Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


Never heard of it... and sounds to me like a bit of over-medicating

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New to MC Connect so, we're you answering my post about Humira and lefludomide?


I am Bob, father of a daughter with RA. She was just prescribed a combination of lefludomide and Humira. As an old pharmaceutical rep I have always used "side effects" as things to be alert to should they occur but not as basis for fear. The side effects, however, coincide with some pre-existing or genetically predisposed. What are others experience with this combo?

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@nmalsb4316 Hello and welcome to MayoClinicConnect. I hope that someone can answer your question specifically. You mentioned that ‘the side effects coincide with some pre-existing or genetically predisposed.’ Can you explain more about the side effects that you’re concerned about?


@nmalsb4316 Hello and welcome to MayoClinicConnect. I hope that someone can answer your question specifically. You mentioned that ‘the side effects coincide with some pre-existing or genetically predisposed.’ Can you explain more about the side effects that you’re concerned about?

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Breast cancer runs in the family as well as skin cancer. My daughter had seizures when she was a child and diagnosed epileptic but seemed to have grown out of it. Stomach issues prevail. And heart arrhythmia runs in family.


I see there’s an RA group, I’d like to hear other’s stories and learn from the group.


II am a 68 year old woman who tested positive for RA and Lupus. I am currently on Prednisone 8mg., Rituxan , Methotrexate , and Gabapentin. My symptoms are well under control. Believe it or not I play tennis twice a week. However I am trying to titrate down from Prednisone. Having problems going from 8-7. Any suggestions? BTW I have been sick since I was 22 and wasn't given a Autoimmune test until 10 years ago. Until then all my problems were all in my head. WTH


Don't understand the Gabapentin as it's an anti-convulsive...as for the steroid, 8mgs is a very low dose, so not surprised that you can't go lower...perhaps as you continue the Rituxan if you've been on it for just a few months...


Don't understand the Gabapentin as it's an anti-convulsive...as for the steroid, 8mgs is a very low dose, so not surprised that you can't go lower...perhaps as you continue the Rituxan if you've been on it for just a few months...

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Hi, I have RAD Fibromyalgia and Lupus. I am on Gabapentin for burning in my legs. It really helps. I am also on a very low dose of prednisone 2mg and Rituxan. My Lupus is in remission, at least the lab numbers say so. I think the Rituxan is to thank for that. I was bedridden for a while until I started the Rituxan. Now I am up and can go to lunch or take care of my grandkids. I feel like I have some quality of life.


II am a 68 year old woman who tested positive for RA and Lupus. I am currently on Prednisone 8mg., Rituxan , Methotrexate , and Gabapentin. My symptoms are well under control. Believe it or not I play tennis twice a week. However I am trying to titrate down from Prednisone. Having problems going from 8-7. Any suggestions? BTW I have been sick since I was 22 and wasn't given a Autoimmune test until 10 years ago. Until then all my problems were all in my head. WTH

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I Was able to go down from 7 mg of prednisone to 2mg. It was a slow process. My Dr had me go down to 6 mg for a month and then down 1 mg each month. It is a process, but it is possible. I realize we are all different so it may not work for you. I hope it does!


Good day and thank you for allowing me to join this group, I have been diagnosed with RA, Fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, and a heart attack (vascular spasms) as well. I’m looking forward to receive and participate in these discussions. Thank you


I have my eyes tested annually as a result of a change in one eye my dosage of plaquinil was halved and has remained so.

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I am on Plaquinil as well, I test every 6 mos.

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