Tips for your first Mayo Clinic visit and tests/appt schedules

Posted by jillnc @jillnc, Mar 21, 2017

I was asked by @colleenyoung to post some info I shared in another group. When you go for your initial visit if you are on a timeline and have to leave on a certain date be sure to tell the first dr you visit with. They still might not be able to get everything they want done, but at least they will know and if there are some tests or appts more important then others hopefully they'd be able to schedule those first. While not ideal I would say most tests can be done elsewhere (such as at home dr/hospital) if absolutely necessary and results sent back to mayo drs. Just remember you have options and ask what they are or even suggest ones and see what happens. My second tip is be sure that when you get your schedule of tests and appts you can always go to the desk the appt is scheduled for and see if you can get it moved up. I had tests over 4 days and got them all done in 1 1/2 days. I was able to get a dr appt moved up and freed up a whole day which that dr then added a bunch more testing so I was glad I had gotten things done to free up that day. There is a patient education center in the subway past the cafeteria that I never found time to go to, but really wish I would have.

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You are in a Catch 22, but If a doctor of mine refuses to share MY records with Mayo I would first get a copy of your files including all scans and tests and then fire him immediately.


My husband has been sick since Jan with “undiagnosed lung disease” we have been to four different hospitals.. including Methodist Hospital.. in Houston, Tx. He has his first appointments... at Mayo in Florida.. next Friday.. do they do test that day and schedule you to come back at a later date .. or do they work on weekends? We will be driving 15 hours .. just can’t find anything to let us know what to expect.


Everyone's case is unique and depends on type of specialist your seeing and testing required,
but it is very likely they will start some tests on Friday. With a few exceptions, Mayo outpatients areas are normally are not open on weekends.

Were you told to fast prior to first appointment in case they want to do blood tests? You usually can have blood test done same day. Imaging tests sometime take longer to have done depending on type of tests and availability of resources. And if need more complex tests like GI tests that require preparations, those will be scheduled in future, maybe the next week.

The good news, is once you have test done, the results are usually available the same day.

Have you created a sign on on Mayo Portal? If you sign on you may see some tests already have been scheduled or your doctor may want to see your husband first to determine what is needed.

Have you sent previous medical records to Mayo? or bringing them with? Even though tests has been done at another location, Mayo may want to repeat.

Good luck


My husband has been sick since Jan with “undiagnosed lung disease” we have been to four different hospitals.. including Methodist Hospital.. in Houston, Tx. He has his first appointments... at Mayo in Florida.. next Friday.. do they do test that day and schedule you to come back at a later date .. or do they work on weekends? We will be driving 15 hours .. just can’t find anything to let us know what to expect.

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Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We’re a community based forum where members share experiences to help each other find answers, offer suggestions and give support.

@roch (Laurie) gave you some great advice for your upcoming trip to Jacksonville. I’m sure it’s frustrating not knowing exactly what to expect with your appts at Mayo. As Laurie said, everyone’s case is different.

It’s wonderful that your husband will be seen at Mayo. It is a place of hope and they’ll do their best to find an answer to his lung disease. His first appointments will be the launching pad to the rest of his tests and or/procedures after he’s been examined. Mayo is unique in its ability to quickly schedule and accommodate the needs of the patient.

Often, when initial exams are arranged for first time patients, they’re told to arrange lodging for 3-7 days as an example. If your husband’s appts are all on one day it may not take longer. The Clinic also works closely with a patients PCP to possibly transfer treatment plans back home to make it more convenient for long term care.

Your husband has a Mayo Clinic number now. Has he set up his Patient Portal? If not, he can set one up in this link. It will list the appointments, times, location and what the test is for.

Mayo Clinic Florida - campus advice;

Your Tips on How to Get Off to the Best Start with a New Specialist:

Jacksonville lodging:

Visit to Jax. Mayo Clinic:

Have you found lodging? Do you have any questions about the campus?


Everyone's case is unique and depends on type of specialist your seeing and testing required,
but it is very likely they will start some tests on Friday. With a few exceptions, Mayo outpatients areas are normally are not open on weekends.

Were you told to fast prior to first appointment in case they want to do blood tests? You usually can have blood test done same day. Imaging tests sometime take longer to have done depending on type of tests and availability of resources. And if need more complex tests like GI tests that require preparations, those will be scheduled in future, maybe the next week.

The good news, is once you have test done, the results are usually available the same day.

Have you created a sign on on Mayo Portal? If you sign on you may see some tests already have been scheduled or your doctor may want to see your husband first to determine what is needed.

Have you sent previous medical records to Mayo? or bringing them with? Even though tests has been done at another location, Mayo may want to repeat.

