How to find a counselor for myself, caregiver of spouse with cancer?
Hi everyone, how can I find a counselor for myself as a spouse of my husband with cancer. I am not looking for a support group, I need one on one counseling.
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Where is he receiving care? They should have a counselor who can help you there.
He is recovering care ar mass general hospital in Massachusetts
They should have some counseling available there. It may be social worker staff or some other caregiver advisory staff.
@lmhgator80, Like @royce, I also recommend asking for a consult with an oncology social worker where your husband receives care. They support caregivers as well as patients. They may provide the one-on-one counseling you are looking for or can give you information about services and resources:
Learn more here:
- How an Oncology Social Worker Can Help
Hi @ejbauer, how is your loved one doing? What is he recovering from? How are you doing?
Thank you for the advice! My daughter has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and I asked my GP for a recommendation for a counselor...two months later the counselor gave me 1) a list of books to read and 2) a list of psychologists who may or may not accept Medicare. It was a complete waste of time (1/2 hour). I came out of that meeting shaking my head and a bit angry, to be honest.
@judychurch Dang. As you read @colleenyoung's post, I recommend the same avenue. Clinical social worker at your daughter's cancer care clinic. If she does not live close to you, then go to your local cancer community center, and explain your situation. They may be able to reach out to help you. It is so good of you to think of your needs, also, as your daughter fights her battle. She needs your support.
Hopefully you will be able to be paired with an individual counselor who will be matched to your situation. You need sensitive support and a care-based therapeutic relationship, not books. Please don’t give up. Help is available!