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Cpap and getting better sleep: What's your experience?

Sleep Health | Last Active: Sep 15, 2022 | Replies (356)

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Information regarding Mayo Clinic and Medicare
See Medicare and Medical Assistance (Medicaid) policies here on Mayo Clinic's website: https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/billing-insurance/insurance/accepted-insurance/medicare

Mayo Clinic accepts new Medicare patients. Mayo Clinic is one of the largest Medicare providers in the country. Unfortunately, Mayo Clinic can’t honor all requests they receive from Medicare patients who want to come to Mayo Clinic. Medicare patients are accepted in all practice areas where there is capacity (appointments available) to accommodate them and most importantly, as the medical needs of these patients require.

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Replies to "Information regarding Mayo Clinic and Medicare See Medicare and Medical Assistance (Medicaid) policies here on Mayo..."

I find that policy very confusing. It used to be a clear-cut no Medicare accepted at Mayo in MN unless a resident of MN. Now there are so many exceptions listed I believe you need to be a lawyer to understand it.