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Hi @purpleholli. I am sorry for all the symptoms you are experiencing and the disappointment you feel towards typical doctors. Unfortunately they do not understand chronic illnesses like this. Mine told me to exercise! Of course I would if I could -- I used to run half marathons and lift weights. Anyway, I'm confident you will find some hope in alternative treatments. Learn what is helping others by reading all you can on online support groups. From what I have read, many have been helped with diet changes, supplements, lifestyle changes, and Valtrex (antiviral medication). Do your research and then make the best decision as possible. I'm currently doing a diet and supplement protocol by Bill Rawls, MD. He is a physician who has been through what we have including the frustration with the medical community. I also did the research on Valtrex and asked my nurse practitioner if that was something she would consider. She researched and went ahead and ordered it. This journey is definitely not a sprint, but rather a marathon. Learn, plan, pace yourself, celebrate small improvements. Let us know how you do. I wish you a full recovery!! 🙂

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Replies to "Hi @purpleholli. I am sorry for all the symptoms you are experiencing and the disappointment you..."

I am having so much problems for two months now, I am swollen on my entire lymphatic path, it has been a long painful story for me, the only abnormal tests were the EBV and my doctor is one that doesn’t understand it either...Im suffering beyond words...is the valtrex working for you? Plz advise, thank you