Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

Posted by joyce1 @joyce1, Feb 25, 2017

Three months after colon resection I had a severe stomach cramp this morning and have not had a bowel movement yet. This is the first time this has happened. So far things have been good.

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I'm an AML Leukeamia survivor mate. My oncologist sent me to a colorectal oncologist. So perhaps they wanted to be *uber careful. And, I'm definitely still feeling like sh*te. I just think things can be smoother for patients. I understand the lingo fine. In fact, I practiced law for a decade, got I'll went back to university in order to go to medical school in my mid 40's. I'll be taking the MCAT this June. I hope to be a patients advocate when I'm done. My medical history is riddled with physicians that could care less. So, yes I'm a cheeky b*stard😆.


I guess I need to tone it down. It’s partly my (attempted) dry humor. No harm, I hope. Law, me too. Not a lawyer, paralegal then on to further education in business and psychology. Kind of an odd combination but like u (in a way). I left the business side of a hospital and became a patient advocate. Worked with geriatrics mainly. Know enough to hold a conversation at a cocktail party but not a expert by any means. I’m glad you are cheeky! I apologize about the misdiagnosis, no excuse for that. I hope you will accept my apology 😳


I guess I need to tone it down. It’s partly my (attempted) dry humor. No harm, I hope. Law, me too. Not a lawyer, paralegal then on to further education in business and psychology. Kind of an odd combination but like u (in a way). I left the business side of a hospital and became a patient advocate. Worked with geriatrics mainly. Know enough to hold a conversation at a cocktail party but not a expert by any means. I’m glad you are cheeky! I apologize about the misdiagnosis, no excuse for that. I hope you will accept my apology 😳

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I never was offended mate👌🏼. I'm sarcastic myself, it's in my blood I'm English and Jewish. No other way to be I reckon🤣👍🏻.

So I'm 6 days post-OP let me ask you many pain pills is okay to take? My doc upped my dosage from 1 Norco every 4 hours to 2 every four hours. I haven't had any today as I think it slowed my bowels. I went this morning but, there was only about two fists full of poo. That said, all I had was soup, half a slice white bread and one egg. Up until yesterday morning i was going all the time, albeit only a small amount, but at least 7x a day. I understand this is called clumping. One goes a massive amount and then things slow down. Tonight I'm having sponge cake with cooked cinnamon apples. Not sure what else I'll eat to be honest. The pain gets worse as the day progresses. I don't have UC, or Crohn's, or IBD, however I was mostly constipated until 24, then it became 50% constipation, 50% diarrhoea. Might have to ask my GI doc about Linzess. I don't want to do Miralax every bloody day.


I had my sigmoid (and some other parts) removed via open surgery on 5/6/19. Since then, I developed an anastomtic leak (5/16) SBO (8/19 caused by adhesions—this was resolved with laparoscopic surgery) and had another bowel resection on 11/6 after I had a bowel perforation. This was caused by an unconfirmed entrocutaneous fistula. I developed sepsis as the result of another leak and was hospitalized for five weeks. In my experience, it has taken a lot of adjustment, and my digestion still isn’t normal. Part of this is because I underwent chemo which caused some digestive issues, but stopped chemo in 8/19. I am still struggling with bouts of painful
Constipation. It makes me fearful of another obstruction. I think a lot of it has to do with what I eat because I’m typically a healthy eater and a lot of healthy foods are troublesome. My nutritionist said to take 1/2 to 1 dose of miralax daily if needed. I have a lot of bloating after eating and I’m guessing this may be my new normal. Drink a lot of fluid and try the miralax. If you have other specific questions I will be happy to answer


I had my sigmoid (and some other parts) removed via open surgery on 5/6/19. Since then, I developed an anastomtic leak (5/16) SBO (8/19 caused by adhesions—this was resolved with laparoscopic surgery) and had another bowel resection on 11/6 after I had a bowel perforation. This was caused by an unconfirmed entrocutaneous fistula. I developed sepsis as the result of another leak and was hospitalized for five weeks. In my experience, it has taken a lot of adjustment, and my digestion still isn’t normal. Part of this is because I underwent chemo which caused some digestive issues, but stopped chemo in 8/19. I am still struggling with bouts of painful
Constipation. It makes me fearful of another obstruction. I think a lot of it has to do with what I eat because I’m typically a healthy eater and a lot of healthy foods are troublesome. My nutritionist said to take 1/2 to 1 dose of miralax daily if needed. I have a lot of bloating after eating and I’m guessing this may be my new normal. Drink a lot of fluid and try the miralax. If you have other specific questions I will be happy to answer

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Jesus mate, I'm very sorry you've been through all that! May I ask your age? That's quite a lot if sh*te to go wrong with repeated surgeries. What caused the leak? How did they address it? According to my doc that is something I don't need to concern myself with as I've never had any type of abdominal surgery.


