Cpap and getting better sleep: What's your experience?

Posted by steve1948 @steve1948, Feb 24, 2017

I was in the hospital for pneumonia and while I was getting a nebulizer treatment the therapist asked if I use a Cpap at home, at the time I didn't have one. Now mind you I was only sleeping for 2 hrs a night during my pneumonia bout (2 weeks) and the therapist asked if I were open to using a BPAP (what they call it in a hospital) it was a large machine and I said of course. Upon using it I still only slept for 2 hours but it was a very restful 2 hours of sleep and was welcomed. I told my Pulmonologist and got set up for a sleep study, and it is all history. I sleep more restful (have much less visits to the bathroom at night) and use it religiously. Medicare covered my testing and machine. After my test my doc told me I stopped breathing x amount of times a minute, and was restless (tossed and turned) an ungodly amount of time during my test. On the follow up test (with the Cpap) the number decreased significantly. My sister snores like a constant thunder storm and she went for a test and got her Cpap, and now she doesn't snore at all and tells me she sleeps much better.
There are two ways to use the machine, with a nostril mask (so to speak) and a full mask (you usually see on TV movies). The latter is what I use, I couldn't get use to the nostril application, and if you were to catch a cold, I don't know how well it would work, but I use the mask never the less. Hope this helps, and do read the instructions about your machine.

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@johnbishop- Congrats John! As I have written in past posts, the mask really makes the difference. My AHI is usually between .07 and 1.5 and my ususage is over 7 hrs per day. This was not the case early on as I struggled to find the right mask as well as getting the correct pressure dialed in. The thing for me that helped me hang in there was I really noticed the difference especially on the nights that I kept the mask on and I woke up rested and refreshed! That will soon come for you I'm sure! Keep trying different masks until you find the right one and if necessary ask the sleep clinic about changing the pressure. My pressure is set at 12 and I know I have a ramp of 15 min. Sending you a fortune cookie notice "you will have sucess in your sleep endeavors"! Jim @thankful

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Thanks Jim! @thankful, I'm a CPAP work in progress ☺


Hi @bernese53, the Amara View is much like my Dreamware full face mask that fits under the nose. I had thought about trying it but feel I will have the same issues as with the Dreamware since it's under the nose and breathing through a hole in the mask to the nose.

Are you on Medicare? I don't think the follow up is as important if you are not on Medicare unless you are having trouble. When you got your CPAP machine at Mayo did you have to sign a contract for purchasing it? If you are having problems I would definitely recommend calling and making a follow up appointment. I think they can be helpful in analyzing sleep breathing problems.

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Just started Medicare. Thankfully, not having too many problems, other than chewing the face cushion. Switching to a different size seens to be helping.


Just in case you want some more information on Medicare coverage for sleep apnea and CPAP, here is the government web page.

Sleep apnea & Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices & accessories


I made an appointment with the sleep therapist at the medical store for Saturday to look at getting a different CPAP full face mask. I've had issues with all three of the ones I have - the Resmed AirFit F10 (which I got from the Mayo Sleep Study), the Fisher Paykel Simplus which I got with the CPAP machine, and the Dreamware full face mask which I got within 30 days because of problems I had with the Simplus mask.

Yesterday I woke up with a large sore on the top of my nose and redness on the sides caused by my fall back mask the AirFit F10 rubbing on the top of my nose. Thought I could get away with a bandaid on the top of my nose but woke up less than 2 hours after putting on the mask and made a decision to try the Dreamware mask again. It has a liner on it that also works with the Amara View. I was able to get through the night with it but it felt like I was having an air hose stuck up my nose all night ☺ ... not very comfortable. I'm going to keep using it for the next 2 nights until I have a chance to get another mask. Both of my other masks rub the top of my nose.

Kind of reminds me of the story - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again ☺ or something like that.

Is it Friday yet?


I made an appointment with the sleep therapist at the medical store for Saturday to look at getting a different CPAP full face mask. I've had issues with all three of the ones I have - the Resmed AirFit F10 (which I got from the Mayo Sleep Study), the Fisher Paykel Simplus which I got with the CPAP machine, and the Dreamware full face mask which I got within 30 days because of problems I had with the Simplus mask.

