I'm having problems with my Aerobika: What are your solutions?
I am having a great deal of difficulty with fluttering and my aerobika. I am having trouble getting it to flutter upon exhale. Is there anyone else who is experiencing this and if so, what are the solutions? I keep having to hit the aerobika to get it to flutter. Thank you. Terry
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I had that problem once. I think the little green thing was still wet. I make sure it is completely dry when I use it. It hasn’t happened again. But I have read, (don’t remember where), that they need to be replaced every 6 months. I don’t know if that would be the reason why.
Gina K
I have this problem a lot and the aerobikas aren't old. How can you make certain that that little green thing is dry? I dry my aerobika on paper towel and allow it to simply air dry. Is there a better method? Thanks so much for any replies. Terry
Hello @128128terry11t
I googled "Aerobikas" (since I was not familiar with the term) and saw that there are some Youtube videos - perhaps they will help you with this problem. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrgEZRYHhhafYEAR0EPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=aerobika&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt
Thank you. Seem to be doing it correctly. Appreciate the tip.
Sometimes I find that mine isn't fastened together well and then it doesn't flutter. If I push down on the top until they click together that clears up the problem.
Thank you for the suggestion. Much appreciated.
I have the same problem. After a few days it stops fluttering. I get a replacement and it happens again. This is my third device that stops working after a few days of use. Currently i requested replacement from Monaghan. They will send a new one. I need to try to use a different disinfecting method. I have been using the microwave with the steam bag. Maybe the white thin valve gets overheated in these newest devices. I used my very first device for 6 months with the same cleaning method.
I use a baby bottle sterilizer daily with nebulizer parts and with arebokia. I have not had any problems so far . First I rinse, then place in very hot sudsy water for at least 30 mins, then wash in the same water, rinse twice, shake off excess water and then place in baby bottle sterilizer.
After destroying 2 devices in the microwave and refusing to buy another appliance (sterilizer) I switched to an alcohol bath weekly and a daily wash.
I've been using Aerobika for close to 4 years. They have all held up well except a new one that had a problem right away. I contacted the company, returned that one and they sent me a replacement one. My cleaning routine is to rinse, place in fairly hot water with Dawn detergent. After 20-30 mins I put in a steamer bag for one min and 30 seconds--be sure to put 4 ozs water in the bag before putting in the microwave. After at least 5 mins I remove, shake excess water off and let air dry. For me they are pretty sturdy. Not sure what you're inhaling so maybe that can be part of it. I've only used 7% Sod. Chloride and Tobramycin off and on.