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Alternatives for pain management

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Nov 28, 2020 | Replies (258)

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@grandmar I haven't tried cryotherapy or medical marijuana. What I found worked for me was accupuncture and controlled breathing. When my pain gets unbearable or a wave/spasm of pain comes over me,I focus on an object and take deep slow breaths. You may want to check out a post in Just Want toTalk. What Distracts you from the pain.
Here is the link https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/what-distracts-you-from-the-pain/?utm_campaign=search

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Replies to "@grandmar I haven't tried cryotherapy or medical marijuana. What I found worked for me was accupuncture..."

Good Morning!
Thank you for your input. I've tried acupuncture and that did not work for me. I went weekly for a couple of months and waited for something to happen, but nothing ever did.
My pain doc actually sent me to a therapist to help me deal with my pain. We did diaphragmatic breathing, but I found that works only for the moment. When my pain is constant, I did not find it helpful.
I am so happy for you that those techniques work for you!
I will look into the site you suggested.
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

Thanks for your information I never tried accupunctur heard it below for some not so much I might try it I've gone to chiropractor. before but not anymore When I fractured my back I still went for years ,he used a device ,can't think of the word was fine then moved and new chiropractor during hands now I have a bulging disc In afraid to try again so just use my dreams @heating pad.

I, too, focus and take deep breaths when I'm feeling anxious.

Alright everyone. Get Hemp oil and Hemp lotion. Stadia in San Antonio. No more of all that other stuff

I don't own the place. Bought it and it works

@oregongirl do they have a website?

I don't have their card. But I go for my shots in my neck on Monday and I will pursue all the info. Tonight instead iof pain pills I ysed a dropper of Hemp extract. My legs are not hurting like they usually do at night I will find out.