Yesterday I woke up with a large sore on the top of my nose and redness on the sides caused by my fall back mask the AirFit F10 rubbing on the top of my nose. Thought I could get away with a bandaid on the top of my nose but woke up less than 2 hours after putting on the mask and made a decision to try the Dreamware mask again. It has a liner on it that also works with the Amara View. I was able to get through the night with it but it felt like I was having an air hose stuck up my nose all night ☺ ... not very comfortable. I'm going to keep using it for the next 2 nights until I have a chance to get another mask. Both of my other masks rub the top of my nose.

Kind of reminds me of the story - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again ☺ or something like that.

Is it Friday yet?

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Uhhh I am so so so sorry you are having such a rough time with this!! I Wish I could fix it for you but unfortunately everyone is so different that it can sure take a lot of trial and error.

Prayers for peaceful sleep tonight!!


Uhhh I am so so so sorry you are having such a rough time with this!! I Wish I could fix it for you but unfortunately everyone is so different that it can sure take a lot of trial and error.

Prayers for peaceful sleep tonight!!

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Thanks Dawn @dawn_giacabazi. It's funny how I really liked the Dreamware mask which is similar to the Amara View but I'm not sure why all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't breathe with it on even though the mouth part was open and OK. I asked the therapist about the Amara view the last time I went in to see if I could get a larger head frame for the Dreamware because I thought the medium head frame with the large mask was my problem. She told me it leaks more than the Dreamware but I'm thinking it's different facial structures that makes it harder for each of us. I am going to take a look at it Saturday though. There is also an Air Touch F20 full face mask that's the same as the Air Fit F20 except it has a memory foam mask instead of the regular stuff that is used for the edges. The only problem I see with that is that it has to be replaced every month. Decisions, decisions, decisions...


Thanks Dawn @dawn_giacabazi. It's funny how I really liked the Dreamware mask which is similar to the Amara View but I'm not sure why all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't breathe with it on even though the mouth part was open and OK. I asked the therapist about the Amara view the last time I went in to see if I could get a larger head frame for the Dreamware because I thought the medium head frame with the large mask was my problem. She told me it leaks more than the Dreamware but I'm thinking it's different facial structures that makes it harder for each of us. I am going to take a look at it Saturday though. There is also an Air Touch F20 full face mask that's the same as the Air Fit F20 except it has a memory foam mask instead of the regular stuff that is used for the edges. The only problem I see with that is that it has to be replaced every month. Decisions, decisions, decisions...

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I Think what I absolutely love the most about the mask I use is that the mask goes under my nose and therefore I don’t have to worry about sores on the top my nose or the pressure of my sinus cavities under my eyes is eliminated. The straps on the headgear are actually Velcro so there’s no sizing to worry about.


I made an appointment with the sleep therapist at the medical store for Saturday to look at getting a different CPAP full face mask. I've had issues with all three of the ones I have - the Resmed AirFit F10 (which I got from the Mayo Sleep Study), the Fisher Paykel Simplus which I got with the CPAP machine, and the Dreamware full face mask which I got within 30 days because of problems I had with the Simplus mask.

Yesterday I woke up with a large sore on the top of my nose and redness on the sides caused by my fall back mask the AirFit F10 rubbing on the top of my nose. Thought I could get away with a bandaid on the top of my nose but woke up less than 2 hours after putting on the mask and made a decision to try the Dreamware mask again. It has a liner on it that also works with the Amara View. I was able to get through the night with it but it felt like I was having an air hose stuck up my nose all night ☺ ... not very comfortable. I'm going to keep using it for the next 2 nights until I have a chance to get another mask. Both of my other masks rub the top of my nose.

Kind of reminds me of the story - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again ☺ or something like that.

Is it Friday yet?

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I think I mentioned in a previous post but it’s definitely worth mentioning again, I struggled with the claustrophobia and the uncomfortableness. My doc had me wear the mask in the evenings when I was watching TV or reading a book or doing some paperwork. I wore the mask for about an hour each night and then increased the time until I got comfortable with the machine before I ever attempted to sleep with it. Maybe try wearing during the evenings for awhile until you find the right mask and settings.


I think I mentioned in a previous post but it’s definitely worth mentioning again, I struggled with the claustrophobia and the uncomfortableness. My doc had me wear the mask in the evenings when I was watching TV or reading a book or doing some paperwork. I wore the mask for about an hour each night and then increased the time until I got comfortable with the machine before I ever attempted to sleep with it. Maybe try wearing during the evenings for awhile until you find the right mask and settings.

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Thanks Dawn - that's a great tip!

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