Reactive Hypoglycemia & Chronic Sinusitis

Posted by danny95 @danny95, Feb 25, 2018

Can anyone offer any advice or information?
Everyday is constant struggle, After I eat any food with the slightest bit of sugar i gain all of the below symptoms;
-Lightheadness (almost like a dream state)
-Sinus Pressure
-Heart palpitations
-Increased Phlegm (Post nasal drip)
-Gritty/itchy eyes
-Blurred Vision
If I keep consuming sugar I will get a sinus infection ive had 3 in the space of 5 months in which ive had antibotics and steroid drops to treat each time but the only difference is it turns my green phlegm back to thick white. I still get the puffy checks, sinus pressure, fatigue and so on.
I began the Keto diet to try and cut out sugar but then i get symptoms of hypoglycemia from lack of sugar.
It might be worth mentioning that i also keep getting thrush and have had antheltes foot in the 5 months this has been happening. Ive also had a few instances of random shooting pains down my legs and in my knees and 2 or 3 times an intense stabbing pain under my left rib which lasted a few minutes. (Im not sure if any of that is related)
Im desperate its effecting every aspect of my life relationships, work performance/Attendence and motivation.

Male, 23 years old. No instances of any other illness before September 2017

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I looked here because yet again, my sinus is clogging with yellow mucus while I’m having a day of hypoglycemia.
My experience is the same one you received. “ we’re looking at multiple areas of expertise, so yada , yada. It’s true that with hypoglycemia goes ,headache, sinus mucus, agitation, brain fog, muscle pain, nightmares, and the desire to shake a doctor, because they don’t listen and try to pass you off to another specialty. The biggest downfall of the medical profession is tunnel vision to their particular specialty. Perhaps there’s a conference call needed here. WE’re NOT CRAZY. ITS HAPPENING. !!

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@willjwise-sorry that you are experiencing this. However I would say the biggest downfall, is that the medical community leads you to believe they have answers that they can fix you. Unless you want an oral medication that will cause many other side effects and mask the real cause, then there is no need to see any doctor, ESPECIALLY a specialist (unless of course an acute, emergency situation)
If you really want to get this under control, you have to understand that you have the power to do so. Get back to the basics and work with someone like a Naturalpath/Functional Med Doctor.
They will look at YOU, and your lifestyle as a whole.
All inflammation starts in the gut. The same nasal mucosa that lines your nose, lines your gut. If your gut is not balanced, it will start to throw everything else off. Be honest about your diet, sleep and stress. Hypoglycemia is the result of an imbalance. So what is causing the hypoglycemia in the first place?
You are not crazy! This is happening to you. Put more faith back into yourself and allow yourself to get your body back in balance. It takes work yes, but the benefits will be far better for your over all health than any pill will provide you. Really think about what you get out of a doctor visit when you leave. Is it that doctor helping you? Or did he/she just prescribe a pill that may or may not work? I know this is straight forward. But it really is just that. Get to the root cause, back to the basics.


@willjwise-sorry that you are experiencing this. However I would say the biggest downfall, is that the medical community leads you to believe they have answers that they can fix you. Unless you want an oral medication that will cause many other side effects and mask the real cause, then there is no need to see any doctor, ESPECIALLY a specialist (unless of course an acute, emergency situation)
If you really want to get this under control, you have to understand that you have the power to do so. Get back to the basics and work with someone like a Naturalpath/Functional Med Doctor.
They will look at YOU, and your lifestyle as a whole.
All inflammation starts in the gut. The same nasal mucosa that lines your nose, lines your gut. If your gut is not balanced, it will start to throw everything else off. Be honest about your diet, sleep and stress. Hypoglycemia is the result of an imbalance. So what is causing the hypoglycemia in the first place?
You are not crazy! This is happening to you. Put more faith back into yourself and allow yourself to get your body back in balance. It takes work yes, but the benefits will be far better for your over all health than any pill will provide you. Really think about what you get out of a doctor visit when you leave. Is it that doctor helping you? Or did he/she just prescribe a pill that may or may not work? I know this is straight forward. But it really is just that. Get to the root cause, back to the basics.

