How Spirituality Can Help Stress

Posted by Teresa, Volunteer Mentor @hopeful33250, Jul 11, 2017

I recently read an article from Mayo Clinic about Spirituality and Stress Relief. Here is how the article began:

"Some stress relief tools are very tangible: exercising more, eating healthy foods and talking with friends. A less tangible — but no less useful — way to find stress relief is through spirituality.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality has many definitions, but at its core spirituality helps to give your life context. It's not necessarily connected to a specific belief system or even religious worship. Instead, it arises from your connection with yourself and with others, the development of your personal value system, and your search for meaning in life.

For many, spirituality takes the form of religious observance, prayer, meditation or a belief in a higher power. For others, it can be found in nature, music, art or a secular community. Spirituality is different for everyone." The complete article can be found at

How has spirituality helped you to deal with stress?

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My spirituality is centered in God and the work that Jesus did for us. If my faith were strong enough, I would have no stress or anxiety but even when my faith is weak, I know God is in control and will be with me. Without Him I could not face the tough days.

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@hopeful33250 Thank you for tip on that book. I will see if my library has it.
Hope you are feeling well these days!   - Terri M.


My spirituality is centered in God and the work that Jesus did for us. If my faith were strong enough, I would have no stress or anxiety but even when my faith is weak, I know God is in control and will be with me. Without Him I could not face the tough days.

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@windwalker Nice to hear from you, Terri! It is an old book (published 41 years ago) the author is J.B. Phillips, not sure if a public library will have it, but you can sure look to see. Teresa


My spirituality is centered in God and the work that Jesus did for us. If my faith were strong enough, I would have no stress or anxiety but even when my faith is weak, I know God is in control and will be with me. Without Him I could not face the tough days.

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@liz223 Wow, I am so sorry to hear of the troubles you have had with people. Yes, when you open your heart to relationships, you can be hurt. I am an incest survivor. My father was/is a very sick man. My first husband beat me. In my youth, I trusted too quickly, and some used trusted information to hurt me. I don't know why some people are that way, but they exist. Yet, I never gave up. My mother is a good woman. I was lucky to have a good relationship with her. She gave me the gift of my faith. I never could have gone through everything I have been through without God. And I am cold stone serious about that - God truly has given me strength, direction and unconditional love. I have three wonderful sisters - a great blessing - who share history with me and understand me. I am on my third marriage - I guess the third time is a charm? At any rate, I at least learned, through therapy, to respect myself. I probably stayed with my first husband too long, but I did find the courage to leave him. My second husband cheated on me, and I found the courage to leave him. I have three children. Two girls and a boy with my second husband. I just knew something better was out there for me - and I was right. I had to learn how I was making bad choices based on my past. I also have a few very close friends who I call my "sisters by choice". I can tell them anything. I can trust them, and they can trust me. But it took knowing them for a long time before they became "inner circle" friends. I urge you to not give up, but also to trust slowly. Have you been to therapy? I know going to therapy over the years has really helped me. There are also some very good self-help books available.You can ask a therapist for recommendations for your particular issues. Also, I am on anti-depressants. They have really helped me to cope with various issues. They do not take the issues away, but they sure keep me from getting weighed down and ineffective. There ARE good people out there. Have you and your husband been to therapy about his infidelities? I know a friend who decided to stay with her husband after his affair, but only after he agreed to go to counseling. They worked through their issues and are still married. I pray you take some proactive measures to improve your life - like therapy, strengthening your relationship with God, some self-help reading or doing something you like just for you and possibly meeting some new friends. Don't give up. It is never too late to improve your life! Keeping you in my prayers and sending you hugs!


My spirituality is centered in God and the work that Jesus did for us. If my faith were strong enough, I would have no stress or anxiety but even when my faith is weak, I know God is in control and will be with me. Without Him I could not face the tough days.

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Teresa, I whole heartedly agree with your comments!


My spirituality is centered in God and the work that Jesus did for us. If my faith were strong enough, I would have no stress or anxiety but even when my faith is weak, I know God is in control and will be with me. Without Him I could not face the tough days.

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Hi all ..... if I may, I'm going to "switch horses" here .... I would like some input from anyone that has any insight into this. I've had depression and anxiety since I was an early teen and finally at age 45, I went to my doctor. She sent me to a Psychiatrist who put me on Zoloft. That was many, many, moons ago and I have a different Psychiatrist and now take meds. for Depression/Anxiety and Cyclothymia. I sleep great every night (my adult kids tell me I could sleep standing up!!!), but every morning, as soon as my feet hit the floor I feel this overwhelming anxiety and I don't know why. I slept well, was it dreams? I don't know what causes this, but I come right to the kitchen, take my meds. and within 45 min. it's gone. I just don't get why I wake up that way .... it doesn't make any sense to me. Input from anyone?

