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Cpap and getting better sleep: What's your experience?

Sleep Health | Last Active: Sep 15, 2022 | Replies (356)

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I have been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been told that I have an average of 30 events per hour. This is my second night of using my CPAP machine which is a Philips Respironics Dream Station with a Dreamwear Gel Pillow Mask. I am not falling asleep until 2:30 a.m. and waking up at 4:30 a.m. I am basically getting two hours of sleep a night. I am beside myself and feel like this CPAP machine has stopped my life. I have an appointment today with the respiratory therapist because I feel like the mask does not fit me properly and the machine makes a loud whirring noise when I inhale, keeping me awake. I am very sound sensitive. I guess I am looking for reassurance that I will eventually find the right combination of machine and mask and get used to my new sleep scenario.

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Replies to "I have been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been told that I have an..."

Hi, @cece55. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I moved your discussion here to this discussion, "CPAP and Sleep," so that you can connect with others who are discussing their CPAP machines. Simply click VIEW & REPLY in your email and you will be able to read previous posts and respond to other users' posts to you, like @johnbishop, @bernese53 @sleepy0 @thankful @alanbruce @johnhans.

Sounds like it's been challenging with trying to get used to the machine. I would say that many Connect members have talked about an adjustment period of becoming comfortable with the machine, its noise and feel, and with masks - often trying out multiple to find the most suitable one.

Good to hear you have an appointment today with a respiratory therapist. Are you hoping to figure out a way to better adjust your mask, or get a new mask to try?

@cece55- Glad you found us and you will find several members that I'm sure will chime in on your post.
I have used C-pap therapy for over 20 years and you will notice on many of my previous posts on this subject that I believe that finding the right mask for you is the most important part of this therapy. It would be rare to find anyone that early in their use of C-pap would not find it fustrating and many of masks have been ripped off in the middle of the night!
I would definetly work with your sleep therapist on securing the right mask for you. It took me over 6 different masks before I found the right one for me. Because I am a mouth breather I tried several full face masks initially, but I seem to have what my therapist referred to as a "tweener" sized face which means that it seemed I was in between sizes and consequently had leakage all the time. I also didn't like the clostrophobic aspects of the full face mask. I swithed to the Fisher Paykel Zest nasal mask with a chin strap. This works great for me although my grandsons are scared when they come to wake grandpa up! Lol! Jim @thankful