Chronic Pain, alternative Treatment

Posted by CiPaul @cipaul, Jul 11, 2017

I have had chronic pain for 17 years. I know what I'm going to say will be met with doubt, but please try what I say, even though it is not completely backed up by sceince. I was on heavy doses of OPIOIDS for 16 years with no help, relieveing my pain, then I started to take Kratom, for the last year I have been Pain Free!!! If you try it , you will have to try different strains, to find out what works best for you

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I don't know much about it but has some information on it if you want to check it out. 19lin

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What is Kratom?

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Hello @kevindmoore, it may be worth sharing some information that the community director, Colleen Young, shared awhile back regarding kratom:

Kratom is a natural product but it does have significant risks and side effects. Because of these risks the FDA banned import of Kratom in August 2016 and issued a notice of intent to classify 2 chemicals in Kratom as Schedule 1 drugs (the same category as heroin).

Kratom can cause dependence and withdrawl symptoms including aggression, anxiety and other negative psychiatric effects, muscle aches, spasms, tremors, insomnia, fever and upset stomach. It can also cause dangerous slowed breathing and seizures. It can worsen psychiatric disease and may increase the risk of suicide. Kratom can impair liver function. Kratom interacts with other herbal medications including Jimson Weed. It interacts with sedating medications. It has the potential for many other drug interactions because of the way it is metabolized.

There are other medications and therapies for pain and withdrawal. Pain and withdrawal CAN be safely and effectively managed with prescription medications and other therapies by dedicated providers.Trying to manage serious medical conditions without your provider to guide you could make the condition worse.

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Centers use group therapy, physical and occupational therapy and biofeedback and work with each individual to optimize therapy.

This is a link to opiate addiction treatment centers and has further information on Kratom addiction.

@kevindmoore, if you don't mind sharing, what brought you to Connect?


I don't know much about it but has some information on it if you want to check it out. 19lin

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This is ridiculous, just like drug companies did with Marijuana. I have been told this helps with cancer pain.


@jenapower @cipaul @ayankeeinnm @lauren123 @allisonsnow @marield65 @virtuous69 and all participating in this discussion, please see this IMPORTANT NOTE from Mayo Clinic pharmacist:

Kratom is a natural product but it does have significant risks and side effects. Because of these risks the FDA banned import of Kratom in August 2016 and issued a notice of intent to classify 2 chemicals in Kratom as Schedule 1 drugs (the same category as heroin).

Kratom can cause dependence and withdrawl symptoms including aggression, anxiety and other negative psychiatric effects, muscle aches, spasms, tremors, insomnia, fever and upset stomach. It can also cause dangerous slowed breathing and seizures. It can worsen psychiatric disease and may increase the risk of suicide. Kratom can impair liver function. Kratom interacts with other herbal medications including Jimson Weed. It interacts with sedating medications. It has the potential for many other drug interactions because of the way it is metabolized.

There are other medications and therapies for pain and withdrawal. Pain and withdrawal CAN be safely and effectively managed with prescription medications and other therapies by dedicated providers.Trying to manage serious medical conditions without your provider to guide you could make the condition worse.

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Centers use group therapy, physical and occupational therapy and biofeedback and work with each individual to optimize therapy.

This is a link to opiate addiction treatment centers and has further information on Kratom addiction.

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@Colleen with all those side effects why would anyone try it ,side effects scare me


I don't know much about it but has some information on it if you want to check it out. 19lin

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@everyone has to decide if the risk of those side effects are worth it or not With the problems I have why ask for more? Idecided I'm not having another back injection 3days and I'm hurting all over I'm think that stirred up my fibromyalgia ,could it?

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What is Kratom?

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I was more interested in exchanging ideas and personal responses to AA and chronic pain in general; what I've found in most other groups (usually on Facebook) is one-liners, favorite causes (never anything dealing with pain), and lots of people talking about their diets. This is why I'm in Connect. My concern with the worry I read here--with addiction has me baffled. The percentage of folks who become addicted while taking opiates for chronic pain is incredibly low. Out of 130 people, 1 will become addicted. I've had Adhesive (and sub) Arachnoiditis for 45 years, have never had decent medical care, and stupidly walked out on my pain management clinic, never imagining just how horrific the pain was gonna get. Kratom sounds like a real nightmare of a drug, and it's good of you to share your knowledge about it. The only thing available here is CBD oil, and it's pricey. I have access to everything illegal, but they don't appeal. Pot is delivered, but VERY pricey, and way too strong for me; I start hallucinating after 1 hit. If anyone reads this and knows of a natural pain killer, you'd be doing a round the clock pain sufferer a huge favor. Thanks for listening to my rant!


@jenapower @cipaul @ayankeeinnm @lauren123 @allisonsnow @marield65 @virtuous69 and all participating in this discussion, please see this IMPORTANT NOTE from Mayo Clinic pharmacist:

Kratom is a natural product but it does have significant risks and side effects. Because of these risks the FDA banned import of Kratom in August 2016 and issued a notice of intent to classify 2 chemicals in Kratom as Schedule 1 drugs (the same category as heroin).

Kratom can cause dependence and withdrawl symptoms including aggression, anxiety and other negative psychiatric effects, muscle aches, spasms, tremors, insomnia, fever and upset stomach. It can also cause dangerous slowed breathing and seizures. It can worsen psychiatric disease and may increase the risk of suicide. Kratom can impair liver function. Kratom interacts with other herbal medications including Jimson Weed. It interacts with sedating medications. It has the potential for many other drug interactions because of the way it is metabolized.

There are other medications and therapies for pain and withdrawal. Pain and withdrawal CAN be safely and effectively managed with prescription medications and other therapies by dedicated providers.Trying to manage serious medical conditions without your provider to guide you could make the condition worse.

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Centers use group therapy, physical and occupational therapy and biofeedback and work with each individual to optimize therapy.

This is a link to opiate addiction treatment centers and has further information on Kratom addiction.

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good advice thanks for passing along

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What is Kratom?

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Rants are always welcome ! and I couldn't agree more on the obsession with addiction. It is not the prescribed users that get addicted as long as they only see one Dr. and he is reputable and go to only one pharmacy. the problem lays in Dr.s that over-prescribe and those using illegally. Also I will be in pain until I die so does that mean I am an addict because I will be on it till then? and if so what ...if pain meds in moderate use can give me back some time with grandkids and a little normalcy to my days that's the road I am willing to beats dealing with the side-effects of sleep(and side effects of that !), depression (increased suicide), no appetite, in-ability to function or perform daily personal care activities and so many others. I guess I am in a bit of a pissy mood also ! So excuse my rant also I am usually more coherent than this and a lot more upbeat !! Next time I promise my happy face will be back on...but that is the great thing about this place you don't always have to have your "happy face" on

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What is Kratom?

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Allsionsnow I have been screaming this from the mountain top. QUALITY of Life. Why don't they go after the high schools students and college students who seem to be able to get what we need and cannot get. Also Texas with their idiot laws not allow Marijuana.. I should have check that before I left Oregon where I could freely get it. I had three plants of my own growing in my Sun room. They grew like WEED should grow. I had to give it all away as I could not fly with it or bring it into Texas. I guess I have to make friends with some high school students or College Students. They seem to get it freely.

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