I never was offended mate👌🏼. I'm sarcastic myself, it's in my blood I'm English and Jewish. No other way to be I reckon🤣👍🏻.

So I'm 6 days post-OP let me ask you many pain pills is okay to take? My doc upped my dosage from 1 Norco every 4 hours to 2 every four hours. I haven't had any today as I think it slowed my bowels. I went this morning but, there was only about two fists full of poo. That said, all I had was soup, half a slice white bread and one egg. Up until yesterday morning i was going all the time, albeit only a small amount, but at least 7x a day. I understand this is called clumping. One goes a massive amount and then things slow down. Tonight I'm having sponge cake with cooked cinnamon apples. Not sure what else I'll eat to be honest. The pain gets worse as the day progresses. I don't have UC, or Crohn's, or IBD, however I was mostly constipated until 24, then it became 50% constipation, 50% diarrhoea. Might have to ask my GI doc about Linzess. I don't want to do Miralax every bloody day.

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I went home with a bacterial infection which was not addressed until Jsnuary, 2020; my bowels were all messed up. I think someone else might be able to give you a more straight forward answer. My diet was pretty limited (in my choices). I did incorporate apple slices for fiber and juggled back and forth between adding bulk and fiber to foods that would not irritate causing loose stools. I still eat later in the day. 2:30-3:00 pm, so I can pass my stool early evening. I choose todo this eating schedule so I can make appointments during the day and exercise (on treadmill right now! Multitasking!!!). Took me awhile to figure it out, but I’m sure, in time, you will be good to ago. I hope you get other members responding with helpful advice. Take care


Yes I’m not the typical patient. Anything that could go wrong has gone wrong. The first leak was caused by a staple that came loose at the connection site. The I developed abscesses after each of my surgeries. With the most recent surgery, they aren’t sure. It could have been a small Knick to the bowel or it could be an unknown cause. I do have ulcerative colitis and have had it for 25 years. That causes inflammation in your colon (it’s an auto immune disease). My colon cancer diagnosis was a complete shock as I was very healthy and a fitness fanatic (ran 5 miles a day and attended barre class 5 times per week. Very healthy so I was shocked to hear I had cancer. I was 51 when I was diagnosed and had I not been as physically fit, I wouldn’t have recovered as well as I did. With my most recent hospitalization, I was on a vent for 9 days and in ICU for 12 days. I couldn’t even stand up on my own, but I was determined that I would come home instead of a rehab facility so I forced myself to walk and show them I could do stairs! I have a good friend who had her sigmoid removed because of diverticulitis. She said it took over a year to feel normal. Good luck


Yes I’m not the typical patient. Anything that could go wrong has gone wrong. The first leak was caused by a staple that came loose at the connection site. The I developed abscesses after each of my surgeries. With the most recent surgery, they aren’t sure. It could have been a small Knick to the bowel or it could be an unknown cause. I do have ulcerative colitis and have had it for 25 years. That causes inflammation in your colon (it’s an auto immune disease). My colon cancer diagnosis was a complete shock as I was very healthy and a fitness fanatic (ran 5 miles a day and attended barre class 5 times per week. Very healthy so I was shocked to hear I had cancer. I was 51 when I was diagnosed and had I not been as physically fit, I wouldn’t have recovered as well as I did. With my most recent hospitalization, I was on a vent for 9 days and in ICU for 12 days. I couldn’t even stand up on my own, but I was determined that I would come home instead of a rehab facility so I forced myself to walk and show them I could do stairs! I have a good friend who had her sigmoid removed because of diverticulitis. She said it took over a year to feel normal. Good luck

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F**king hell, a staple. What awful luck pal. I don't know what to say? You're a tough bird. Good on you! I'm a fighter as well, I bloody love this life--even if it can be right sh*t at times. The world and people are amazing. I'll fight with everything i got to be apart of it as long as i can. Shalom & take care.


Think I'm going to add magnesium tablets to my daily regimen. I did this prior to surgery. I only had to use miralax after heavier meals. I'm only 8 days post op, but things are way different. I go like 5 times a day, but the output isn't as much🤔.


My husband lost three feet of colon in a resection ten years ago. Stage IIIa colon cancer. Like some of you here he had frequent loose to runny stools ever after. Doctors seemed to think it just goes with the territory and didn't give it much thought.
Ran across a new dr. who checked his gut flora a.k.a. microbiome(?) and it was not right.
She told me to get 'Align' probiotic 14 day package and it did the trick. About $30.00 at small town pharmacy. If you try it be sure to check the expiration date (my pharmacist told me so)
Husband doesn't have to take it all the time, about every 4 to 5 months his stools start getting a little sloppy and I get another box and presto chango all is well again.
Seems he can't maintain healthy gut flora no matter what he eats. Don't know why - was it the re-section or the frequent PET scans following.

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