Sigmoid colon resection: What to expect for recovery?
It’s been 4+weeks since my resection. Found a cancerous polyp during a routine screening. Some frustration over the lack of information given by the surgeon as to what to expect afterwards. Late 60’s so I know the healing will take time. Mostly, struggling with bowel urgency/frequency and experiencing stomach pain from gas (pretty sure) is three months s realistic time frame for returning to “normal”? I’ve seen some posts that talk about two years? No further treatment so I was lucky. If anyone has had this surgery and went through or is going through the healing process, I would love to hear from you. Just kind of out there.
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Same happened to me. I’m one month past 12 inches of sigmoid colon removed due to adhesions from my hysterectomy.
It’s been a rough recovery. My sigmoid colon was twisted and stuck to my side wall, I spent two years begging doctors to go in to see what’s going on and being dismissed. Eventually they did and an extensive 7 hour surgery was done. I’m now adjusting and worried I will have reoccurrence of adhesions. Did you? How are you now?
These were some of my adhesions.
Hello @nouveaustyle and welcome to Mayo Connect. As you posted your experience in the Colorectal Cancer support group, I'm assuming that the sigmoid colon surgery was cancer-related? I ask, because not all sigmoid surgeries are related to cancer.
If you could provide more information as to the type of cancer, I can connect you with others who have had a similar experience. If you do not have colorectal cancer, I'd be happy to direct you to other discussions in the Digestive Health support group that deal with sigmoid surgeries and adhesions.
Yes I went through it and that’s good about 2-3 months. How are you doing now
Rectocele surgery?
Can anyone elaborate? Gynecologist, urogynocologist or proctologist to repair. Finding out I have one of these and curious about the surgery and which type of Dr. used?
Down time? Reoccurrence?
Taking Linzess for motility issues.
I had surgery to remove polyps. The removed my sigmoid colon and some lymph nodes. They sent it off for biopsy (it’s just normal procedure in UK) They found stage 3 colon cancer
Apparently it was not seen when colon was removed as I was an emergency (my polyps had burst and I collapsed in pain). So if it hadn’t been for my collapse, the cancer would have spread. That was nearly 3 years ago. I now have regular scans/bloods. So please be careful and ask for a biopsy if any polyps removed. My overall recovery was 3 months. 7 weeks in hospital, the next 5 weeks at home.
I am a 47 year old male with approximately 15 bouts of diverticulitis over a two year period. I have no negative physical or emotional health history.
The last bout of Diverticulitis was so excruciating that it made my decision to have the Sigmoid Colon resection performed.
Up until then, I was always so scared.
I’m now 6 days post op. I experienced a bit of a rise in my kidney levels (this has since leveled out), am no longer peeing blood from the catheters, and am taking 4 or 5 different meds.
I was sent home after passing gas on the 4th day.
Besides being extremely fatigued with weak vocal cords, the only unfathomable pain I am having is when I have to poop or do poop.
I get a crazy painful sharp pain from my rectum area. It’s like a lighting bolt of an ache and I’m now afraid to go poop at all.
Does anyone experience this? How long does it last? Am I doomed forever?
I am now 6 weeks post op from a sigmoid colon resection. Was NPO, and had to start TPN, which was just discontinued last week. Initially, once my bowels started moving, I, too, had that very painful burning sensation, which I described as “fire”. After about 4 days that did stop, I so hope that is the case for you. Best of luck with your healing.
I had a resection 12 months ago. They did not do surgery on my rectum. I do have hemorrhoids though. Could you possibly have a hemorrhoid (?) that could certainly cause that lightning bolt! Try to get a picture of the area so you can see for yourself if there's anything red or sore
@charlie1958, good to hear that the burning sensation stopped for you. How are you doing now? Will you need further treatment after surgery?
Apologies not cancer related