Tapering off Lyrica gave me panic, nausea, extreme anxiety

Posted by cdcc @cdcc, Nov 28, 2017

I have been taking Lyrica 150 mg two times a day for four years for trigeminal nerve neuralgia from shingles. Since I am now beginning to loose my teeth from this medication I decided to go off it. Folding my doctors withdrawal program I became very sick. Panic, extreme anxiety, nausea, could not eat and lost 17 pounds in 7 weeks, not good I’m tiny as it is. Ended in the ER for I’ve fluids, nausea medications. Back to the family doctor. He put me back on 50mg a day because he felt I needed a long withdrawal from the medications then also said you may have to go back on your full dosing which after all this suffering I am doing I don’t want to do that. I have even made an appoint with a psychiatrist to help with the anxiety although my family doctor gave me Ativan 0:5mg to take twice daily. I don’t even wan5 to go outside the house, haven’t driven in 7 weeks afraid my anxiety or panic will take over. Has anyone experienced these conditions with coming off this medication. Thank you

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All I needed was an door opened because they have no other way to get in by wheel chair. It's just hard when a simple thing that they are by law suppose to do and it was in front of my 4 year old.


my husband is very upset and begging me to do something about it...….


Sad thing is you can be born with a disability or like me get in the car and it happen. It can happen to us all


@lillee I still think that person was a jerk They need to grow up and have more compassion


@lillee I still think that person was a jerk They need to grow up and have more compassion

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It's same with coming off Lyrica or any medication also there isn't any compassion for anyone and I see even doctors not take with drawl serious, to me it's the same as treating someone with a disability bad.


It seems like some doctors are starting to get the message about how difficult it is to get off anti depressants. I've been on 10-15 mg./day of lexapro for twenty years. I've attempted to get off several times and always had such terrible withdrawal symptoms that I ran back to the meds. There was an article in the March 5, 2019 NYTimes called How to Quit Antidepressants: Very Slowly, Doctors Say.. One doctor weaned himself off by opening his capsules and removing just one or two tiny pills at a time over a year. This is a huge issue that doctors and patients need to discuss and learn how to treat.

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Hi, @marrie, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. That sounds like it's been quite a journey trying to get off the escitalopram (Lexapro). One other Connect thread you might be interested to check out is this one on tapering off of escitalopram (Lexapro) https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/lexapro-withdrawal

When you were having terrible withdrawal symptoms when you were tapering off of the escitalopram (Lexapro) and then went back on the medication due to those symptoms, how did you feel about it?


Well friends today I went down to 2 of the 75mg Lyrica and its still hard. Hope everyone is well today. I am trying but at times believe I will end right back on it for good.


@lillee I have Fibromyalgia and have taken everything for it side effects where bad so I started researching and found Fibro Malic it has worked for me over 3 yrs now I just assumed you have fibro being on Lyrica if not I'm blowing smoke lol


@lillee I have Fibromyalgia and have taken everything for it side effects where bad so I started researching and found Fibro Malic it has worked for me over 3 yrs now I just assumed you have fibro being on Lyrica if not I'm blowing smoke lol

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in a bad car accident and after 98 surgeries I lost both legs and have lupus I was given Lyrica for phantom pains and nerve pain. I really hope I can get off of it soon. The bad thing is that the Lyrica was the one medication that worked I just never knew you couldn't get off it. I had no idea how bad it was


in a bad car accident and after 98 surgeries I lost both legs and have lupus I was given Lyrica for phantom pains and nerve pain. I really hope I can get off of it soon. The bad thing is that the Lyrica was the one medication that worked I just never knew you couldn't get off it. I had no idea how bad it was

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My Mom had fibromyalgia and she had suffered too so my heart goes out to you because she was treated badly by the medical community I have lost trust in the medical community where I am from myself

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