Stomach bloating/ digestive issues

Posted by lizwhite80 @lizwhite80, Apr 14, 2017

Hi. I have been having severe bloating and stomach pain for over a year now. I have been checked for SIBO and H-pylori. I have had a stomach CT, an ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy, a hida scan, and a bunch of bloodwork done. The bloating and stomach pain are accompanied by exreme fatigue, hot flashes, and severe foot cramping. I was told over a year ago (after choking on food and some serious heartburn) that i have an impaired esophagus. I was placed on Emaprezale. The stomach issues continued to get worse. I was placed on more and more stomach medicine by primary care dr and GI. Nothing has helped. I was 125 lbs and i eat healthy and would work out regularly. I am now 140 lbs. I cannot workout because it causes stomach pain. Plus i am so tired i can barely make it through work. I went to see a naturopath after no success with GI. I was eventually put on an elemental det after other gut healing steps did not work. Even on the liquid diet the bloating continued, but i was not as tired. Eventually i crashed and needed to eat again. I had a food allergy and them avoided everything i wss told not to eat but this did not help. I was told i have gastritis and esophagitis but nothing they have done has helped how i feel. It is getting hard to make it through the day. I need help. I have had previous health issues including uterine fibroids that lead to bad blood hemoraging. I ended up having a hysterectomy . I had brain and spinal cord surgery 20 years ago for syringomyelia. I have had pancreas problems. I was told i had autoimmune problems including juvenile arthritis and sjogrens. Now i test negative for autoimmune problems but have lasting joint damage. I am 36. My rheumatologist told me i have the joints of someone 65 or older. I have been checked for pancreas issues but have no problems anymore. I am taking digestive enzymes but they ate not helping. Sorry for the long rant. Any suggestions???

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@lizwhite80 , Hi there. Did your Dr say anthing to you about IBS? I was diagnosed at age 21. Iam 65 now. And it has been an uphill battle practically the whole time. I also have GERD and gastroparesis, Diabetes 2, hypothyroidism and a couple other things. I am negative for Sjogrens thank God. I suffered with my stomach until i was prescribed Tagamet and Bentyl in the early 80's. I would have the bloating and pain and Bentyl took care of it. Do your bowels ever work at odds? Like constipation one day and diarrhea the next? Or, it doesn't have to work that way for you to be diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can have chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea with IBS. it can play havoc with your life. I cannot do without my PPI or my Bentyl. Or have you been to see your gynecologist? I have heard that bloating is a classic symptom of ovarian cancer. I am overdue for my gyno appt. Good luck Liz, keep looking. Btw, stress will make your stomach worse. So take care of yourself and let me know what the doctors are saying. Love, Judy

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I have had bloating and stomach issues my whole life. I'm 67 now but they started as a teen. I now have an ulcer they took forever to finally find. Am taking protonix for it but still have symptoms. Hope you find an answer and feel better.


@lizwhite80 , Hi there. Did your Dr say anthing to you about IBS? I was diagnosed at age 21. Iam 65 now. And it has been an uphill battle practically the whole time. I also have GERD and gastroparesis, Diabetes 2, hypothyroidism and a couple other things. I am negative for Sjogrens thank God. I suffered with my stomach until i was prescribed Tagamet and Bentyl in the early 80's. I would have the bloating and pain and Bentyl took care of it. Do your bowels ever work at odds? Like constipation one day and diarrhea the next? Or, it doesn't have to work that way for you to be diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can have chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea with IBS. it can play havoc with your life. I cannot do without my PPI or my Bentyl. Or have you been to see your gynecologist? I have heard that bloating is a classic symptom of ovarian cancer. I am overdue for my gyno appt. Good luck Liz, keep looking. Btw, stress will make your stomach worse. So take care of yourself and let me know what the doctors are saying. Love, Judy

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I had gall bladder surgery. Prior to surgery I was 128 lbs. I am now 160. Horrible. I keep thinking something is wrong. I keep my calories at no more than 1000 daily. I do have glass of wine now and then. It must be 100% sugar.


WoW! You sound almost like me! I was diagnosed with Waldenstrom Macroglobelemia in 2015. Watch & Wait is where I am currently. However, I, too, have bloating, cramps, & diarrhea almost daily. Went to see my Dr. who sent me to a specialist. He wants to do all the tests they did 2 years ago ... again! Not fun. I'm not convinced the tests will show anything ... again! Currently I am on a restrictive diet, meat, potatoes, & rice. No gluten, lactose, fruits, or veggies. I'm afraid to eat. Always eat at home. Everything comes from our own farm (fruits, meat, veggies). I want to blame my cancer for my intestinal problems, but every Dr. I've been to says it's not related. Can't make any plans 'cause I never know from day to hour what's going to happen. Any help or suggestions?

