Adult Life after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Hi, My name is Dawn and I am an RN. Just over two years ago I received a work related injury. This injury has left me with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even though two years have passed, I still suffer with lingering tbi symptoms. I have some issues with memory. Some things I remember with no problems, other things I just don't remember and I can't explain why... I also suffer with issues related to mood dis-regulation. I can be angry at times and not understand why or end up having explosive outbursts. This has greatly impacted my life. I still work but no longer with patients. Also, this has been a huge turn around for my family. I'm no longer the mom who has everything under control. I used to work full time, manage my kids' schedules, pay household bills, and keep my house clean. Now I struggle to remember to brush my hair before leaving for work. My husband pays the bills and my kids write their schedules on a large calendar (that hangs in our dining room) so I can visually be reminded where they are and what they are doing. I am a "new" me and I never would have imagined this journey for myself.
I know there are things out there for youth that suffer from concussion/tbi, but I don't always find a lot of discussion/support for adults, like myself. I get up every day and work to live my life to its fullest. If you would like to know more about my life and journey, you can listen to a podcast that I did with my family. Its called "Terrible, Thanks For Asking". We're season 1, episode 5. Its brutally honest. If any of this rings true to your life please join this discussion with me. Thanks for your time!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.
Could you provide more information on the CBT? What is the name of the doctor you are seeing? I’m in desperate need for that therapy.
Thank you for sharing this video. I think it speaks a truth that many of us are living. Yes! we are still alive but as a different person. I continue to morn the loss of myself everyday. The only way is forward but it can be so hard not to look back!
Thank you for sharing this information. It sounds as though, you have found some wonderful therapy to help you recover. It's a day by day process. I'm so glad you are making progress!
Hello William!
Thanks for joining us. Sorry I've been slow to reply. I've been dealing with some health related things but hope to be more active again. Being able to support one another is a great strength and a gift we can share to make each person's life better.
Glad your here sharing with us!
Thank you for your posting . You have a beautiful way of saying what so many of us are dealing with because our personal loss.
Welcome and thanks for sharing . I feel we all have something we can add that will help others.
Keep posting, Dawn
Thank you so much for posting all of this information. Its very helpful. The research is telling us that music can make a difference. Music can calm us, excite us, and help us to remember. Its an absolute blessing in all of our lives!
Thank you for sharing!
Great information! Prayer can be a balm that heals many ailments. I'm glad you found this blog and I'm glad to you keep striving for improvement every day!
Thank you for your interest. Sorry I've been so absent. I've had lots of life changes that have been hard for me to deal with. Trying to get back on track! No, I did not do any further therapy. I have kept my care at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, for a variety of reasons. Yes, I have made another podcast. It was with my youngest daughter, Faith. She is the focus of the podcast. We were interviewed by StoryCorp. about her life as a female teenager with Autism. If anyone would like to hear it, its on the Rochester (MN) Public Library web page. I had the honor of interviewing my daughter all about her life. It was such a fun experience. I would like to do some speaking about being an adult with a brain injury but am not sure how to get that going. A process to figure out! I really want people to know what its like to be living like this and also to let others know that they are not alone. The world is such an overwhelming place and just knowing you're not alone can make such a big difference!