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DiscussionMysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?
Lung Health | Last Active: 1 hour ago | Replies (3497)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "Thanks for the reply! I have explored the possibility of anxiety and stress, but I don't..."
I have had some similar symptoms with breathing for about a month ever since I did some running. Feels like I'm trying to breathe through a concrete wall. Hard to get a good, deep breath. But my chest (right side) has also been hurting...feels like it hurts straight through to my back right next to my shoulder blade. My doctor thinks it is anxiety and threw pills at me. I do not think it is anxiety. I shouldn't be in constant pain and discomfort for a month. I hope you get some answers.
What are the Breathing exercise you tried called
Came across your post which just about describes what I've been having the past 7 weeks. Off and on at random, though mine will last days at a time. So e days with chest soreness but always feels like someone's pressing in me. Low stress job so I'm convinced its not anixety. Xrays/scans came out normal / puffers /inhalers not working. I'm just clueless what's going on. At first I think it was cancer or I was dying. Now it seems to be the norm every other day. Any luck yet? Does yours come and go for long periods of time?
I have exactly the same symptoms down to a T exactly. I’ve only been experiencing these things since November 2020. Nothing I do seems to make it feel any better, the doctor has no idea what’s wrong with me. Sometimes I freak out because I can’t take a deep breath I try to yawn but I can’t get enough air in my lungs I don’t have asthma I don’t smoke cigarettes I don’t have anything wrong with my heart or my lungs.
Hi Gabe, I also experience a similar issue. I’ve been experiencing SOB on and off for the last two years. My pulmonary function test was fine, blood tests normal. I also have GERD and took medication for it but it didn’t seem to help my SOB. After about 4 months of SOB my hands and feet would turn red and burn terribly, but they would only burn on the days when my SOB wasn’t as severe, and when my SOB was severe they wouldn’t burn. I’ve been to various doctors and no one seems to know what’s wrong with me. Is your SOB relieved by sitting up or lying down?
Hi Gabe,
I am glad that I found your post because the way you described your symptoms are EXACTLY how I’ve been feeling for 3 weeks now. It seems to have started when I switched from working day shift to night shift. I am contributing it to some type of silent reflux because I do have a feeling of “burning” in my stomach and acid in my throat at times. I tried taking omprazole for 10 days with no relief. I even went to the chiropractor because I do have alignment issues but no relief there either. I hate the feeling of not being able to get a “deep enough” breath. I am considering getting started on protonix but hesitant just because I don’t take medication on a daily basis. I workout daily, I eat healthy, so I’m really just not sure what has caused this all the sudden. I’ve tried the breathing exercises you mentioned but I suppose I need to try them consistently every morning because nothing seems to give me relief.
Hi I came across this thread as I have been experiencing the exact symptoms since July 2021. It improved a bit for a few months but since I had a cold it has come back.
I wanted to ask if anyone has had there Vagus Nerve tested? I have been doing a lot of reading into it and wonder if there is any connection. Given when I sleep and not long after I wake the symptoms have subsided I wonder if the vagus nerve is involved? Reading about Vagal tone I am going to practise increasing this and do a little study on myself.
Love to hear anyone’s experience or thoughts. Hope this thread is still active
Hey I know I’m a few years late to this post but I have been dealing with this for three steady years now, same exact thing you describe and was wondering if you found any solutions? I have been looking everywhere and am lost . It makes no sense :
Physically I am fine , I’m very fit and have had every possible test done and still I have this issue . Have you found anything to help ?
I've been having the sane problem on and off for about 5 years. I had all tests done. Everything was fine. The doctor said it must be anxiety. I have lots of anxiety but I'm on meds for it. I found your post when I Googled that the only way to catch my breath was through yawning. And sometimes it doesn't work. I'm about to go back to the doctors and go through tests just in case something else could be going on. It's hard to function like this. I'm not even exerting myself for this SOB. It's very scary. And when I eat and get full I feel even more SOB.
@gabrielm It sounds like allergies. Are you getting phlegm in your lungs and some chest discomfort? I went through a lot of that. I do have allergic asthma, and my allergies were triggering the issue. I would get repeating chest infections because of abundant phlegm. I've made some changes to reduce dust and dander exposure and it helped me tremendously. I prevent exposure when cleaning with a surgical type mask that is as good as a HEPA filter, 3M # 1820, use a HEPA filter right next to the bed, blowing on me as I sleep because we are more vulnerable at night, allergy shots, and antihistamines, and a preventative inhaler to fall back on. I never completely got my lungs cleared until I could break the cycle, and I had a racing heart a few times, and some infections that required antibiotics. You may want to go through allergy testing. I am allergic to my cats, but I can coexist with them now, and I do rub them with a wet hand to reduce dander.