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I have RA on top of bloating stomach. I have been told calories are the biggie not exercise. Of course I have to be careful walking so exercise is when I walk my dogs. Slowly


Well, I just wrapped up an Easter dinner sans gluten, lactose, fruits, & veggies! Go figure! 🙁 Can't say I'm happy about it, but I sure am determined to stay away from anything that MIGHT be the culprit of my inner problems. I will even admit that I didn't overeat! WoW! That's a milestone! Anyway, I don't think I'm going to go thru the digestive tests the Dr. is recommending. I just don't think I can go thru them anymore. I guess it's my body & I have to feel comfortable with what's done to me. Anybody been there - done that?

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I have to avoid gluten and no nightshade veggies because of RA


Thank you at 66 and counting. I hate giving up yogurt but I will give it a try. It would be worth it.

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I totally agree that they are poisoning our foods. All these GMO'S can't be good for any of us. I get sick everytime I eat but have an ulcer and can't go without food or the ulcer hurts. I can't win. Someday I'll find an answer I'm determined to


@lizwhite80 , Hi there. Did your Dr say anthing to you about IBS? I was diagnosed at age 21. Iam 65 now. And it has been an uphill battle practically the whole time. I also have GERD and gastroparesis, Diabetes 2, hypothyroidism and a couple other things. I am negative for Sjogrens thank God. I suffered with my stomach until i was prescribed Tagamet and Bentyl in the early 80's. I would have the bloating and pain and Bentyl took care of it. Do your bowels ever work at odds? Like constipation one day and diarrhea the next? Or, it doesn't have to work that way for you to be diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can have chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea with IBS. it can play havoc with your life. I cannot do without my PPI or my Bentyl. Or have you been to see your gynecologist? I have heard that bloating is a classic symptom of ovarian cancer. I am overdue for my gyno appt. Good luck Liz, keep looking. Btw, stress will make your stomach worse. So take care of yourself and let me know what the doctors are saying. Love, Judy

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Hello! My doctor had me do an allergy test which said to cut out gluten, dairy and eggs. I have been feeling much better cutting out these. Still get pretty bloated and have issues, but I feel much better than before. I went to a different doctor who suggested a low food map diet for IBS. She said it manifests differently in people. Anyways, made me think of your comment. How are you doing?


@lizwhite80 , Hi there. Did your Dr say anthing to you about IBS? I was diagnosed at age 21. Iam 65 now. And it has been an uphill battle practically the whole time. I also have GERD and gastroparesis, Diabetes 2, hypothyroidism and a couple other things. I am negative for Sjogrens thank God. I suffered with my stomach until i was prescribed Tagamet and Bentyl in the early 80's. I would have the bloating and pain and Bentyl took care of it. Do your bowels ever work at odds? Like constipation one day and diarrhea the next? Or, it doesn't have to work that way for you to be diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can have chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea with IBS. it can play havoc with your life. I cannot do without my PPI or my Bentyl. Or have you been to see your gynecologist? I have heard that bloating is a classic symptom of ovarian cancer. I am overdue for my gyno appt. Good luck Liz, keep looking. Btw, stress will make your stomach worse. So take care of yourself and let me know what the doctors are saying. Love, Judy

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Amazing what our diet can do. I rarely eat eggs. Maybe 2 a year. Unfortunately, I became a vegitarian. I miss meat. But if I eat it, I must be slow as my system has had "fake" food for so long. Today I am feeling so good, that I am lying around watching You tube and just enjoying a day with no pain. Not yet anyway.


Get tested for fructose malabsorption and lactose intolerance.


I feel your pain. I have been dealing with severe pain in the top part of my stomach. I eat and I am sick. The pain shoots up. My dr keeps giving me RX and nothing works. I have been on Omoperxole for 20 plus years I’ve had colonoscopy and gastro. I am now waiting to go fir an IV CT and also waiting to get into a new gastro dr. I’m at the end of my rope. I stopped eating everything just liquids. I wish someone had answers too for why this is happening. I’ve had my gall bladder out too.


I have been suffering from indigestion for years now. Many hours after consuming a meal, I still feel full and heavy. Sometimes I can feel the food up my chest.

Let me also add that I don't usually experience free bowel movement. It take about 3 to 4 days for me to poo. So virtually all that I consume remains inside of me.

I am now overweight because of this situation. I have tried observing intermittent fasting just to reduce my food consumption. But lately I have started experiencing burning feelings on my stomach (I hope it's not ulcer).

What can I do

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