Good luck

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Thank you.. for your response.
I now have all the disc and records from his four previous hospital stays and was told to bring those with us .. his appointments on Friday are at 7:15 and 8:30.. I am sure they will want to do their own test.. I literally have over 100 bloodwork test that are still coming in.. I wanted to cut down as much test as we can.. we are very blessed to be accepted by Mayo., but he starts to decline the longer we are away from home..
I will pack for a week and pack for a week and pray we are only gone a couple of days.. thank you again!


Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We’re a community based forum where members share experiences to help each other find answers, offer suggestions and give support.

@roch (Laurie) gave you some great advice for your upcoming trip to Jacksonville. I’m sure it’s frustrating not knowing exactly what to expect with your appts at Mayo. As Laurie said, everyone’s case is different.

It’s wonderful that your husband will be seen at Mayo. It is a place of hope and they’ll do their best to find an answer to his lung disease. His first appointments will be the launching pad to the rest of his tests and or/procedures after he’s been examined. Mayo is unique in its ability to quickly schedule and accommodate the needs of the patient.

Often, when initial exams are arranged for first time patients, they’re told to arrange lodging for 3-7 days as an example. If your husband’s appts are all on one day it may not take longer. The Clinic also works closely with a patients PCP to possibly transfer treatment plans back home to make it more convenient for long term care.

Your husband has a Mayo Clinic number now. Has he set up his Patient Portal? If not, he can set one up in this link. It will list the appointments, times, location and what the test is for.

Mayo Clinic Florida - campus advice;

Your Tips on How to Get Off to the Best Start with a New Specialist:

Jacksonville lodging:

Visit to Jax. Mayo Clinic:

Have you found lodging? Do you have any questions about the campus?

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Thank you .. for your response! His appts are at 7 and 8:30 ..on Friday morning.. I haven’t arranged lodging .. because.. we don’t know how long we will be there.. (lots of the places I have searched says no refunds on cancellations) if he has no test over the weekend .. we might consider sight seeing (via car ride) and being back on Sunday.. if they say he had follow up appointments on Monday. I am bringing hundreds of pages of test results as well as all of his scans on disc.
Thank you.. for all the links.. I will go look at them now. We appreciate any advice we can get..


Thank you .. for your response! His appts are at 7 and 8:30 ..on Friday morning.. I haven’t arranged lodging .. because.. we don’t know how long we will be there.. (lots of the places I have searched says no refunds on cancellations) if he has no test over the weekend .. we might consider sight seeing (via car ride) and being back on Sunday.. if they say he had follow up appointments on Monday. I am bringing hundreds of pages of test results as well as all of his scans on disc.
Thank you.. for all the links.. I will go look at them now. We appreciate any advice we can get..

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Hi Carolyn, It would surprise me if there were any tests on the weekend so you might as well enjoy a little sight seeing along the coast!

I completely understand how things may feel unsettled and so up in the air without a complete schedule. But Mayo Clinic is very comprehensive once the process gets underway with exam, diagnosis and treatment. It’s difficult for the doctors to know as well what further appointments will be needed until the initial exam and tests are underway. They’re so thorough and you’ll find everyone is devoted to making your husband’s experience at the clinic successful and as pleasant as possible.

Areas of the clinic are well marked with directions to make finding the appointments easy. Each clinic is staffed with legions of volunteers in blue jackets ready to answer questions and offer assistance.

Reading a previous post, you’re smart in planning to stay a week…just in case. I know this is hard on your husband but be assured he’ll be in the best hands possible at the clinic. You’ll be able to accompany him to most appointments now. Though if there are tests you won’t be with him. However, each area will have comfortable waiting for caregivers. Take your masks. They are required at all Mayo Clinic Campuses.

I’m not personally familiar with the Jacksonville campus but we have a lot of Members on Connect who are at home there and will jump to the rescue!

I’m sure your husband is anxious about his appointment. Does he have any questions or concerns?


Thank you .. for your response! His appts are at 7 and 8:30 ..on Friday morning.. I haven’t arranged lodging .. because.. we don’t know how long we will be there.. (lots of the places I have searched says no refunds on cancellations) if he has no test over the weekend .. we might consider sight seeing (via car ride) and being back on Sunday.. if they say he had follow up appointments on Monday. I am bringing hundreds of pages of test results as well as all of his scans on disc.
Thank you.. for all the links.. I will go look at them now. We appreciate any advice we can get..

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Carolyn, I recommend that you contact Mayo Clinic's free Concierge Services. They can help recommend accommodation options that have flexibility and that suit your needs and so much more. @lmindela can also answer your questions. See more info:

- Mayo Clinic Concierge Services

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