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Lung nodules & scared!

Lung Health | Last Active: Apr 11, 2023 | Replies (278)

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I went to Infectious Diseases Dr. yesterday and he has started me on a fungus med for several months and repeated blood work during time.I am starting to feel like a pin cushion.I am still coughing but not as much, its a deeper cough? He is thinking that I have Histoplasmosis? I haven't researched yet.I'm kind of afraid to but still will. I will come back and see later if any of you wonderful folks know anything about this or have any advice.I am so blessed to have you all on my side.I hope I can help someone else in the future.

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Replies to "I went to Infectious Diseases Dr. yesterday and he has started me on a fungus med..."

Hi @pattymac, sounds like your doctor has you on a path to recovery. Histoplasmosis is a specific type of infection (my words, non medical person!). Mayo Clinic has some information on histoplasmosis that hopefully will make you feel a little better.


Thank you for keeping us updated. Hope you have a good day with a lot less coughing.


@pattymac I, too, appreciate the update. It sounds like you are making some progress towards a diagnosis, Patti. Please keep sharing with us as you try this new medicine and work towards feeling better. You say that you hope that you can help someone else in the future - however, I think you have helped many of us already. Your persistence in carrying on in spite of your fears and anxieties has really blessed me! I'm going to tag Katherine @katemn to this discussion - she seems to know everything about respiratory issues - it will be interesting to see what she might know about Histoplasmosis. Keep up the good work, Patti. By the way, did your doctor say when the effects of the new medicine might be noticed by you? Teresa

Thank you john:) I think they are hoping they found something but I am hopeful and have got to destress soon! Too much to go through alone that's for sure.

I am very concerned about this new medicine bc I am allergic to everything it seems.And I was doing a few different things at the same time yesterday and took all 3 doses at the same time instead of 3 times the first day! I was scared and called Dr, he called a pharmacist and poison control, then called me back and said I should be OK.If I had a problem to go to ER, which I know and so far so good.I was so embarrassed and scared bc Ive never done that before!The fungus medicine is called itraconazole tablets 200mg

@pattymac Sorry, but I know ZERO about Histoplasmosis .. my knowledge stops at Mac and Bronchiectasis .. so sorry! Katherine @katemn Good Luck to you though!

Pattymac...re histoplasmosis....you said you live in Indiana...right? Well years ago my husband lived there for about 14 years. Fast forward 50 years...to 6 years ago..we've lived in Wisconsin for 44 years ..he got pneumonia twice in one winter ( First time).the Dr ordered a CAT scan cause the chest xrays had "stuff" on them....as did CAT scan. Off to Medical center Pulmonologist he went. Who on first visit asked where he had lived in past. When he said Indianapolis....she said " Thats our answer...you have histoplasmosis... that area of country known for it." No treatment indicated but gets annual checks. His immune system so far aside from pneumonas is holding itsvown.
Caused by bird or bat droppings that are breathed in. Tdrell

@pattymac, I just read that the doc is thinking about histoplasmosis. That caught my eye. When I was discharged from hospital to go home after transplant, I received a written statement (no references included).Here is some of what it said:

" ...The upper Midwest, including MN as well as those states along the Mississippi River and Ohio River Valley contains a fungus called histoplasmosis. Indiana has the highest concentration of this organism but we see it quite commonly in MN, MI, and lower WI.....considered one (of three-based on geographical region of country) of the opportunistic organisms and usually causes the most severe infections among those persons with weakened immune systems." (We are provided this information, so we can be aware when we travel)
and -
I remember a friend who was telling me about his dad coming to visit him here in Central KY for one summer, and helping on the farm. After dad returned home to his home state, he had a terrible lung/cough/breathing issue - until he mentioned he had spent time in KY - then the doctor knew what he was fighting against and was successful in treating it.

Hello John, I just looked at this link again since my second opinion agrees that I have this Histoplasmosis and I still cant understand how I got it?Anyway it looks like its curable so I am going to listen to Dr and take this fungus med for several months.Thanks for the info and pray your doing well.