Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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Whey is a protein so different from a collagen product although there may be some products that contain both.

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True. I’m guessing I’m most looking for the collagen

Have you used collagen powders? Or is this something that is helpful?


Morning Lynn...I like that more info and interest is being directed towards emelorating our bone conditions..instead of having that sinking "oh well" feelings about what we, as patients , we can do for ourselves that not only improves our bone density, but gives us back our power to seek out reasons why we've lost so much bone.
I'm on the search for this reason myself. There has to be a point where something went wrong in my body to cause this amount of bone loss. I'm going to be seeing an Endocrinologist and get as many tests done to try and find the impetus....otherwise I'm just adding to a bucket with a hole in it...leaking out all the bone nutrients that could be going to my bone health.
MD's seem all too happy to write a script for whatever ails us...while not really seeing 'us' as an important component in regaining our bone health and overall health as really is up to us!
I'm not anti-drug...just a seeker of knowledge..wherever that will lead me.
If using a trampoline helps and the data seem reasonable..then do it! If changing one's diet to a more mediterranean one would help..then change! Add in more doesn't cost more when one eats this costs have gone down now that I eat what I buy and buy small amounts at a time to make sure it's as fresh as I can get. Probiotics are easy to find and enjoy these days..very good for our 'gut'...grass fed dairy....come on folks...I challenge you all reading these to do something different each day for 'you'...get into the solution and out of the worry that's keeping you back from enjoying your lives. I'm here...let's do this! Hugs.....

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I'm with you. My Dr tells me to research drugs he could prescribe and then decide. I do a whole bunch of research and absolutely enjoy it. Prolia was a hard no for me.


good to get this kind of feedback. I've also been taking the 5 types of collagen each am with my coffee...adding this into all the aleloritive changes I'm making. One has to do their own homework there are a lot of these products out there..and some are pure hype. I've been doing the collagen for about 4 months now and I can see a difference in the skin on my hands..smoother. well as the skin on my hands in general. Not looking for miracles here...just wanting to aid in what I'm lacking to be a better 'me' at 76 1/2....
Anyone else taking collagen now?....or whatever you're doing that you feel is important...please share. Thanks you.....hugs.....

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I just started 2 weeks ago and am sure it isn't enough time to see any difference. Will be discussing this with my Dr. tomorrow.


I just started 2 weeks ago and am sure it isn't enough time to see any difference. Will be discussing this with my Dr. tomorrow.

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Thank you for your inquiry and concerns. Hope you are feeling your best today....

Well..I'm now 80 and still doing the codeage collagen every morning in my coffee....I take a lot of suppliments daily and feel quite good these days. My last Dexa still showed a bit of improvement..not any worse, at least.
I have to admit that I don't over due my body, but rather work with 'her''s a marathon and not a race..afterall.
I'm very content and have more peace of mind with more knowledge as well as 'feeling' how my body responds to what I do do. Even with three compression fractures in my mid back...I only get pain there if I do too much lifting or pushing...I use heated pads on my back and lower spine most evenings when I sit...maybe because it feels so damn's now become my drug of choice...but it certainly helps to relax the muscles and quell the bone pains. I walk on my treadmill most days when I don't take a brisk walk outside....I'm doing more stretches and trying to enjoy working out my upper body with small weights. I just added Glucosamine and MSM to my daily vit's. for my knee pains..and it seems to be helping in just a short I'm bone on bone in them..and not wanting to go through a TKR surgery and re=coup. I take Bone-up 3x a day....5,000mg VitD3 (with meals) and stronthiem..along with many other supp...but these are the basic 'bone' supp.
We all have to do what feels right for our own situations and head-space comfort. I tend to go for more products that don't have the 'tag a long' lists of contraindications a disclaimer....That does not bring me peace of mind. We all age differently...I choose to follow my heart and mind in seeking a comfort level that allows me to sleep better at night. I wish you all the same...keep moving and being thoughtful to just feels good to do that.....


I am taking Algaecal collagen and find it to be very easy. It’s tasteless and I add to my coffee every morning. I’ve seen a difference in my skin and hair as well. It’s a great product!


I am taking Algaecal collagen and find it to be very easy. It’s tasteless and I add to my coffee every morning. I’ve seen a difference in my skin and hair as well. It’s a great product!

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Is there anyone taking Tymlos injections for Osteoporosis if so do you know if you can give the injections in the upper thigh some instead of always having to inject the stomach ?


I've been taking Vital Proteins with 20g of collagen peptides, but have wondered if this is the best one. I saw another one advertised with a much higher level, but not sure what's best. Regular doctor and rheumatologist both shrugged and said collagen is not likely to do much of anything.


Is there anyone taking Tymlos injections for Osteoporosis if so do you know if you can give the injections in the upper thigh some instead of always having to inject the stomach ?

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I was on tymlos for 5 months, then due to an insurance change had to switch to generic forteo. But while on tymlos, I asked my doctor your question (if thigh injection was ok), and she told me not to do that, to only inject into the abdomen as included in the tymlos pamphlet that comes with the med, or as seen on the website.

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