What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing

I was visiting a community hospital recently, waiting in line for a coffee. Across the lobby was a large, beautiful dog. As visitors and patients stopped to pet the dog and talk with the owner, you could literally see how their faces lit up with smiles and their bodies relaxed.

In the week leading up to exams at my daughter's school, they bring in therapy dogs for the students to interact with. It helps reduce anxiety at a very stressful time for students. For many people, animals provide countless health benefits.

Cats, dogs, birds, fish, hamsters: How have animals comforted you, helped with recovery or promoted good health for you?

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Hello connect friends. I no longer have house pets of any type. I do enjoy the wild birds outside my window. I did a drawing recently of some of my wild feathered friends. Can you find some you may know???
Hey, it did help to stop by for a while. Thanks to all!!!

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WOW, that is awe-inspiring!!!


WOW, that is awe-inspiring!!!

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@parus I agree with @jakedduck1, that is a great drawing of birds!


Hello connect friends. I no longer have house pets of any type. I do enjoy the wild birds outside my window. I did a drawing recently of some of my wild feathered friends. Can you find some you may know???
Hey, it did help to stop by for a while. Thanks to all!!!

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@parus I third that vote! This is awesome. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.


Hello connect friends. I no longer have house pets of any type. I do enjoy the wild birds outside my window. I did a drawing recently of some of my wild feathered friends. Can you find some you may know???
Hey, it did help to stop by for a while. Thanks to all!!!

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@parus That is beautiful I see my lovely cardinals and chickadees. I don't see a bluejay in there . I'm so glad you are startin to keep in touch more miss you . Have a good day . take care I know appt,s are a pain . Sounds like your taking the in stride right now that's what I'm doing have to have a knee injection today arthritis is getting them.


Hello connect friends. I no longer have house pets of any type. I do enjoy the wild birds outside my window. I did a drawing recently of some of my wild feathered friends. Can you find some you may know???
Hey, it did help to stop by for a while. Thanks to all!!!

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@johnbishop needs to see this artwork, @parus. He, too, is admirer of watching birds outside his window. I'm confident he and @predictable can identify each of them


Hello connect friends. I no longer have house pets of any type. I do enjoy the wild birds outside my window. I did a drawing recently of some of my wild feathered friends. Can you find some you may know???
Hey, it did help to stop by for a while. Thanks to all!!!

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Wish I could double like this artwork @parus. It is magnificent! Thank you for sharing it with us.


Hello connect friends. I no longer have house pets of any type. I do enjoy the wild birds outside my window. I did a drawing recently of some of my wild feathered friends. Can you find some you may know???
Hey, it did help to stop by for a while. Thanks to all!!!

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Crows, male and female cardinals, bluejay, song sparrows, grackle, maybe a white breasted nut hatch? Beautiful drawing @parus.


Wish I could double like this artwork @parus. It is magnificent! Thank you for sharing it with us.

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@parus, here's a few from my window this past week.


@johnbishop Some delightful captures!!! It is amazing what one can see through a window. Thank you for sharing and thanks for the praise.


@parus That is beautiful I see my lovely cardinals and chickadees. I don't see a bluejay in there . I'm so glad you are startin to keep in touch more miss you . Have a good day . take care I know appt,s are a pain . Sounds like your taking the in stride right now that's what I'm doing have to have a knee injection today arthritis is getting them.

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@lioness Look again for a Blue Jay. It is there.

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