Skin infections while on Prednisone

Posted by paulinef @paulinef, Jul 10, 2017

I recently had a fall and mildly, or so I thought, scraped my knee. I am currently on 10mg day of Prednisone for PMR and the scrape
became infected so have just finished a course of antibiotics (cephalexin) which cleared it. Now I have another scrape that appears to be infected so wondering if others on prednisone have experienced this and if antibiotics are the only recourse..

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I have not had any sores that wouldn't heal while I am taking the prednisone. I was on 2 mg and was hoping I was done. A lot of my PMR pain came back. I increased the dose to 3 mg. I probably need 5mg, but feel as if I'm never going to get off of this medication. I can't believe 1 mg makes such a huge difference. It's almost been 2 yrs of dealing w this illness. Anyway I am managing w 3mg and I am taking 1/2 tramadol in the morning and the other 1/2 half in the evening.
Here's to all of us that are dealing w this pain. May an answer be found soon and may God heal us and give us peace and comfort.

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I am thinking after reading some of the posts about tapering down, maybe taking 2 mg in the morning and 2 in the evening. I have never thought to take any prenisone in the evening. Is anyone finding that helpful. I was down to 1 mg and all the pain has returned. Talk about depressing! I thought I had this PMR done. Anyway, I am taking 3 mg daily, but my shoulders and neck hurt so bad in the evening, I would say my pain scale is an 8.
If I wasn't so scared of pain medications, I would prob up my tramadol.


I have not had any sores that wouldn't heal while I am taking the prednisone. I was on 2 mg and was hoping I was done. A lot of my PMR pain came back. I increased the dose to 3 mg. I probably need 5mg, but feel as if I'm never going to get off of this medication. I can't believe 1 mg makes such a huge difference. It's almost been 2 yrs of dealing w this illness. Anyway I am managing w 3mg and I am taking 1/2 tramadol in the morning and the other 1/2 half in the evening.
Here's to all of us that are dealing w this pain. May an answer be found soon and may God heal us and give us peace and comfort.

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@barbararene, I want to encourage you to consult with your doctor before making any changes with your prescribed medications.
I admit that I do not share your particular health history. But I had been treated with prednisone for the first 7 years following my organ transplant. I don't recall any side effect during those years - or maybe in combo with my other meds, I was just used to it. Anyway, Last year I was told by my medical team that I could begin to taper off of it. I thought it would be fairly easy, since I was on "only 5 mg daily" .
I was in for a real learning experience - I learned that even a small change in my prednisone dosage (under doctor supervision) was most unsettling to my system, and triggered other issues. I have reached my 0mg prednisone dosage as prescribed by my doctor. And in my situation, I am where I need to be.

We all have different bodies, and our own reactions and health conditions can be completely different. I am sorry to read of your pain, but please, check with your doctor. Yes, prednisone is a little teeny pill - but it packs a real big punch.
And, yes, it does slow the healing process as it slows our immune system response to infections.


Thanks. I agree w consulting w my Dr. My Dr is adamant that I get off of the prednisone. She does not understand I can't function or go to work w/o it. I'm not sure I would consider an expert although she is a rheumotologist. But for that matter, I'm not sure anyone is an expert on PMR.


You are so right now I don't know about the skin infection but PMR is a puzzling ailment & the medical profession tries to deal with it the best they can, as there is no cure. It is a hit & miss situation & prednisone is the only medicine available they know of that will keep us functioning.


I have not had any sores that wouldn't heal while I am taking the prednisone. I was on 2 mg and was hoping I was done. A lot of my PMR pain came back. I increased the dose to 3 mg. I probably need 5mg, but feel as if I'm never going to get off of this medication. I can't believe 1 mg makes such a huge difference. It's almost been 2 yrs of dealing w this illness. Anyway I am managing w 3mg and I am taking 1/2 tramadol in the morning and the other 1/2 half in the evening.
Here's to all of us that are dealing w this pain. May an answer be found soon and may God heal us and give us peace and comfort.

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Well my Dr. has me on 5mg in the AM & 5mg in the PM & it seems to work for me that is not everyone reacts the same. I tried with just 10 mg in the morning & by night fall I was hurting & by morning time I was really hurting. Now my PMR also affects my wrist yes it is unusual for the wrist joints to hurt but mine do that is along with the shoulders.


You are so right now I don't know about the skin infection but PMR is a puzzling ailment & the medical profession tries to deal with it the best they can, as there is no cure. It is a hit & miss situation & prednisone is the only medicine available they know of that will keep us functioning.

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone - I really appreciate your comments and have come to the conclusion that I will be on prednisone for a long time yet, Fortunately the skin infection ha cleared up and in a couple of weeks I see my rheumatologist to review my dosage.


Do keep us updated after your appointment with the rheumatologist, @paulinef


Hello PMR friends,
Well I went to the Rhematoid Dr yesterday. I live in a Midland, Tx, a city of 150,000 and 15 minutes down the road is Odessa, another city of 150,000.
Anyway what I thought was interesting, was I asked my physician how many pts she had w PMR. She said I was only her second pt. in her clinic. She said the other pt was 83 yrs old. I am 59 yrs. old. I think she is learning along w me about PMR.
She is a young Dr. Probably in her 30's. She did say something discouraging and I don't believe it. I am on 3 mg. My plan is to do 3mg for 1 month, then 2mg, then down to 1mg. Her comment was, you may be on 3 mg the rest of your life. Really, not a very positive comment. As you know prednisone is hard on the bones and can increase osteoporosis. Well on my bone density tests, she said my lower 4 lumbar are very dense and I could be close to hairline fractures. (whatever that means). I guess meaning if I fall, there will be a break.
She wants to give me some shot that lasts one year, (I can't recall the name of it), but it is suppose to slow down the progress of osteoporosis. I am not open to taking any of these medications at this time for my bones. I did recently incorporate dairy back into my eating. My family has a history of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
One of you mentioned taking prednisone in the morning and then the other dose in the evening. She told me no, don't do that bc it will make it harder to get off of. I'm just telling you what she said. I know your Dr said do it. I go back and say I believe my Dr is still learning about PMR and does not have much experience. It was a surprise to hear that she had 2 PMR pts out of a city of this size. . I guess that does tell us that we are a unique group.
Let's keep sharing and get this illness figured out.


