How sharing kindness can make you healthier & happier

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Mar 22, 2018

I love Mayo Clinic Housecall emails and this morning my latest one had a great article that I believe could benefit a lot of us - who me? YES!! (except maybe on Monday mornings or especially on Monday mornings).

How sharing kindness can make you healthier and happier - Did you know that you can rewire your brain to be more present and kinder to others, giving your mood a daily boost? These three simple practices will help get you started.

Want to give it a try?


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John, I totally agree with you. It really works to make me happier and healthier when I treat folks like I wanted to be treated as a kid.
I used to wear masks, no longer. I had to wear masks in the past, to survive my childhood. Then as I was healing, I wore masks to not let people know how incredibly crappy I was feeling or at work. Today I lead a mask free life.
Now I share my happiness with others because I want to and give them the love, caring and attention I disired as a kid.


@brightwings thank you for sharing your story. I feel the same way. I have worn a few masks in my day too. I've been on both sides of kindness - receiving and giving. They both feel pretty good. I have to say that being able to give out an act of kindness is just special and grows on you. My wish is that everyone will jump on the kindness bandwagon and reap the benefits and good feelings.

Already looking for an opportunity for tomorrow! Thanks again...



@brightwings thank you for sharing your story. I feel the same way. I have worn a few masks in my day too. I've been on both sides of kindness - receiving and giving. They both feel pretty good. I have to say that being able to give out an act of kindness is just special and grows on you. My wish is that everyone will jump on the kindness bandwagon and reap the benefits and good feelings.

Already looking for an opportunity for tomorrow! Thanks again...


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John, I am right there with you. I am usually the one giving the kindness/help. However having said that, a few months ago I had my car in the shop. I was told I needed 2 tires in the back of my car. Trying to hold my tears back (remember I am withdrawing from the antidepressant from he'll, effexor) I knew I had no money at the time for new tires. Long story short, a lady there anonymously paid for those tires and left, her car having been repaired. I was so shocked. I was the one always doing for others, now here she had helped me.
I had to keep the perspective that just like me, she was a helper, but this time she was helping me. Since I always want my help accepted, I knew I had to accept her help. It didn't take me but a minute to be grateful. I still am grateful. There is no way I could have paid for 2 tires in one month. Smiling at you John, Bright Wings



I missed that article in HouseCalls so thanks for bringing it to the forefront! I posted it on my FaceBook page with a title: Kindness: A new tool for a healthier you!




I missed that article in HouseCalls so thanks for bringing it to the forefront! I posted it on my FaceBook page with a title: Kindness: A new tool for a healthier you!


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It was a great article. Happy Friday!!



Happy Friday!
Funny, yesterday I thinking that I am so blessed, that I would like to help others.
Professionally, I am retired educator. I am retired because of a disability. I suffer from chronic pain.
I know that I can help financially, but I want to volunteer physically.
My problem is I never know when I will be able to get out, walk, bend, etc. I cannot be counted on.
Any suggestions from anyone???????

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


Happy Friday Ronnie (@grandmar)!
Volunteering is an excellent choice when we have spare time and are able to help someone or some organization fill a need. I would check with your local county government for volunteer opportunities. There is also a website where you can do a search that may help find something that fits your need. Educators have to be pretty high on the totem pole for helping others!

Corporation for National & Community Service:

Happy Friday Indeed!


Happy Friday!
Funny, yesterday I thinking that I am so blessed, that I would like to help others.
Professionally, I am retired educator. I am retired because of a disability. I suffer from chronic pain.
I know that I can help financially, but I want to volunteer physically.
My problem is I never know when I will be able to get out, walk, bend, etc. I cannot be counted on.
Any suggestions from anyone???????

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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@grandmar, Hi, Ronnie. Do you have a relationship with a local school, or a teacher? This might open the possibility of a 'drop in' guest reader, or classroom 'grandma' to gift the young one with some one-on-one attention. I don't know what kind of clearance is needed in your district, though.
I have seen need for readers to record story books for the blind and visually impaired, or for closed captioning for the deaf. Our local library is doing living history recordings, and looks for help with that program to interview our older generation.
Do you knit or crochet? There are groups that create predetermined squares at home, and then meet as a group to socialize and attach them into a blanket for our nursing home patients.
I am just thinking out loud, I don't know your whole situation.
Sending you a gentle hug,


Happy Friday!
Funny, yesterday I thinking that I am so blessed, that I would like to help others.
Professionally, I am retired educator. I am retired because of a disability. I suffer from chronic pain.
I know that I can help financially, but I want to volunteer physically.
My problem is I never know when I will be able to get out, walk, bend, etc. I cannot be counted on.
Any suggestions from anyone???????

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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@grandmar Would that I did have suggestions. It helps me to be able to help others. I am also unreliable :(. I can rise in the morning feeling like I will have a reasonably productive day only to be disappointed that my body is not one to be counted on. I have potential intellectually and mostly trapped in an uncooperative body. I tell myself I can do things if I try hard enough. Push harder is all I need to do. Even tell myself I am being lazy. I have many interests and find all anyone talks about is FOOD and RECIPES. Argh...
i am blessed in many ways and I am also very lonely as I know others are. rules in this area as far as anything pertaining to schools is so restricted I would not even consider trying to do anything in the schools. Things have changed so much since my kids were in school. any food has to be bought and individually wrapped...seems everyone is treated like they are suspect. I understand why and it is sad.
Also the unreliable thing 🙁 🙁 🙁


Happy Friday!
Funny, yesterday I thinking that I am so blessed, that I would like to help others.
Professionally, I am retired educator. I am retired because of a disability. I suffer from chronic pain.
I know that I can help financially, but I want to volunteer physically.
My problem is I never know when I will be able to get out, walk, bend, etc. I cannot be counted on.
Any suggestions from anyone???????

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Hello @grandmar

All of us who have chronic illness and/or pain understand your situation. It's probably a good idea if you state up-front that your volunteer activity will depend greatly on health on the day you are scheduled. Have you considered tutoring with the Literacy Foundation in your local area? Often tutors meet at public libraries and work with adults. Adults seem to be more understanding if you are not well and need to reschedule. Something to think about?

I look forward to hearing from you again.


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