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Don’t expect a fix. However some routines to try would be helpful to keep it from being a total experiment on my part.


Don’t expect a fix. However some routines to try would be helpful to keep it from being a total experiment on my part.

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@willjwise-my apologies, if it came across that way. I was trying to encourage you in a positive way to understand that you have more control over your body than what a doctor can give you in a pill form.
Mucous is an inflammatory response. Addressing your diet can be the first experiment you can try.
You can see/visit with someone else who will help you from a whole body perspective. Western medicine does not treat the patient, they treat the symptoms. So you will still be left with what you have, even if it is masked with a pill for a while. If doctors educated patients on the mind/body the way they should, they would be out of business, because everyone would be able to take care of themselves.


Have you been tested for diabetes?


I have hypoglycemia, get the nasal congestion, fatigue but crave sugar.


@willjwise-sorry that you are experiencing this. However I would say the biggest downfall, is that the medical community leads you to believe they have answers that they can fix you. Unless you want an oral medication that will cause many other side effects and mask the real cause, then there is no need to see any doctor, ESPECIALLY a specialist (unless of course an acute, emergency situation)
If you really want to get this under control, you have to understand that you have the power to do so. Get back to the basics and work with someone like a Naturalpath/Functional Med Doctor.
They will look at YOU, and your lifestyle as a whole.
All inflammation starts in the gut. The same nasal mucosa that lines your nose, lines your gut. If your gut is not balanced, it will start to throw everything else off. Be honest about your diet, sleep and stress. Hypoglycemia is the result of an imbalance. So what is causing the hypoglycemia in the first place?
You are not crazy! This is happening to you. Put more faith back into yourself and allow yourself to get your body back in balance. It takes work yes, but the benefits will be far better for your over all health than any pill will provide you. Really think about what you get out of a doctor visit when you leave. Is it that doctor helping you? Or did he/she just prescribe a pill that may or may not work? I know this is straight forward. But it really is just that. Get to the root cause, back to the basics.

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I’ve also been diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis and it does seam connected. Am quite discouraged without any answers. What should I do. Where to start!?


@willjwise Do not get discouraged. You have to get to the root cause of what is causing the inflammation. Look at every area of your life. Diet, Medications, Exercise. Don’t leave it all up to doctors. They will slap a label on you and send you off with a med. You have to do the work. Don’t get frustrated, because that is what your body will feel and hear. Be kind and gentle to yourself and put in the effort to make little changes daily.


@willjwise Do not get discouraged. You have to get to the root cause of what is causing the inflammation. Look at every area of your life. Diet, Medications, Exercise. Don’t leave it all up to doctors. They will slap a label on you and send you off with a med. You have to do the work. Don’t get frustrated, because that is what your body will feel and hear. Be kind and gentle to yourself and put in the effort to make little changes daily.

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Thank you. When the episodes get control it seems totally impossible. Something triggered my system to totally evacuate its self ,leaving me very low and in pain, with absolute fatigue. The strangest thing about it is , when I get that low, the only thing that brings me back is a massive amount of honey or syrup with toast and peanut butter. Anyone have any ideas what may help. I’m not diabetic. So I’m really alone


Danny95 have you been tested for fungal infection which may need different medication than antibiotics?


@willjwise-having any type of health issue or imbalance in the body can be overwhelming. Know that you are not alone. If you are having a lot of worry around this, that can only increase your symptoms. After experiencing it, your exhaustion probably has you reach for food like that to give you a quick energy boost. If you haven’t been properly tested for bacteria, fungi in your gut then that’s a possibility to do so. But know that you can really look at your overall lifestyle, inside and out to get you feeling headed in the right direction. Be honest about everything in your system as well as your level of worry/anxiety which can wreak so much havoc on the gut/GI system. But doctors won’t talk to you about that. Even exercise and restful sleep replenish the guts good bacteria and removes toxins. I’m not saying this is a cure, but every little adjustment you can make each day can set you up to feel better.

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