Parkinson and Rheumatoid Arthiritis

Posted by Starbright @gulfer, Jul 24, 2017

My mom has been using Enbrel biologic injection once a year and has recently diagnosed with Parkinson. These kind of Rheumatoid Arthritis biologic treatments have a lot of possible side effects. Also this medication controls her immune system as well as her RA. On the other hand, I was wondering is controlling her immune system with that medicine bad for the progression of Parkinson? Should she stop that kind of treatment for her RA and choose something else? What kind of treatments can she get without effecting her Parkinson in a bad way? Thank you!

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Hi @gulfer: I don't know anything about Enbrel and how it might impact a Parkinson's diagnosis and treatment. This is something that you will need to address with your mother's doctor. Probably her doctor who is treating her RA might be able to help you with an answer to that question. Her health situation seems complicated - I certainly appreciate the interest you are taking in your mom's health situation - I know how difficult that can be. In the meantime, here is a Mayo website that addresses Rheumatoid Arthritis,, perhaps the information there will help you.



Thank you @hopeful33250, I will check it out!


@gulfer It has been a while since we heard from you. I hope that your mother is doing better with her PD meds. Is she adjusting well to this diagnosis?



Hi @hopeful33250,
Thank you for your support.She is doing ok other than constipation. I was researching on the internet and came across stg.they are still searching, not sure but there is a possibility that PD might be an autoimmune disease like her Rhuematoid Arthiritis. So if that is true we need to fix her immune system. I recommended her to see a an immunologist besides her neurologist and Romatologist. Thank you so much for the support for my mom.


Hi @hopeful33250,
Thank you for your support.She is doing ok other than constipation. I was researching on the internet and came across stg.they are still searching, not sure but there is a possibility that PD might be an autoimmune disease like her Rhuematoid Arthiritis. So if that is true we need to fix her immune system. I recommended her to see a an immunologist besides her neurologist and Romatologist. Thank you so much for the support for my mom.

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Thanks for your reply. I was not aware of the connection between PD and autoimmune disorders, that is very interesting. Will you keep in touch and let us know how she is doing?


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