fighting off a minor condition, like a cold

Posted by JK @contentandwell, Mar 31, 2018

I have had a miserable cold for almost a week now with no improvement whatsoever -- my throat is sore, I have a headache, I cough all night. It occurred to me that taking immunosuppressants means I have no defenses to fight this cold off like regular people.
This may seem very minor, but what do people do when they have something like this? Antibiotics don't help with a cold of course so what can a person do to lessen the severity and length of time of the cold or whatever else a person may have? I think it may be premature to call my transplant team but my head is killing me. Things do tend to improve in the afternoon, as typical with a cold, and then they worse again at night.

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I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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@jodeej I like the small stores too and there is a small supermarket close to us but they are limited in what they have. Ironically at Christmas my son wanted to buy my husband a really nice commuter mug and he went quite a distance to buy it. When he went to do a couple of errands at the small supermarket they had them there! So you really never know what these little stores will have.


@contentandwell I'm home today too. I woke up with an upset stomach this morning. I just had some tea and toast. Everyone else is at church. I am so sad to miss it, but a nap is sounding really good.

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@jodeej I hope it’s not the flu and that he will be able to make his appointment. I have not really had a temp. It sounds like my son had the same thing that I have, a couple of month ago. The cough lasted for 3 months!
Cough, cough, cough...


How are all of you doing today?
I hope that your day of rest was beneficial to all of you. I hope that today is better for all of you !


@rosemarya I am feeling much better today. I had a temp of 101° last evening, but it's been normal so far today. Thankfully whatever this is, it's fast moving.
I hope you had a blessed Easter.


How are all of you doing today?
I hope that your day of rest was beneficial to all of you. I hope that today is better for all of you !

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@rosemarya I'm about the same. I am heading out shortly to buy some of that throat coat tea. I did actually enjoy my peaceful day though.


I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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Unfortunately I am amazed , not speaking to you specifically but that people even say things like this. Airborne is nothing more than Vit. C and some other herbs, and really the only herb you need to worry about is ST. JOHN's Wort. I take 3000mg. of vitamin c a day and have for years, when I get a cold I also take some of the herbal cough drops, I'm a kidney transplant patient....just make sure your proactive and do your own research, not to take the place of a doctors care but so that you are well informed.


I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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@jodeej I bought the Throat Coat tea, tore off the outer cellophane, and then read the information on the box. It has many restrictions on who should not take it or who should check with their "medical practitioner". One of those is if you are taking immunosuppressants. I have a message in to them but I presume if there is a warning there that they will say no, I shouldn't take it. I wish I had read that before tearing off the cellophane, then I could have returned it to the store.


I hope all of you are feeling better.
Now I have 'something'. I wonder if we caught it from each other;-) Over the weekend, it hit me. I called my PCP on Monday morn and spoke with his nurse with my symptoms (mainly to be on his 'radar' if something developed) It was the slight fever that made me call. She had me come in so he could take a look, "due to my history". He did a flu swab (negative) and blood draw (okay) so diagnosed with a viral something. He told me to call if anything changed. I've been home bound, napping, and wrapped in layers to keep warm. Today, except for slight sore throat I feel almost normal. And will keep a low profile for awhile by staying home.


@rosemarya I hope you feel better soon! Except for a bit of a runny nose mine is gone!


I hope all of you are feeling better.
Now I have 'something'. I wonder if we caught it from each other;-) Over the weekend, it hit me. I called my PCP on Monday morn and spoke with his nurse with my symptoms (mainly to be on his 'radar' if something developed) It was the slight fever that made me call. She had me come in so he could take a look, "due to my history". He did a flu swab (negative) and blood draw (okay) so diagnosed with a viral something. He told me to call if anything changed. I've been home bound, napping, and wrapped in layers to keep warm. Today, except for slight sore throat I feel almost normal. And will keep a low profile for awhile by staying home.

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@rosemarya Oh no, Rosemary, I hope I didn't give it to you! 😉 I have not had any fever so I have not bothered to call. I spoke to the pharmacist at the drugstore I most frequently go to and she too said if it is bronchitis, which I believe it is, there is nothing the doctor can do beyond possibly giving me a cough syrup with codeine which might help me to sleep better. My major problem is a cough, my throat is occasionally slightly sore, and I get a headache often which I am sure is from so much coughing.
I hope you feel ALL better soon, and I hope I too get over this soon. It has really curtailed my regular activities.

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