Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

Hello @ohboys4 and @along23, Welcome to Connect. Thank you for posting.

@ohboys4 I had never heard of using a baking soda and water mixture to help with inflammation and RA. I was able to find an interesting article so it might be something to discuss with your doctor. Do you have RA?

ScienceDaily - Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease
-- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180425093745.htm

@along23 It must be difficult for you to deal with all the health conditions that you have going on. It is a good thing that you are advocating for your health and working on finding answers. Are you able to prioritize your symptoms and conditions and have a frank discussion with your doctor on some type of treatment or therapy that will help? Here are a few other discussions you may want to join and learn what has helped others with similar symptoms.

> Groups > Diabetes/Endocrine System > Trouble with everyday realities of diabetes
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/trouble-with-everyday-realities-of-diabetes/
> Groups > Autoimmune Diseases > Interstitial Cystitis - I would like to connect with others
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-ve-been-told-that-interstitial-cystitis-is-an-autoimmune-disease-are-there/
> Groups > Chronic Pain > Fibromyalgia
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/fibromyalgia-3/


since you are on methotrexate keep tabs on your liver enzymes. i was on that for 3 weeks and it drove my liver enzymes very high. only bloodwork can tell.since you have RA what was you SED rate (0-20 is normal range)?.. god bless and good luck.......kozlo52

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Thank you. After 2nd week. Dr. Is doing bloodwork. Then adding to 6 pills for 2 wks then more bloodwork. It's interesting that this is such an old drug. Do you know what the best drug is for RA?


Sorry to hear that you have all these health issues. I was diagnosed with RA at age 42 (now 59)- I was started on Methotrexate for many years but I was having side effects and no improvement. Finally I found a good Rheumatologist that tried different medications (little improvement- I was in pain 24/7) and then 3 years ago he prescribed Xeljanz 5mg twice a day and finally I felt better. I still get some flares but not as often or severe (I use heat, Tylenol and some Ibuprofen when I have a flare). My daughter told me to try a gluten free diet- that is helping with my inflammation (my blood work 2 months ago showed no inflammation). I am taking the Xeljans now only once daily. Unfortunately, now I'm seeing pain management because I have damage (arthritis) to my cervical spine, lumbar spine and feet. I hope you find a medication that really helps with your RA symptoms. Good luck and God Bless you...

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Do you feel that if you started out on Xrljans sooner that you would of not had as much damage as you are dealing with know. I'm so sorry you are going through so much as well.


Hello @ohboys4 and @along23, Welcome to Connect. Thank you for posting.

@ohboys4 I had never heard of using a baking soda and water mixture to help with inflammation and RA. I was able to find an interesting article so it might be something to discuss with your doctor. Do you have RA?

ScienceDaily - Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease
-- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180425093745.htm

@along23 It must be difficult for you to deal with all the health conditions that you have going on. It is a good thing that you are advocating for your health and working on finding answers. Are you able to prioritize your symptoms and conditions and have a frank discussion with your doctor on some type of treatment or therapy that will help? Here are a few other discussions you may want to join and learn what has helped others with similar symptoms.

> Groups > Diabetes/Endocrine System > Trouble with everyday realities of diabetes
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/trouble-with-everyday-realities-of-diabetes/
> Groups > Autoimmune Diseases > Interstitial Cystitis - I would like to connect with others
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-ve-been-told-that-interstitial-cystitis-is-an-autoimmune-disease-are-there/
> Groups > Chronic Pain > Fibromyalgia
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/fibromyalgia-3/

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Thank you for all the information. I appreciate it.


Thank you. After 2nd week. Dr. Is doing bloodwork. Then adding to 6 pills for 2 wks then more bloodwork. It's interesting that this is such an old drug. Do you know what the best drug is for RA?

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each RA drug will either work or not work for each individual. Each RA drug does have potential dangerous side effects. the biggest can be lymphoma and you immune system is supressed so much you can get colds, viruses, flu very easily. I have a 75 years old friend who was so dischanted with all the different RA medicines and side effects that she went on medical marijuana after getting her license that she said that she has never fely better. now she can't drive anymore because if you are in an accident and get blood tested and it is discovered that marijuana is in your system that is an automatic DUI. she told me that the medical marijuana makes you feel better but your awareness of pain is known but not felt. i think it suppresses the neuro response of pain back to the brain. thsi is not a cure for RA but enable one to better tolerate the pain. as far as what RA drug to take, i can't tell you.... best wishes and god bless......kozlo52


I am trying to stay positive and think forward in what is going on in my body. I've had several chronic issues going on in my body for years. But know I have RA. The list is long. From thyroid, type 2diabetes, Prinze Metal angina, interstitus of the bladder, fibromyalgia, abdominal adhesions, cataract surgery/ scarring, droppy eye lids x2. Just to name a few. Take a lot of meds and Vitamins. I just had a 4 hr robotic surgery for 5 hernia and adhesions surgeon rebuilt abdominal wall. Then I continued to have major pain in rib/ abdominal pain. Walking/standing would cause pain and hurts to breath . So after more test I found out I have a bulging disc that is pushing on nerves to my right side of my ribs. Because of all the blood work I was also sent to rhematolaguest had an ultrasound on my hands and diagnost with RA. So much over laps and I don't know what to think. Taking new drugs. Methotrexate, folic acid and hydroxychlor. First round this week. Any one out there have stuff like me? Now I have a lot of calcium in my blood, so now have concerns for a perathyroid tumor. I'm only 55 yrs old. Feel like I'm barfing on you with all this stuff. Wish there was a Dr. That would look at all this at the same time. I'm one person. But seen separately by many Dr. High heart rate and irregular heart beat as well. Physical therapy, chiropractic care, genetic issues and venous insufficiency in right leg and flares up at times. Just weird stuff! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Sitting on the sidelines but don't want to stay that way! Thanks for reading.

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Is anyone aware of the studies being done on Baking Soda and water mixture as an anti-inflammatory treatment for RA?

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Antioxidants pycñagenol with the R next to the name


Do you feel that if you started out on Xrljans sooner that you would of not had as much damage as you are dealing with know. I'm so sorry you are going through so much as well.

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Yes. But the Dr. told that Xeljanz is fairly new (approved in 2012).


Thank you. After 2nd week. Dr. Is doing bloodwork. Then adding to 6 pills for 2 wks then more bloodwork. It's interesting that this is such an old drug. Do you know what the best drug is for RA?

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There is no one size fits all...I know folks who have had great results w/biologics where I have not...others on methotrexate...again didn't help me. Just as with psychotropics, it's trial and error.


each RA drug will either work or not work for each individual. Each RA drug does have potential dangerous side effects. the biggest can be lymphoma and you immune system is supressed so much you can get colds, viruses, flu very easily. I have a 75 years old friend who was so dischanted with all the different RA medicines and side effects that she went on medical marijuana after getting her license that she said that she has never fely better. now she can't drive anymore because if you are in an accident and get blood tested and it is discovered that marijuana is in your system that is an automatic DUI. she told me that the medical marijuana makes you feel better but your awareness of pain is known but not felt. i think it suppresses the neuro response of pain back to the brain. thsi is not a cure for RA but enable one to better tolerate the pain. as far as what RA drug to take, i can't tell you.... best wishes and god bless......kozlo52

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PERHAPS WE SHOULD PRAY FOR DRIVER LESS CARS? Tell them to hurry up for all of the blind people and the ones on marijuanna medication, or physically handicapped, etc.etc., etc.

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