Open heart surgery

Posted by rethajones @rethajones, Mar 19 7:26am

My husband is 71. He has a leaky mitral valve and a-fib. The doctor wants to do open heart surgery. 4-6 hours in surgery and 1 week stay in the hospital. Does anyone know of a non invasive procedure that can correct both the leaky valve and a-fib?

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Are you doing EVERYTHING you can do naturally to at least eliminate afib? Do you consume anything with caffeine??? Coffees, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, colas? Do you drink water throughout the day? Those two actions eliminated my afib.

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I don’t think the Doctor told my husband that. I will tell him!!
Thanks so much!
God Bless,


Oh wow. Open heart means they have to crack open the rib cage…then staple it back. My Dad never recovered from such a procedure when he had bypass done at age 71. He lived to 92…but, he never again walked with ease, always needed a walker. Never seemed to recover from the pain.

Both the conditions you mentioned can be handled in a more none invasive manner…..why crack him open? How primitive

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I'm sorry that your father had to deal with that pain. Medicine is improving; I think that sometimes, these conditions can be handled in a more noninvasive manner, but not always. Both of my parents had sternotomies for bypass in their late 70s or early 80s, and both recovered without any lingering pain. They both lived relatively healthy lives into their mid-90s.


I don’t think the Doctor told my husband that. I will tell him!!
Thanks so much!
God Bless,

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Most doctors treat only with meds and treatments and surgery not how to prevent or alleviate naturally. I have gotten rid of many health problems naturally.


Most doctors treat only with meds and treatments and surgery not how to prevent or alleviate naturally. I have gotten rid of many health problems naturally.

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You’re right!!

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