Medications for Temporal Arteritis/Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)

Posted by charann2000 @charann2000, Apr 25, 2018

Anyone out there who has been diagnosed with Temperol Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis). I am undergoing testing and most likely have it. Would like to know how anyone is doing with it and what type of medications they use and any side effects, etc.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Blood work scheduled for 12/3... Meanwhile I am miserable with both GCA symptoms and Prednisone side effects. Headache, temple pain, jaw pain, teeth sensitivity, fatigue, blurred vision, irritability, trouble thinking, speaking and walking. Trouble sleeping, thin skin, bruise easily and bleed, fun! plus my tongue feels like it has wiped a dirty floor. Down to 30 mgs from 50 mgs (8/26/19).

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@geniecm How did your blood work come out? And I’m sorry, I think we forgot to welcome you to Connect. We’re a community of people world-wide who share information and support about our health journeys (but we’re not doctors). What you are describing sounds so like me. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (finally) and ended up in a rehab center for a month followed by weeks of physical and occupational therapy. All should get better as you taper off the prednisone. I’m glad you found Connect and have made some connections!


Thank you. It's a little scary, especially when I'm out.

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Yes, one of the many unpleasant side effects of Prednisone. I'm at 10mg now and I don't bleed so bad anymore but just a little scratch will cause the skin tissue from the wound outward to turn a nasty red and it takes a week or two to go away. It usually happens on my arms so I'm glad it is now long sleeve shirt weather. As the others said - hang in there - it will get better.


Thank you everyone...It is so great knowing that I'm not alone with these symptoms/side effects. It makes me feel a little "normal".


Diagnosed late August down to 20mg Prednisone from 50 and am miserable...misery would like some company.


Diagnosed late August down to 20mg Prednisone from 50 and am miserable...misery would like some company.

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Hello @geniecm - just wanted to let you know I've moved your post on giant cell arteritis (GCA) and your treatment with prednisone to this existing thread where you participated before, Medications for Temporal Arteritis/Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA), so that you can update those you've spoken with before on your treatment status. Sounds like you are feeling rather miserable lately.

Are you still feeling as though you are bruising easily and bleeding profusely if any bleeding occurs?


Still bruising...bruised are larger but not bleeding as easily as before. Headache and neck ache haven't gone away. Dr. Says blood work is normal.


I was diagnosed with GCA in late August and put on 50 mg of Prednisone. I am now down to 20 mg and have a dr.'s appointment on 1/2/20. Some of the side effects I have had include: trouble sleeping, fatigue, swelling of feet, bruising, and a puffy face. I suggest the book Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis: a survival guide. 2nd edition by Kate Gilbert. I have found it very informative even though it's mostly about PMR. Good luck and keep in touch.


I was diagnosed with GCA in late August and put on 50 mg of Prednisone. I am now down to 20 mg and have a dr.'s appointment on 1/2/20. Some of the side effects I have had include: trouble sleeping, fatigue, swelling of feet, bruising, and a puffy face. I suggest the book Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis: a survival guide. 2nd edition by Kate Gilbert. I have found it very informative even though it's mostly about PMR. Good luck and keep in touch.

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I bought the book one man s journey and it is interesting . He has done a lot of research and has a lot of graphs In it. He is 95 years old. It s a real easy read, already knew the information , but it s great for me to find information at all about this crazy disease we all share.


I bought the book one man s journey and it is interesting . He has done a lot of research and has a lot of graphs In it. He is 95 years old. It s a real easy read, already knew the information , but it s great for me to find information at all about this crazy disease we all share.

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Thank you..will look for it and buy it. I can use all the support and info I can get. No one's even heard of GCA!


I bought the book one man s journey and it is interesting . He has done a lot of research and has a lot of graphs In it. He is 95 years old. It s a real easy read, already knew the information , but it s great for me to find information at all about this crazy disease we all share.

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Unable to find this title, can you tell me the author?

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