Panicking before a seizure and what to do?

Posted by tara22 @tara22, 10 hours ago

Hi to anyone reading. I suffer with grand mal seizures since I was 14 I’m now 24. When I get that feeling something bad is going to happen to me I go into a major panic attack can barely breathe now this is quite often yet sometimes I don’t go into a seizure it’s just the fear of having one and the pain of it starting. I was wondering does this happen to anyone a lot because it does with myself and I have never talked to anyone else about this and would it help with my anxiety because I’m an anxious type of person anyway with a lot of stress onto of it, to try get any anxiety medication off a doctor. I’m in two minds about it because I really feel like I can’t live the rest of my life like this… literally living in fear. I hope this message finds you well 🙂

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Are you taking anti-seuzure medication? If so, have your seizures decreased in frequency and/or severity? Have you had an EEG?


Hi. Yes, I’m on Keppra 2,500mg a day. They’ve been all over the place, last year I was getting double seizures and upted my dosage by 500. Yes I’ve had EEG’s done. It’s more the anxiety and fear that I can’t have a normal day to day life without worrying.


Hi @tara22
This panic attack must be something terrible. Have you spoken about that with your doctor? It can be related to your epilepsy and also medications.
All my best to you!
Chris (@santosha)

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