Autoimmune disease mistaken for mental disease

Posted by Lisa @techi, Aug 2, 2017

When l was at the Mayo Clinic my neurologist told me that my neurologist l had assumed instead of read my medical records that l had an Autoimmue disease. My gasterentologist knew because he referred me to a rheumatologist. So l was mad at that because of the symptoms l was having and they wanted to place me in a mental hospital. Then l also found out medicine l am allergic to they still have that l am taking. And one of the hospitals l go to and the my cardiologist l am seeing right now. My insurance is cancelling there contract with them and my insurance is a major insurance. So l called my cardiologist to see if she wanted to see me before the discontinue there services with the hospital and she tells me l wasn't treating you for anything so you can follow-up with general practice doctor. l believe they have been misdiagnosing people and running up insurances that they know will pay them well. So now l guess l have to come forward to my insurance that they were suppose to run a test that they didn't so they can take off my record that l have psychiatric issues instead of autoimmune issues. Sorry excuse of a medical hospital and its doctors. They said with the insurance company not renewing the contract will hurt 600 doctors and l am sure the employees too. Time to search for a new doctor!!!!

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I knkw l looking for an attorney. I dont like to do this but they need to be held accountable and my insurance company also because l kept telling them what was going on. And when the insurance on call nurse told me not to take 2 meds together and l told my doctor she said that was old news, now you can take them together. I called the pharamcy and they told me you shouldn't. Yes that is medical negliance and now she doesn't want to take care of me. Now l am not sure because our insurance doesn't want to renew a contract with them but she didn't even refer me to another doctor.


I knkw l looking for an attorney. I dont like to do this but they need to be held accountable and my insurance company also because l kept telling them what was going on. And when the insurance on call nurse told me not to take 2 meds together and l told my doctor she said that was old news, now you can take them together. I called the pharamcy and they told me you shouldn't. Yes that is medical negliance and now she doesn't want to take care of me. Now l am not sure because our insurance doesn't want to renew a contract with them but she didn't even refer me to another doctor.

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Hello @techi, I'm sorry they are putting you through this mess. You might want to check with your local government to see if there is a way to resolve the issue. Depending on where you live, I would do a search on for "state board of health appeals procedures" to see if there is a state government means of resolving your problem with the insurance company and the doctors. It might be a lot less expensive for you than having to hire an attorney.



Hello @techy, I understand where you are coming from. I have MS, the symptoms started when I was in my twenties. The Duckters told me that I was imagining it, It was all in my head, I just wanted attention. They sent me to a shrink. 25 years later a woman Dr. who migrated from India said it was in my head because that's where the most damage occurs. I kept going from Dr. to Dr. till I got one that listened to me and respected me. One of the Dr. told me "He was the Professional Dr. and I was only the patient who didn't Know anything so I should shut up and listen to him. I live in this body. I know it intimately. Who knows better what is going on more than you in you're body? Be you're own advocate and keep pushing for answers. Best of luck to you and remember that whatever it turns out to be, It may have you're body but it cannot have you if you don't let it. Chin up Always!

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Been there, done that, Lisa. The only thing I can add is that, if not for the internet, many of us would have a very difficult time staying alive in this world. One set of hepatologists in Scottsdale refused to see me concerning my liver because I was not going to live anyway.


I knkw l looking for an attorney. I dont like to do this but they need to be held accountable and my insurance company also because l kept telling them what was going on. And when the insurance on call nurse told me not to take 2 meds together and l told my doctor she said that was old news, now you can take them together. I called the pharamcy and they told me you shouldn't. Yes that is medical negliance and now she doesn't want to take care of me. Now l am not sure because our insurance doesn't want to renew a contract with them but she didn't even refer me to another doctor.

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Lisa (@techi), I found a website that may help walk you through the process with your insurance company and doctor.

Patient Advocate Foundation -



John will 5hey help with incorrect allergy list? I have told all my doctors about my allergies to medications and l am still finding meds l can't take on my records. I have decussed this with my doctors PA and she said when she updates in the clinic its updated in the hospital. I told that's incorrect. I just found out a medicine l stopped using in 2015. It was on my records when l had surgery and again in 2016 in my pulmonogist records. I have so many things on my medical records its unreal. I even have on my recorda the wrong year l had surgery. Isn't that a joke. Have you used this patient advocate before? We thanks John for the resources, i hope and pray l don^t has seek counsel because l just want to get the misdiagnosis off my medical record so l can go back to work.


