Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.


@mamcita, Thank you for responding. Like you, it is the children and grandchildren that mystify us. Their struggles are painful for us. I have a lovely granddaughter. She just turned 21 last Saturday. Even after 6 months in residence at Rogers Hospital, Wisconsin her OCD issues of perfectionism and scrupulosity are still playing havoc with her chance to pursue a college education or have a normal young adult life. And as you said, even though I don't always agree with my daughter, her strength as a single parent and her total commitment to two girls to the exclusion of her own life is admirable. Have some joy today, Chris

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Chris Trout, Volunteer Mentor, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and reflections on what I discussed earlier today.

I love how our thoughts are translated to words on paper, sharing our deepest hopes and dreams for our loved ones. And also for ourselves.

It is interesting to me how you mentioned OCD. My Mother suffered terribly much of her life with undiagnosed OCD. It was only when she was elderly and in a nursing home that she was able to finally get treatment for it. She became a totally different person. Full of sweetness and joy.

My heart breaks for your Grandaughter. OCD has left it's imprint upon my character, as well. I am a cleaning madwoman. My Grandson lives with us, and He is always telling me to quit cleaning so much. He doesn't understand how important it is to my mental health. Somehow my response to child -hood trauma has left me with quirks that others dont usually notice about me.

I am so much better with OCD than I used to be. I used to clean right in front of people when friends would come to visit me. I am embarrassed to admit that a bit, but it is true. I clean when I am in a particular room, not on certain days or on a particular schedule. It's not a fear of germs for me. It's more a matter of controlling my environment. Making sure that things are orderly and look nice, smell nice, feel comfortable. And I'm ok with that.

I do count things. And I get nervous about leaving the house and forgetting to turn things off, like stoves, etc. I watched a series of videos on OCD on YouTube. They were very helpful to me, even though I do not consider myself to have quite as advanced a case as they did.

I do hope that your Grandaughter is able to find some answers for her OCD, and then, some peace of mind. Mindfulness, meditation, and prayer are my mainstays for everything these days. If you don't mind, I would love to pray for her and to send energy and light her way.

I know she has to be pretty special. Her Gramma sure is!

So happy to have you here! Love and light to you, as well

Mamacita Jane


@mamacita, Your prayers are welcome. I do yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. Hannah is trying to learn to meditate. She has coped with intrusive thoughts for 9 years....I just want her to give her mind a rest with a simple guided meditation. Thanks for caring. Be Chris


@sirgalahad I admire your accomplishments! I'm sure you worked twice as hard to achieve your degrees!

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Teresa , yes sadly I definitely did and from little things big things grow
my Masters and PHD came from promising my mother to resolve and fix and establish my fathers family history and eneded doing a anthropological and sociological investigation of why the house of York and the house of Lancaster and the people that supported both houses went to war and started the war of the roses . My PHD was to investigate mums genealogy and where and whom her father and grandfathers were and are and what role they played in the British raj as brutish high commissioners of the Punjab and Kerala state during the british rule of India from 1740 to 1946


Teresa , yes sadly I definitely did and from little things big things grow
my Masters and PHD came from promising my mother to resolve and fix and establish my fathers family history and eneded doing a anthropological and sociological investigation of why the house of York and the house of Lancaster and the people that supported both houses went to war and started the war of the roses . My PHD was to investigate mums genealogy and where and whom her father and grandfathers were and are and what role they played in the British raj as brutish high commissioners of the Punjab and Kerala state during the british rule of India from 1740 to 1946

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Wow, @sirgalahad, you certainly accomplished a lot after researching your family heritage. I've been under the impression from previous posts that you work now in the medical/scientific field. That must be very rewarding. Blessings to you for using your gifts of intelligence to help others.


Wow, @sirgalahad, you certainly accomplished a lot after researching your family heritage. I've been under the impression from previous posts that you work now in the medical/scientific field. That must be very rewarding. Blessings to you for using your gifts of intelligence to help others.

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hi Teresa , yes I am currently employed as a senior Hospital Science at WESTMEAD Children's Hospital SYDNEY AUST .I work in the oncology pathology and also do blood work and diagnosis and blood collection, blood groups and emergency transfusions and I work for NSWTAFE as science teacher . rewarding yes but heart wrenching when we loose the battle against cancer and yesterday I diagnosed 4 osteosarcoma in children ranging from age 11 to 14 in either tibia , or femur


hi Teresa , yes I am currently employed as a senior Hospital Science at WESTMEAD Children's Hospital SYDNEY AUST .I work in the oncology pathology and also do blood work and diagnosis and blood collection, blood groups and emergency transfusions and I work for NSWTAFE as science teacher . rewarding yes but heart wrenching when we loose the battle against cancer and yesterday I diagnosed 4 osteosarcoma in children ranging from age 11 to 14 in either tibia , or femur

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How very sad, @sirgalahad. Those children are fortunate to have a caring individual like yourself in their midst. Blessings to you my friend.


How very sad, @sirgalahad. Those children are fortunate to have a caring individual like yourself in their midst. Blessings to you my friend.

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thank you Teresa bear hugs and thank you for being my friend of an Autistic person


thank you Teresa bear hugs and thank you for being my friend of an Autistic person

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Teresa and Mammacita ,my full quals are undergraduate degree in biomedical science UTS SYDNEY, grad diploma adult teaching UTS , Undergraduate degree theology ,pastoral studies missions London university and Ridley Theological college Melbourne aust .gRADUATE DIPLOMA TOXICOLOGY AND FARM MANAGEMENT AND SOILS. MASTERS IN MEDIEVIAL ENGLISH HISTORY LEEDS UNI AND PHD ANGLO INDIAN STUDIES LEEDS UNIVERSITY


@sirgalahad Your education has contributed to you being a very well-rounded individual!


Teresa and Mammacita ,my full quals are undergraduate degree in biomedical science UTS SYDNEY, grad diploma adult teaching UTS , Undergraduate degree theology ,pastoral studies missions London university and Ridley Theological college Melbourne aust .gRADUATE DIPLOMA TOXICOLOGY AND FARM MANAGEMENT AND SOILS. MASTERS IN MEDIEVIAL ENGLISH HISTORY LEEDS UNI AND PHD ANGLO INDIAN STUDIES LEEDS UNIVERSITY

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