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@sierrawoods Not sure if you were able to get the help you needed in 2018, but I have had similar issues this past year. I have hypothyroidism, endometriosis, and. Psoriatic Arthritis. I am on Celebrex for the arthritis, both synthetic and natural estrogen and progesterone (because I am in surgical menopause due to the endometriosis), and I take Synthroid as well.

I discovered if I take my Synthroid at night, it makes a huge difference to the adrenaline hot flashes! I also use a small dose of progesterone cream rubbed into the inside of my wrists before bed, which also makes a big difference with my sleep. I was on 100 mcg of Synthroid when my symptoms started, and then I upped that to 112 mcg, and Adrenaline filled hot flashes mostly disappeared for 3 months. I started having hot flashes combined with adrenaline rushes again this past December, so I have recently increased my dose to 125 mcg, and the symptoms have disappeared again.

My TSH was a 2 when having issues, and was around .5 or lower when symptoms disappeared. My doctor was hesitant to increase my Synthroid each time, but I insisted that I can’t live with night upon night of broken sleep, and a little more Synthroid seemed like a simple fix for a complex problem!

Just wanted to share, in case you are still suffering, and still monitoring this thread! Good luck! Keep advocating for yourself!! And thanks for your original post. My doctor told me if had never heard of these symptoms before, so it’s good to know I’m not the only one in the world dealing with this!

Take care 🙂

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Replies to "@sierrawoods Not sure if you were able to get the help you needed in 2018, but..."

@libjen I am not having a problem with my levothyroxine, but it's good to know that if necessary it can be taken in the evening. It doesn't interfere with your sleep?

Just an update: I have started taking a small dose of Cytomel (half of a 5mcg tab) and reduced my Synthroid to 100mcg, and this has stopped the adrenaline rushes at 3am...for now. Going to continue to monitor things, hopefully with a new family doc and I have an appt to see an Endocrinologist in October (a six month wait here in Canada).