John will 5hey help with incorrect allergy list? I have told all my doctors about my allergies to medications and l am still finding meds l can't take on my records. I have decussed this with my doctors PA and she said when she updates in the clinic its updated in the hospital. I told that's incorrect. I just found out a medicine l stopped using in 2015. It was on my records when l had surgery and again in 2016 in my pulmonogist records. I have so many things on my medical records its unreal. I even have on my recorda the wrong year l had surgery. Isn't that a joke. Have you used this patient advocate before? We thanks John for the resources, i hope and pray l don^t has seek counsel because l just want to get the misdiagnosis off my medical record so l can go back to work.

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Lisa, I wonder if the problem is that the doctors and the hospital do not have a common medical records database where everything is stored. If your medical record at the clinic is OK, you might be able to take a copy of it to the hospital and talk with someone in the medical records office (assuming they have one).

I think that's where the Mayo Clinic shines (in my humble opinion). All of their family clinics tie into the main Mayo Clinic and when your medical record is updated at the family clinic you can log into your patient portal and see all the records...of course they don't go back far enough for my oldest records and when I was covered by an HMO that wasn't part of the Mayo Clinic organization.



I knkw l looking for an attorney. I dont like to do this but they need to be held accountable and my insurance company also because l kept telling them what was going on. And when the insurance on call nurse told me not to take 2 meds together and l told my doctor she said that was old news, now you can take them together. I called the pharamcy and they told me you shouldn't. Yes that is medical negliance and now she doesn't want to take care of me. Now l am not sure because our insurance doesn't want to renew a contract with them but she didn't even refer me to another doctor.

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ahhhh! you are one of the informed ones. thank you for your input.


I knkw l looking for an attorney. I dont like to do this but they need to be held accountable and my insurance company also because l kept telling them what was going on. And when the insurance on call nurse told me not to take 2 meds together and l told my doctor she said that was old news, now you can take them together. I called the pharamcy and they told me you shouldn't. Yes that is medical negliance and now she doesn't want to take care of me. Now l am not sure because our insurance doesn't want to renew a contract with them but she didn't even refer me to another doctor.

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yes, this happens many, many times. it seems as though that DO NOT CARE. we the patients are in a losing place. wish there was something we can do.


I knkw l looking for an attorney. I dont like to do this but they need to be held accountable and my insurance company also because l kept telling them what was going on. And when the insurance on call nurse told me not to take 2 meds together and l told my doctor she said that was old news, now you can take them together. I called the pharamcy and they told me you shouldn't. Yes that is medical negliance and now she doesn't want to take care of me. Now l am not sure because our insurance doesn't want to renew a contract with them but she didn't even refer me to another doctor.

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i could be wrong but for what i can see, the attorneys work together with the doctors. perhaps the doctors have contracts with the attorneys , not all doctors mind you but quite a high percentage.of them. paranoia or reality?


Hello @techy, I understand where you are coming from. I have MS, the symptoms started when I was in my twenties. The Duckters told me that I was imagining it, It was all in my head, I just wanted attention. They sent me to a shrink. 25 years later a woman Dr. who migrated from India said it was in my head because that's where the most damage occurs. I kept going from Dr. to Dr. till I got one that listened to me and respected me. One of the Dr. told me "He was the Professional Dr. and I was only the patient who didn't Know anything so I should shut up and listen to him. I live in this body. I know it intimately. Who knows better what is going on more than you in you're body? Be you're own advocate and keep pushing for answers. Best of luck to you and remember that whatever it turns out to be, It may have you're body but it cannot have you if you don't let it. Chin up Always!

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why cannot the doctors be realistic and respectful? when there is a mistake try to work it out with the patient and not ridicule or demean by saying "it's all in your mind? where is the caring, the humanity and not the hurting? these are not isolated incidents. WHAT HAPPENED TO; "FIRST DO NO HARM"? SHAME, SHAME SHAME.

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