This and That and Talk - My Transplant

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Apr 9, 2017

As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.

Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.

What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


I think now 14 months post i worry less i guess for me that i never even came close to rejecting and after what seems like a dozen biopsy I don't remember how many and they were all negative so when i do remind myself of that. The other thing to is i remember my team told me that even if they saw a rejection it usually only meant they would increase my meds to take care of it.

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@danab You are right that over time and continued good test results the alertness fades somewhat and it has become just one of those things on my daily check-in list.


@threerrr3 congratulations on your upcoming transplant! When my husband's had his liver transplant last July he was on lifting restrictions for 4 months. He is still careful now with lifting if he is turning with the weight.
Best of luck and blessings,

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Hey @jodeej, I was thinking about you tonight. We haven't heard from you in a little while. How are you doing? Did you do anything exciting (or just plain relaxing) for the holiday weekend?


Hello @jodeej

I would like to add my thoughts to those of Colleen. As I recall your son was getting married and he planned a destination wedding. I'm sure it was lovely. I would enjoy hearing from you. I hope all is going well for you and your husband.


Does anybody here have a history of AIH (Autoimmune Hepatitis)?
There has recently been some activity in Autoimmune Disease Discussion Group and I know that your experience would be helpful there. Would you take a look? (Use the newest to oldest option to find the most recent)

Thank you.

I celebrated my 10 year transplant anniversary in April.

It's been quiet here - What's going on with all of you?


Does anybody here have a history of AIH (Autoimmune Hepatitis)?
There has recently been some activity in Autoimmune Disease Discussion Group and I know that your experience would be helpful there. Would you take a look? (Use the newest to oldest option to find the most recent)

Thank you.

I celebrated my 10 year transplant anniversary in April.

It's been quiet here - What's going on with all of you?

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My original diagnosis was AIH. I was diagnosed in 1985 at the age of 12.

I celebrated my 12-year liver transplant anniversary on May 8 (second liver). My kidney will be 7 years on November 16 this year.


My original diagnosis was AIH. I was diagnosed in 1985 at the age of 12.

I celebrated my 12-year liver transplant anniversary on May 8 (second liver). My kidney will be 7 years on November 16 this year.

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I added a link on my previous post for the Autoimmune Hepatitis conversation. Thanks for sharing.

@charicen, Happy transplant anniversary to you.
Are you able to schedule your annual checkups for the same time?


I usually schedule my annual checkups in November/December depending on who is in the Transplant Clinic at the time. I have a strong preference as to who I will work with by this time since I have been around there for over 20 years now. I schedule the two together so that I only have to make one trip and also save on the cost for insurance purposes. There is no sense in wasting time or insurance money repeating tests that both transplant followups order. I am all about being a cost effective person when it comes to those resources.


Not ignoring you...had heart catherizatuon all good. 2days later I fell on the hospital side walk and broke 3 bones in my hand and wrist my elbow and rib. How convenient it was at the emergency room entrance! Lol you cant make it up! Wont be texting much but please know I am reading everything and thinking of all of you...


Not ignoring you...had heart catherizatuon all good. 2days later I fell on the hospital side walk and broke 3 bones in my hand and wrist my elbow and rib. How convenient it was at the emergency room entrance! Lol you cant make it up! Wont be texting much but please know I am reading everything and thinking of all of you...

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@jeanne5009 Oh, dear! Good to find the humor in the situation, but how painful, too! Glad the heart catheterization went well - the silver lining, right?
Get better soon,

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