Hello PMR friends,
Well I went to the Rhematoid Dr yesterday. I live in a Midland, Tx, a city of 150,000 and 15 minutes down the road is Odessa, another city of 150,000.
Anyway what I thought was interesting, was I asked my physician how many pts she had w PMR. She said I was only her second pt. in her clinic. She said the other pt was 83 yrs old. I am 59 yrs. old. I think she is learning along w me about PMR.
She is a young Dr. Probably in her 30's. She did say something discouraging and I don't believe it. I am on 3 mg. My plan is to do 3mg for 1 month, then 2mg, then down to 1mg. Her comment was, you may be on 3 mg the rest of your life. Really, not a very positive comment. As you know prednisone is hard on the bones and can increase osteoporosis. Well on my bone density tests, she said my lower 4 lumbar are very dense and I could be close to hairline fractures. (whatever that means). I guess meaning if I fall, there will be a break.
She wants to give me some shot that lasts one year, (I can't recall the name of it), but it is suppose to slow down the progress of osteoporosis. I am not open to taking any of these medications at this time for my bones. I did recently incorporate dairy back into my eating. My family has a history of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
One of you mentioned taking prednisone in the morning and then the other dose in the evening. She told me no, don't do that bc it will make it harder to get off of. I'm just telling you what she said. I know your Dr said do it. I go back and say I believe my Dr is still learning about PMR and does not have much experience. It was a surprise to hear that she had 2 PMR pts out of a city of this size. . I guess that does tell us that we are a unique group.
Let's keep sharing and get this illness figured out.

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Well PMR is a very strange thing to treat. The only thing that will help with the discomfort is of course prednisone. Now how long will someone suffering with PMR will be on that steroid well it depends how long the ailment will last it could be 1 to 3 years & it is suppose to go away by itself. Now the dose of the pred. prescribed is different from patient to patient. Myself I started with 20mg/day now I am on 5mg in the morning & 5mg in the evening. I should be taking more as I do have shoulder pain & wrist joint pain all day but it is to the point that I am able to cope with the pain I just hate to take the steroid because possible side effects talk to your Dr. about side effects from taking steroids. I know at first it is discouraging to hear that but no-one in the medical field has a handle on PMR. Good luck


Hello PMR friends,
Well I went to the Rhematoid Dr yesterday. I live in a Midland, Tx, a city of 150,000 and 15 minutes down the road is Odessa, another city of 150,000.
Anyway what I thought was interesting, was I asked my physician how many pts she had w PMR. She said I was only her second pt. in her clinic. She said the other pt was 83 yrs old. I am 59 yrs. old. I think she is learning along w me about PMR.
She is a young Dr. Probably in her 30's. She did say something discouraging and I don't believe it. I am on 3 mg. My plan is to do 3mg for 1 month, then 2mg, then down to 1mg. Her comment was, you may be on 3 mg the rest of your life. Really, not a very positive comment. As you know prednisone is hard on the bones and can increase osteoporosis. Well on my bone density tests, she said my lower 4 lumbar are very dense and I could be close to hairline fractures. (whatever that means). I guess meaning if I fall, there will be a break.
She wants to give me some shot that lasts one year, (I can't recall the name of it), but it is suppose to slow down the progress of osteoporosis. I am not open to taking any of these medications at this time for my bones. I did recently incorporate dairy back into my eating. My family has a history of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
One of you mentioned taking prednisone in the morning and then the other dose in the evening. She told me no, don't do that bc it will make it harder to get off of. I'm just telling you what she said. I know your Dr said do it. I go back and say I believe my Dr is still learning about PMR and does not have much experience. It was a surprise to hear that she had 2 PMR pts out of a city of this size. . I guess that does tell us that we are a unique group.
Let's keep sharing and get this illness figured out.

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Hi Barbara,
What I've discovered is that each person is different on how their body reacts to prednisone. It is the "miracle" drug when it comes to PMR. My first episode of PMR was in 2007 and I was put on 20 mgs and after a month of feeling pretty good the rheumatologist had me start tapering off by cutting the dosage by half each month (if I remember correctly). I finally was able to get off of prednisone in 2010 but the last six months or so I was going between 1 mg and 1/2 mg until I finally felt good by stopping the 1/2 mg dose. My PMR kicked up again in mid 2016 and was put on 20 mg dosage. I thought I got this and tried the half the dosage each month and it hasn't worked for me. I'm currently at 5 mg and trying to reduce it by 1 mg a month. When I went from 6 to 5 I still notice a little increase in the associated aches and pains but after a week I feel slightly better so will stick with the 5 until I feel better then go to 4 mg. My previous doctor team had reviewed the first episode and the Mayo rheumatologists notes and just went with his plan. I've had another change in my primary care doc and won't see them until next year...unless I have to go for another reason.

The one piece of advice I can give with some good confidence is to keep doing some sort of exercise even though you still have the PMR aches and pains. It doesn't have to be strenuous but just something to keep moving. Maybe your doctor can give some advice on what the best kind of exercise would benefit you. Mayo Clinic has a little lifestyle, etc. info here:


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