How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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I am a patient at Mayo with Afib. I see Dr AJ Deshmukh for electrophysiology cardiology and I also have a cardiologist who is kind of like a primary care provider in Cardiology, Dr John Giudicessi. An EP Card is only going to try to manage for example Afib procedurally. Like wise other issues such as pacer needs etc. Dr Guidicessi manages all aspects of your heart health including heart failure, and refers to Cardiology specialists as needed based on whatever the heart issues are. I love them both. Great patient relationships. Excellent experts.

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xoxoxo to the Mayo Clinic


Dr. Deshmukh is my EP also. I hesitate to recommend him..don’t want him to get too busy.😊. He has great Dr/ patient rapport. He put in pacemaker and will perform a 2nd ablation ( he didn’t do 1st), if my aFib becomes unmanageable w meds. I do not have interventional Cardiologist, since Dr. Callahan passed away ( Mayo Dr.). I figure with checkups and echo’s, if I needed to see one, Dr. Deshmukh would refer me. I trust only Mayo Clinic with my heart ❤️. And I live in Texas, but worth the trip.

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I too am from Texas, (South in the R.G.V.) m making my first trip up there. Have heard it's the best place in U.S. to go to.


Hli. I found your discussion page on a google search for metropolol and weaning off.
So where do I go to ask for electrocardiologists recomendations at Mayo / Jax and respective experiences there? Thx

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Hi @kkwmp Here is the list of physicians we have in Florida.

My 38 year old sister-in-law was diagnosed with a heart condition and Afib and she ended up receiving a pacemaker. Her doctor was Dr. Kusumoto and he was outstanding. If you are looking for a recommendation on doctors for your specific health condition, I would suggest calling the central appointment office so that the coordinators can ask you specific questions to find the physician that fits your needs. The contact information for Florida can be found here:


I have read about this and was concerned because I do have Covid symptoms...or the worst flu + bronchitis I have ever had in my life, was exposed to someone returning from overseas who was coughing and am awaiting test results. I contacted my cardiologist and he said basically what is written above and that he would not prescribe just diuretics or some other safer BP drug. I understand that it is impossible for doctors to go up against Big Pharma without serious repercussions.
So I decided to take a risk of stroke or heart attack and stop the ARB drug I am on (Candesartin) and my symptoms are a bit better but nothing dramatic so far. I have just started taking 3x per day a 'natural' product BP Esssentials by Julian Whitaker, a Canadian product that is Hawthorne Extract and Fish Protein Powder. It's better than nothing...and we shall see if my BP comes down...because, of course it is up to 160/100.
One interesting thing that I definitely notice is that I am no longer stiff or achy when I get up from being seated or get up in the morning or lift up my grandchild etc..
I think a major diet and much more activity is necessary to get my BP down...and hopefully avoid taking any BP drug.

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I am taking super beets to increase my nitric oxide levels. which is very important for maintaining healthy blood pressure...


I am taking super beets to increase my nitric oxide levels. which is very important for maintaining healthy blood pressure...

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Watch Coumadin Levels, for anyone on it, or other anticoagulants, the article I consulted said to especially avoid Beet Greens in terms of Coumadin. It seemed Beets had a low Vitamin K value, but I'm not sure about Super Beets.


I am taking super beets to increase my nitric oxide levels. which is very important for maintaining healthy blood pressure...

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I take Gnc pro 1700 citrulline -2 pills each day for the same affect. Citrulline turns nitrous oxide in the body. Same effect as super beets , only more reliable. Very big help for circulation


I am taking super beets to increase my nitric oxide levels. which is very important for maintaining healthy blood pressure...

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Welcome @robb53. Were/Are you taking Metoprolol? I know beets are good for blood flow. Are you taking any meds for your BP?


Ok, took my half dose for two days, today I'm supposed to stop entirely. I am feeling like a zombie. No get up and go, lightheaded. My BP is higher than it usually is but not thru the roof. 133/84 after doing some deep breathing exercises. Was 140/92 before. Doc said to go to emergency if it goes over 180. But that was the only thing they said to me. They said nothing about feeling like this. Mentioned some people get tachycardia. My heart rate is better than it was before 60,61 BPM but I feel so weak. They said nothing about this. Is this normal? When I asked about the tape off time, they said it's because I was only taking 25mg a day. Said it's a low dose, and I don't have to worry.

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My cardiologist put me on metoprolol 50mg. for palpitations. Side effects was killing me. So it was reduced to 25mg. Side effects still did a number on me especially my breathing. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. I took it once a day at night. My blood pressure was not that high in number. I've only been taking this med going on 2 months. I can't function with this medication. Within the last few days I have stopped taken this medication. My blood pressure has not gone up. I've been monitoring it. But coming off this med makes me feel like crap. Lightheaded, lack of motivation and if I do anything strenuous like moving around a whole lot my heart rate increases. After I sit down I'm ok. Thus medication is the devil. I go see my family doctor next week to discuss.


My cardiologist put me on metoprolol 50mg. for palpitations. Side effects was killing me. So it was reduced to 25mg. Side effects still did a number on me especially my breathing. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. I took it once a day at night. My blood pressure was not that high in number. I've only been taking this med going on 2 months. I can't function with this medication. Within the last few days I have stopped taken this medication. My blood pressure has not gone up. I've been monitoring it. But coming off this med makes me feel like crap. Lightheaded, lack of motivation and if I do anything strenuous like moving around a whole lot my heart rate increases. After I sit down I'm ok. Thus medication is the devil. I go see my family doctor next week to discuss.

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Hello @mel1 and welcome to Mayo Connect.

Your problem with Metoprolol is common to many of us, including myself.

It is, however, never a good idea to go off a med "cold-turkey" without consulting with your doctor first.

I took Metoprolol for about two weeks and did not find it a user-friendly med so I called my cardiologist and reported my symptoms. He switched me to another drug, of the same classification, Atenolol, and it worked well with none of the side effects of the Metoprolol.

Please call your prescribing doctor and mention your problems and see if you can get a replacement drug.

Will you post again and let me know how you are doing?


Hi I was told by doctor to start tapering off this medicine on Friday I haven’t been on it that long ( a month). He said to take half Friday and Saturday and skip a dose on Sunday and check my heart rate during the day and then take a half on Monday and then stop . And I wash taking this medicine because my heart heart was beating really fast on last month but when they did the blood work and put me in the heart monitor everything was okay. He told me it was ptsd that’s causing it. And starting next week I will be starting Zoloft 50mg. I’m nervous because I have been reading on the internet about the side affects of stopping this medicine

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