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Lung nodules & scared!

Lung Health | Last Active: Apr 11, 2023 | Replies (278)

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Thank you for the advice.I went to my gynecologist for my annual on Thursday and was told my lungs sounded hoarse and to call my pulmonologist. So I did as soon as I left the office to.I was nervous about what she heard and I couldn't get into pulmonologist until this Tuesday so I called my Internist,(which I hadn't seen since before all this started and he didn't know I had gone thru all this!) I thought these Drs were all sending him results bc I asked them to but apparently not! He knew about the initial pet scan though bc it was at Oncology office associated with his office.Anyway he said my lungs were fine but my throat was red and I had some sinus stuff going on and prescribed amoxicillin.He said its been around forever and I'm not allergic to it and it will get the job done. He also referred me to a local Infectious Diseases Dr that was in next town and said she was very good at her job.I am not sure anymore if trying to find a Dr far away was a good idea now.The Pulmonologist told me last time that he hoped I wouldnt get those scopes and biopsy to begin with bc he did the first bronchoscopy and I was fine.So that's that! I am still going to keep the appt with pulmo though. I worry about this vocal cord bc there is still space that germs can go through. I am calling to find out what specialist the ENT was going to send me to tomorrow bc they never called back. Ive been feeling tired and I don't know why, I still go to gym everyday bc I want my lungs strong,maybe its just the cardio.lots of weight to lose so I'm not stopping.

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Replies to "Thank you for the advice.I went to my gynecologist for my annual on Thursday and was..."

@pattymac, I am happy for you to now have your Internist involved. It sounds like he knows you and will be helpful in coordinating your care and making referrals for you.
Patty, I realize that you want to stay in tip-top shape and be proactive about your lungs, but be careful to not over do it. Going to the gym everyday sounds like it may be too often. I have discovered that if I do gym 2 days, day off, gym 2 days, 2 days off, that I feel better. And I don't get tired. I also notice that when I am breathing hard, that my throat sometimes feels it. I am not a medical person, but I wonder if the breathing and exertion, although helping your lungs, is adding stress to your throat/vocal chords? What are your thoughts on this?
Enjoy your day 🙂

Hi Patty @pattymac

It is so good to hear from you. I am also glad to hear that you are in contact again with your internist, this sounds like a good medical relationship, and the antibiotic for the throat sounds like a wonderful idea.

I agree with Rosemary's thoughts regarding the exercise routine that you are currently involved with - it sounds like it is probably too much given some of the other problems you have right now. It is very difficult for your body to heal and recover without some rest. Perhaps an every other day or every 2 day exercise routine would work well for your healing, especially while you are taking the antibiotics. You might also carefully think about the kind of exercises you are doing and maybe have shorter spurts of exercise (cutting the time of your routine in half?).

Are you feeling any better since you started the antibiotic?
