Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Posted by ainsleigh @ainsleigh, Apr 14, 2018

So many of us have suffered for anxiety and panic and I would like to share something that has helped me . In my Recovery group I learned that
nervous symptoms are " distressing but not dangerous i.e." NO DANGER." If I ever feel myself getting anxious I repeat those in my mind-
it is a "secure thought " and helps me to relax and avoids the escalation of symptoms. It takes a little practice but can make a big difference. I would love to hear if any of you find it helpful too.

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@dianrib @contentandwell I must be seriously sensative then. My friend said the same to me. She needs to take a pill to sleep. That the lavender smells nice it just didn't help her fall asleep. I tried a sleeping pill once. It knocked me out cold. I slept for like 16 hours.

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@travelgirl I was thinking about this last night as I lay in bed, and I realized that the lavender scent on my hands and lower arms is really very, very faint, so perhaps it's just not strong enough to have an effect. Then this morning I got an email about "10 Little Luxuries Under $10 You Can Order on Amazon" and this was one of them:

"French Lavender Spray Facial Toner - 100% Pure and Natural Aromatherapy Hydrosol"

Apparently you can spray it on your face, or on your bedding. It sounds interesting. I hate to pay for shipping but I intend to put this in my "shopping cart" for the next time I do order something from Amazon.

This is the link to it"



@dianrib @contentandwell I must be seriously sensative then. My friend said the same to me. She needs to take a pill to sleep. That the lavender smells nice it just didn't help her fall asleep. I tried a sleeping pill once. It knocked me out cold. I slept for like 16 hours.

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@contentandwell The smell of lavender I have is very strong. Plus I spray the sheets, pillow and blanket.. LOL.. I over indulge in lavender. The brand I been using is bath and body works linen spray and their body cream as well. I really would like to know if the stronger scent really works for you? Thank you for sharing what you noticed last night.


@hopeful33250 Great article Terry. There was a link to study within that article that talks about natural choices to calm anxiety. I have tried all those methods as well. Yoga when I was really bad with anxiety attacks. Plus it mentioned essential oils as working. Which I use nightly that hekps me to fall alseep like a baby. 🙂 . The study said that the natural options they tested showed a great improvement in those who particapted in the study. They used returning military members who were experiencing PTSD from combat.


I would also imagine there are foods we can all eat to help us when we are having an Anxiety attack? I would think Chocolate? I know I have felt better after eating a chocolate bar. Has anyone looked into a special diet for those who suffer from Anxiety or Depression?


@contentandwell Great idea, I put it in my shopping cart as well.



i called my dr and asked for help after having such horrible nervous and panic attacks can barely talk at times. He said I dont know how teo help you . Isnt this illegal or something?


i called my dr and asked for help after having such horrible nervous and panic attacks can barely talk at times. He said I dont know how teo help you . Isnt this illegal or something?

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I think you need a different kind of Dr.Yours may not have studied for this type of illness.  
A psychiatrist would be the best.


i called my dr and asked for help after having such horrible nervous and panic attacks can barely talk at times. He said I dont know how teo help you . Isnt this illegal or something?

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it was my psychiatrist who said it....any suggestions ?


I would also imagine there are foods we can all eat to help us when we are having an Anxiety attack? I would think Chocolate? I know I have felt better after eating a chocolate bar. Has anyone looked into a special diet for those who suffer from Anxiety or Depression?

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@travelgirl Oft have said we are what we eat. Need to check this suggestion out.


oh no, i didn't realize apologies. You can look for another psychiatrist, ask the current one if they can refer you to someone. Check the list of providers through your insurance and research them.
If you don't have one already, maybe consider a therapist. A site to check for therapists is

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