet. I don’t drink soda, only water and spoil myself with a glass of juice once in a while. I also enjoy fruit and vegetables. I am off of my acid reflux medication, I have changed my diet up from eating acidic foods and it has helped my throat tremendously. My SOB has been less frequent, but is definitely still there and pops up more at night and when I wake up. I just switched insurances and doctor’s office so I’m hoping my new doctor will take me more seriously. I failed to mention in my reply from March that I had the same SOB when I was in elementary, I remember not being able to yawn and feel like my breath was taken away. When I was younger they gave me an inhaler to make me feel better and I’m not quite sure that helped it has been so long. The SOB just randomly went away when I was younger but resurfaced in January when I had gotten my stomach ulcer and hernia. Never had any issues up until then.


My doctor is completely useless, all he does is try to put me on antidepressants swearing up and down it’s all in my head and from anxiety but I know that is not the case. I’m healthy for being 19 along with my height and weight, my doctor doesn’t seem to think that is the problem nor is my diet. I don’t drink soda, only water and spoil myself with a glass of juice once in a while. I also enjoy fruit and vegetables. I am off of my acid reflux medication, I have changed my diet up from eating acidic foods and it has helped my throat tremendously. My SOB has been less frequent, but is definitely still there and pops up more at night and when I wake up. I just switched insurances and doctor’s office so I’m hoping my new doctor will take me more seriously. I failed to mention in my reply from March that I had the same SOB when I was in elementary, I remember not being able to yawn and feel like my breath was taken away. When I was younger they gave me an inhaler to make me feel better and I’m not quite sure that helped it has been so long. The SOB just randomly went away when I was younger but resurfaced in January when I had gotten my stomach ulcer and hernia. Never had any issues up until then.

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@mckaylah, good for you for being able to manage your acid reflux through diet and now no longer need medication. You clearly are concerned about your health and prepared to be disciplined to improve it. Be sure to share your will power and dedication to your new doctor. Have you tried the breathing exercises that worked for @gabrielm and others? It's called the Buteyko method, but he can tell you more about it.

Mckaylah, what type of physical activity do you like to do? Is shortness of breath an issue when you exercise?


My wife has been experiencing this for the last 3 months. Nothing works. She is losing her mind. Any advice?


@seancannan- Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. This discussion is loaded with tips and all sorts of possible remedies. Will your wife be able to read them herself? This way she can respond or ask questions to people who are experiencing the same things. I can understand that she feels that she is losing her mind. What was she doing around the time that this started?

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