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@contentandwell You may be back from your trip already. If so, I hope you had a great time. I LOVED Maui! Would go again in a heart beat! Hope you can relax and enjoy the beauty! What a super escape!


Hi all ..... if I may, I'm going to "switch horses" here .... I would like some input from anyone that has any insight into this. I've had depression and anxiety since I was an early teen and finally at age 45, I went to my doctor. She sent me to a Psychiatrist who put me on Zoloft. That was many, many, moons ago and I have a different Psychiatrist and now take meds. for Depression/Anxiety and Cyclothymia. I sleep great every night (my adult kids tell me I could sleep standing up!!!), but every morning, as soon as my feet hit the floor I feel this overwhelming anxiety and I don't know why. I slept well, was it dreams? I don't know what causes this, but I come right to the kitchen, take my meds. and within 45 min. it's gone. I just don't get why I wake up that way .... it doesn't make any sense to me. Input from anyone?

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@amberpep I tend to ruminate. Things go on over and over in my head. I have depression, but am not bipolar. I do, however, have PTSD. I have found writing things down help me. I also turn on "white noise" when I sleep. If it is quiet, my mind tends to really whirl when I'm trying to sleep, It is better in the morning and worse at night. Perhaps because the day is ahead of me, and I am distracted. I also take trazodone for my restless leg syndrome. It does help. Bio feedback is also something that has been helpful. I clench and relax my muscles starting at the toes and going all the way up my body. Most times I am asleep before I get to my hands. It makes me concentrate on what I am doing and keep my mind from ruminating. I know it can be really, really aggravating!. Perhaps talking with your doctor and with a therapist may give you some relief. A combination of the right medication and therapy is what gave me relief. It isn't any where as bad as it used to be. I find when I am nervous or something big is coming up (like your wedding and trip) tends to worsen the whirling, but then I just have to concentrate on my go to helpers - bio feed back, writing things down, listening to music - to get my mind calmed down. Hope you find some helpful ideas on this site. I have found Mayo Clinic Connect to be extremely helpful in lots of different ways. Good luck to you! Try to enjoy the trip and wedding without ruminating too much about it!


Hi all ..... if I may, I'm going to "switch horses" here .... I would like some input from anyone that has any insight into this. I've had depression and anxiety since I was an early teen and finally at age 45, I went to my doctor. She sent me to a Psychiatrist who put me on Zoloft. That was many, many, moons ago and I have a different Psychiatrist and now take meds. for Depression/Anxiety and Cyclothymia. I sleep great every night (my adult kids tell me I could sleep standing up!!!), but every morning, as soon as my feet hit the floor I feel this overwhelming anxiety and I don't know why. I slept well, was it dreams? I don't know what causes this, but I come right to the kitchen, take my meds. and within 45 min. it's gone. I just don't get why I wake up that way .... it doesn't make any sense to me. Input from anyone?

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@amberpep Hi. I have suffered from clinical depression since my teens. I also have PTSD. Clinical depression and anxiety are medical conditions. They are caused by imbalances in your brain chemistry - that is probably why you feel better after your medications. This may be something that you need to allow a certain acceptance of - that you will have some moments of anxiety until you take your medications. Knowing this can and does happen and accepting it may help you not be so anxious about it. Make sense? Perhaps keeping a positive note next to your bed so you can see it first thing in the morning may help reduce anxiety until you take your medications? Perhaps being awakened by soothing music instead of an alarm? I have found that the more I know about my conditions, the less afraid I am of them. I do my best not to let them have power me. Are you spiritual? Perhaps prayer or meditation first thing in the morning right after taking your pills so you are calm while waiting from them to work? I hope you find some answers and new things to try to help with your mornings. I will keep you in my prayers!


My spirituality is centered in God and the work that Jesus did for us. If my faith were strong enough, I would have no stress or anxiety but even when my faith is weak, I know God is in control and will be with me. Without Him I could not face the tough days.

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Hi all ..... if I may, I'm going to "switch horses" here .... I would like some input from anyone that has any insight into this. I've had depression and anxiety since I was an early teen and finally at age 45, I went to my doctor. She sent me to a Psychiatrist who put me on Zoloft. That was many, many, moons ago and I have a different Psychiatrist and now take meds. for Depression/Anxiety and Cyclothymia. I sleep great every night (my adult kids tell me I could sleep standing up!!!), but every morning, as soon as my feet hit the floor I feel this overwhelming anxiety and I don't know why. I slept well, was it dreams? I don't know what causes this, but I come right to the kitchen, take my meds. and within 45 min. it's gone. I just don't get why I wake up that way .... it doesn't make any sense to me. Input from anyone?

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@blindeyepug How wonderful that you have found such a great set of tools - better yet is that you are using them. I appreciate your sharing these with all of us. By the way, it there any one in particular that you find most helpful? Teresa

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