Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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@rascal- They both do the same thing so I can imagine that the affects are doubles. Be every careful, lol

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I’ve learned that taking together can cause more sleepiness and dizziness and lethargy as effect same part of brain.


I have tried it and cbd has changed my health in so many ways. I don’t want to make any claims because everyone’s body is different and when people are on medications you need to talk to your doctor about it before starting something new. I went off of cbd for 3 weeks and I had such chronic inflammations two of my doctors told me to get back on it. I won’t go off it again.


I have tried it and cbd has changed my health in so many ways. I don’t want to make any claims because everyone’s body is different and when people are on medications you need to talk to your doctor about it before starting something new. I went off of cbd for 3 weeks and I had such chronic inflammations two of my doctors told me to get back on it. I won’t go off it again.

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@helenannmarie55- Hello- Good for you sticking with it. First of all it's natural and second of all it does reduce inflammation. .What dosage, if you don't mind me asking do you take? How often? We are all learning here so any information will be helpful.


@helenannmarie55- Hello- Good for you sticking with it. First of all it's natural and second of all it does reduce inflammation. .What dosage, if you don't mind me asking do you take? How often? We are all learning here so any information will be helpful.

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I am not a doctor and I am told that if I tell someone what dosage I am taking it is prescribing. I am not a doctor so legally can’t say. I know this may sound crazy but I don’t want to get in trouble. If you are under any medical care it is very wise to talk to your doctor. I think more people are taking cbd now so doctors aregetting acquainted with cbd and seem to be open about it.


I am not a doctor and I am told that if I tell someone what dosage I am taking it is prescribing. I am not a doctor so legally can’t say. I know this may sound crazy but I don’t want to get in trouble. If you are under any medical care it is very wise to talk to your doctor. I think more people are taking cbd now so doctors aregetting acquainted with cbd and seem to be open about it.

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that's fine Helen


@elssa1000- A warm welcome to Connect-Back many many years ago when not much was known about the long term side affects of valium. I had a horrible time with getting off of it and had to be given Librium to make it through the process. I'm glad that you are taking it easy and weaning off of it very slowly. Are you doing this on your own or under a doctor's guidance?

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@merpreb That's a good question! My GP is involved in that she is writing the prescriptions. There's been lots of reassuring, explaining and hand-holding. But from me to my doctor, not the other way around. It's weird. I can appreciate that she did not want me blind-sided with withdrawal symptoms. But comments like "do you want to go back to being housebound?" and "you know these drugs are harder to come off of than heroin" haven't been exactly helpful. To be fair, I do not think she's ever been comfortable with treating anxiety with only a benzodiazepine but I absolutely cannot tolerate the newer SSRI's and she's been respectful of that. I can only guess that maybe an ugly withdrawal process or even an unsuccessful withdrawal would reflect poorly on her prescribing practices and that's a completely reasonable concern on her part. She's been unbelievably compassionate over the years and definitely went against the stream, allowing me to take Xanax alone and not in combination with some other drug. So it makes sense that she would be wary of a potential "train wreck" stemming from a medication choice. That being said, it's stunning how little doctors know about discontinuing benzodiazepines. Had I not had the information about the Ashton Manuel ready to present to her, I would have been put on a one-month titration schedule. And that would have been disastrous. At the very least, her two concerns mentioned above would certainly have materialized. It is critical that you do your own research and are able to self-advocate. And really? That's true of all medicine these days.


Hello everyone... been reading here for awhile and decided maybe my experience with CBD might interest someone.
I take it for anxiety and panic attacks. This summer was pretty stressful and about October 1st I took my first dose of CBD oil. I use Green Mountain and .25ml on their measured dropper twice a day. The price is very reasonable and they post the lab results. It has been wonderful for me. My use of emergency Xanax is practically nil. If I do feel the need for Xanax I use 1/4 the dose now. For me it seems taking it on a daily basis gives the best results. I do not take it on a "need it" basis altho on a really stressful day I may increase my dose slightly or add another full dose. For anxiety a smaller dose works well for me. Have been able to avoid starting Wellbutrin.
This is my experience only. I would urge you to talk to your doctor before changing anything you are taking.


@merpreb That's a good question! My GP is involved in that she is writing the prescriptions. There's been lots of reassuring, explaining and hand-holding. But from me to my doctor, not the other way around. It's weird. I can appreciate that she did not want me blind-sided with withdrawal symptoms. But comments like "do you want to go back to being housebound?" and "you know these drugs are harder to come off of than heroin" haven't been exactly helpful. To be fair, I do not think she's ever been comfortable with treating anxiety with only a benzodiazepine but I absolutely cannot tolerate the newer SSRI's and she's been respectful of that. I can only guess that maybe an ugly withdrawal process or even an unsuccessful withdrawal would reflect poorly on her prescribing practices and that's a completely reasonable concern on her part. She's been unbelievably compassionate over the years and definitely went against the stream, allowing me to take Xanax alone and not in combination with some other drug. So it makes sense that she would be wary of a potential "train wreck" stemming from a medication choice. That being said, it's stunning how little doctors know about discontinuing benzodiazepines. Had I not had the information about the Ashton Manuel ready to present to her, I would have been put on a one-month titration schedule. And that would have been disastrous. At the very least, her two concerns mentioned above would certainly have materialized. It is critical that you do your own research and are able to self-advocate. And really? That's true of all medicine these days.

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@elsa- Good morning- I agree, we have to be advocates for ourselves and that might (usually) includes doing research on our medicines and illnesses! I am emphatic about this because there has been such an amazing amount of new information about both of them, new discoveries all the time that it would be impossible for anyone to be up to date and know it all.


@elsa- Good morning- I agree, we have to be advocates for ourselves and that might (usually) includes doing research on our medicines and illnesses! I am emphatic about this because there has been such an amazing amount of new information about both of them, new discoveries all the time that it would be impossible for anyone to be up to date and know it all.

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@merpreb I agree about advocating for ourselves. My experience has been that the medical realm I know does not want to hear of anything that I have read about and questions about treatment. I am not the strong assertive type and when a doctor blows a fuse when asked why about a treatment-pretty much keeps me from asking “why”. Are some so set in their ways they are threatened by being asked “why”. Maybe I go about it wrong. I know all doctors are not like what I have experienced. Hard to find a primary. I no longer mention pain or any new symptoms. Bloodwork and heart are normal so I am healthy. Just thinking on a public forum. There is a way. Still working on it. I have learned to not mention pain. They just seem so impatient as to what it once was. The pain specialist I see is vey kind and listens. I actually talk to him and not the lid of a laptop.


Hello everyone... been reading here for awhile and decided maybe my experience with CBD might interest someone.
I take it for anxiety and panic attacks. This summer was pretty stressful and about October 1st I took my first dose of CBD oil. I use Green Mountain and .25ml on their measured dropper twice a day. The price is very reasonable and they post the lab results. It has been wonderful for me. My use of emergency Xanax is practically nil. If I do feel the need for Xanax I use 1/4 the dose now. For me it seems taking it on a daily basis gives the best results. I do not take it on a "need it" basis altho on a really stressful day I may increase my dose slightly or add another full dose. For anxiety a smaller dose works well for me. Have been able to avoid starting Wellbutrin.
This is my experience only. I would urge you to talk to your doctor before changing anything you are taking.

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@fairoaks- A warm welcome to Mayo Connect and happy holidays. I too use CBD oil and have tried to figure out dosages and percentage of ingredients. I use a local compassion center and I take 10 mg per dropper, but included in that are other oils too.
It sounds like you are doing very well in controlling your symptoms and doses of medicine. Do you have any tips on how you reduce your stress?

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